Copied description from Irishness
Got sent this through Ticketek - discounted offer on the Fetch Mighty $299 normally $449.
Copied description from Irishness
Got sent this through Ticketek - discounted offer on the Fetch Mighty $299 normally $449.
I love my Fetch Mighty, the best Entertainment box around IMO.
Not only does it give you a PVR and all the catch up channels as well as Netflix, Stan, and Amazon, it is also 4K (and Dolby Atmos) capable and quite often allows access to Foxtel channels free for the month.
You can also get the mini version (not 4K) and link them up allowing you to play, or even set, recordings from the Mighty over local wifi.
It has it's own Movie Rental app, with latest release (to DVD) and a $1 per month collection.
There's prob a few things I've forgotten, but I couldn't be happier with the features. So much so, I currently have 1 Mighty and 2 Mini's all linked up.
I tried to get my PS4 and my Sony 4K Bluray to play Netflix in ATMOS but neither of them seem to work, BUT the Fetch does it fine.
Oh, and it's the only device I found that does Series record without the need for a subscrition.
Was one of the first few to jump on when optus started bundling this for optus sport. Absolutely loved it to bits. Now am off optus and I need to buy a reatail version but sadly no antenna point in my media/bedroom.
I have 3 options
1. Raspberry pi with a tv hat/or ps3 play tv and tvheadend server and use plex live tv.
2. HDHomerun with plex as above. but thats around $379!! Hence above cheap option.
3. I am about 20ks from Sydney tv tower, may be an indoor antenna would work so I can get a fetch mighty and forget about 1 and 2.
@TheTeamRanger: I've tried indoor antennas at few places in metro VIC and they don't seem to cut it for digital TV. Maybe you'll get lucky if you have line of sight. I do something similar to RPi TV hat using an old EyeTV Netstream and Kodi IPTV plugin. Works great.
@TheTeamRanger: Does the Optus one not work as well if you're not an Optus customer? There's someone local to me selling an Optus branded Mighty, and wondering if it's worth buying - I'm with TPG internet though….
@pat_mac: No never buy rsp locked mighty.
Not even optus can unlock that for you.
Absolutely no use except ripping out the 1tb hdd for that box. such an marvellous ewaste sadly.
@TheTeamRanger: I was wondering what to do with the old Fetch Box I have, figured it was only good for ripping out the 1TB hdd. Does seem a waste, I recently purchased retail fetch units to replace them. Optus don't want the old boxes and they're effectively paid off during your sub, fetch should allow people to unlock these.
@neomoz: Are you sure they don't want them?? When I stopped using mine they sent me a pre paid satchel to ship it back to them. If I hadn't done it they would have whacked a large charge on my bill for it.
@TheTeamRanger: You'll need a good signal if you go with the HDHomeRun. I bought one about 6 months ago and was always disappointed with it, to the extent was looking at returning it. I got FTA via the Foxtel box and old TV (foxtel the extra channels needing antenna), but the HDHR worked so badly via Plex and its own app.
Fast forward and had the tv guy out to run an extra cable to the new (old) plasma in my mancave. He put in a new splitter/amp box. Now works perfectly. Very very impressed with this via Plex.
@TheTeamRanger: You can put a fetch mighty whereever your antenna point is and it will stream the TV any fetch mini or mighty around the house.
@Wandersen: I sont need fetch mighty instead im going to buy 2 fetch mini can it share free to air with each other as i only have 1 antenna access point
@TheTeamRanger: if it helps - I use kodi and the simple iptv pvr addon using instructions here -…
works like a charm for me.
@TheTeamRanger: Just connect some Rabbit Ears to the antenna jack. Works for me and gives my Fetch access to all the FTA channels (after a fresh Channel Scan).
@Tiger: That would vary drastically on the reception at the house. Rabbit ears are useless for some.
Does Fetch actually offer 4K channels though? Or is that just for the streaming services like Netflix?
Streaming services only.
Will Fetch be able to stream Optus Sports (English Premier League Matches) in 4K resolutions?
how do you get Amazon on yours ? It should be there but not coming up on mine shows build date 2.25 Kirrama Oct 2019, Optus version, did did small research before clicking post perhaps its been delayed for Optus
Mine has the Prime app on it too (but I have the retail box)
@Remorhaz: I think Optus version is still going through some testing for the 2.26 release as they identified some problems with a small percentage of boxes, so they are holding off it until fixed, my hope is they overcome it not just give up.
@nwa: Yeah.. My Optus Fetch Box does not have a Amazon Prime nor Disney+ App available.. Just Netflix and you tube which I use..
For Amazon Prime and Disney, I run it through Fire stick
@vikramhkumar: Actually same I also have a firestick for prime content haven't subscribed to Disney yet. Would be good to get on one fetch box.
@nwa: I saw a Fetch (official) post on Facebook earlier today which said that 2.26 is coming to Optus customers from 15th June.
Hi, if you pause Live TV (time shift function) or record live TV and watch later, how is the fast forward or skipping doing? Is it smooth and fast so you can easily skip Ads? I have a Topfield PVR box and it’s very good in that function, but with the TV’s built-in PVR function through USB port, it’s very slow and clumsy, clunky in skipping/fast forward/rewind.
It does all that but is let down by the inability to access recorded content from other devices (there is a workaround for PCs but it is messy). If not for that it would be almost perfect.
What kind of drives do you think a PVR needs? Enterprise Gold?
Considering they run 24/7, I guess ideally they should be NAS drives…he has a point.
How ridiculous. Its for recording free to air TV. It not going into RAID or storing critical data for crying out loud. I would rather have quieter lower TDP drive.
No. Fetch units use the "AV" variant of GP drives that are "designed to last in high temperature always on streaming digital audio/video environments such as PVR/DVR, IPTV, and video surveillance systems." Officially they have been replaced with "WD Purple" but you still see plenty of AV-GP labels.…
(They could very well be the same under the hood, but the point is, the vendor provides this very drive for this very purpose).
Love my fetch mini, too bad i'm low on funds or i'd jump on this immediately.
I'm pretty sure I have a fetch box that we never connected. I don't understand it? Does it work by itself or do you have to pay subscription fees as well?
We had one and didn't use for a long time. But we started use it last year and it was great. If I remember correctly we paid $1 to activate (or something) the unit. Definitely $1, not sure if it was for activation or subscription. Apart from that we didn't pay for anything else. It has a lot of popular apps built in. We mostly watch on demand TV. Sometimes use it to record some TV series.
Depends how you got it.
No subscription required if you buy it retail (from Fetch or retail stores).
If you get it through telcos or ISPs, you need to keep your service to use it.
The two (retail & telco) are NOT interchangeable.
I looked at their site, they have packages at $6/month or $20 for everything. So if you sign up with an ISP that offers Fetch you get the box and all you eat or just the box with a basic package?
They never make these things easy to understand, and the ISP websites aren't entirely clear either….
With ISPs you usually just get the box, and sometimes the MovieBox subscription included. Otherwise you have to subscribe to the packages on top.
guess i have to hook it up and just try. we got it with optus NBN package and were paying a fee, even though we didn't ask for it. so had them cancel and still got the box
We got one a few years back and never looked back. The EPG is great, interface is good and gives access to Netflix, Stan, All of the catchup apps from SBS, ABC, Ten, Seven etc.
Can record 4 programs at once, play them during recording and fast forward through ads (pretty sure this is a standard PVR feature).
The thing I'm most interested in is getting a Fetch mini for other rooms, you can watch live TV by linking it to the Fetch Mighty and utilising the stream from there. So rooms with no Antenna points can get live TV.
They also roll out intermittent updates that add features, like the live TV stream to linked boxes above.
Love mine but wish it had plex
I've asked them several times to add a plex client.
I thought it would be a no-brainer, given that plex make their client available to anybody.
Their response is that 'Nobody is asking for it'.
So… let them know that you want it. If lots of people do that, they might move on it.
'Nobody is asking for it'.
I'd imagine the average person still using a PVR in 2020 isn't very up to date on technology and not likely to be running a Plex server, so they probably have a point.
But yeah, Plex is the only thing preventing it from being the ultimate all in one.
Mine connects to a Plex server but this interface is nasty.
Probably using DNLA, ie. not acting as a real Plex client.
I have a mighty as well. Amazing product.
Same price as their refurbished ones on ebay.
I wonder if these are refurbished ones. I bought the refurbished ones off ebay a while back and they were mint, you could not tell they were refurbs, they warrant them for 2 years too.
nope, brand new
deleted - answered my own question
Love our Fetch but looking to move off Optus to another provider and need a retail box now. Thanks OP
I foolishly moved from Optus fetch to Foxtel. So disappointed. Interface on Fox is crap in comparison.
Highly recommend this deal. Subscription channels are good value.
Have a feeling a new box might be out soon.
Can I view any sport channels in 4k with this? Or would I need Foxtel?
only foxtel currently
ARGH! I bought a 2nd hand Mighty from Fetch 2 weeks ago for $299.
did it look used? I brought one a few months back and I swear it was a band new one.
Not in the slightest. There is no wear on the remote either, it looks brand new. 24 months warranty is good also. But you know, new vs 2nd hand for same price is a bit ARGH.
This vs Vodafone TV vs Android boxes?
I have no aerial for my TV and when my folks come to visit it drives them nuts.
Will this device allow fta TV without an aerial?
Will any device allow it for that matter?
How do you expect to get FTA without an aerial?
At best you can get the relevant channels apps…. which have improved alot since initial releases in a brief look.
I don't know, hence why I've asked the question.
I knew that they have "online" versions of the channel, nothing beyond that. Thanks for the heads up in regards to the apps.
TBH I had to double check it didn't allow something unusual, however unless someone knows something you definitely need an aerial for FTA, I'd try the apps out if you can in the meantime…. I got a funny feeling they actually broadcast live TV on them (albeit maybe Eastern States only) I noticed the news was different for example… (I'm in SA).
You may have to check if the apps are even available on such a device…. otherwise a Vodafone TV could work on a budget. Also has an aerial port on that FWIW.
If you like quality…. Shield all the way.
How do you expect to get FTA without an aerial?
Streaming…because it's 2020. I seriously don't get why new houses with FTTP even have aerial plugs in the walls. Who still uses them…I assume not anyone under 40.
What's even more annoying is houses without Ethernet ports built in 2010….. looks at mine
@TheTeamRanger: No, he is correct, they are referred to as Ethernet Ports. ADSL uses Ethernet ports but they are not solely for ADSL.
@PainToad: Not always, we just got our house rebuilt and they call them Ethernet Ports, not phone lines. These days plugging a phone in is not as common as plugging a modem in. Seems phone lines are a thing of the past.
Satellite TV needs an aerial installation too. Advantages of TV aerial is that even when the internet is down, we can still watch FTA & Satellite/Cable TV channels on 4K resolutions.
To get the best use out of it you need an antenna point. Do you have anywhere in the house with one? If so you can hook up a mighty box there, and use mini's in other locations linked to the mighty and get live TV via that.
You get all of the catchup apps from the various channels to stream online, plus Netflix, Stan etc.
You can stream FTA using Matts Kodi add-ons on Android TV boxes (or anything running Kodi):……
Closest on Fetch is the FTA catchup apps which most (all?) have live TV, or if you had an antenna point in another room, you can stream FTA from a Mighty to another Mighty or Mini not connected to an antenna:
Been using his for a while. Works perfectly on my Shield.
Is that a guide on how to use this?…
or is that something different again?
What platform do you intend to watch it on?
Install a high quality indoor digital aerial to solve the problems.
We love our Mighty. Had one via Optus Cable, and then when I switched to NBN I bought a secondhand retail box.
Love the ease of series recording, the snappiness of the menus, and now has Amazon Prime as well. The only thing I miss is the old Mighty had a coaxial passthrough for the antenna, so you could run a TV on it's own without using the Fetch - but they have done away with it now (unless thye have added it back?)
Love mine but wish it has Disney Plus.
they're are working on it;
We are working on Disney+, just need to get to the top of the Disney International development queue. Binge is not likely as it's owned by Foxtel and they don't like to play with us. We are working on adding other new apps too, so watch this space.
Got the Mini on the weekend, got to say it's a breath of fresh air from Foxtel. Less channels, but it has everything I want + Optus Sport (for when soccer kicks off again). The box is fantastic, setup was easy and it just… works! Might even sell my Apple TV in replacement for this, if only it had Plex though…
Cya Rupert.
Seems a lot of money for what it is….
It is, would be a mug to pay full price imo.
I bought a refurb unit two years ago for $250, works very well, no issues.
I wish you could load apps to it though. No Kayo or Disney PLus is annoying.
Kayo being owned by Foxtel is a definite no and Disney Plus is in the works
Good news re Disney. Cheers.
Compared to?
Foxtel $125 for a standard box + $100 installation = $225 + ongoing monthly fees (although usually you can get both waived if you lock into a contract)
1TB twin-tuner PVR's go for around $400 usually (e.g.…)
If you're comparing Foxtel, this is a much better option unless you need the extra channels. You can get all 4 packages of streaming channels for $20 a month with Fetch, compared to Foxtel's minimum of $26 a month).
If you're comparing a twin-tuner 1TB PVR, it might be a better option for the twin tuner, but apart from that, the Fetch box is much better due to extra apps available.
Do I need a separate Netflix and Stan account to watch Netflix and Stan on this? Or does Fetch Mighty only provide the apps (similar to a Smart TV)?
Only provides the apps.
NO App for Disney or Amazon Prime.. Only Netflix app is available.
Prime app is out for most people. Disney in development.
Any way to watch local content from a NAS with these things? Currently use Kodi on a Vodafone TV but would love something that can record, don't want to deal with 2 boxes though…
Alternatively, you can record FTA on the VTV, but it's nowhere near the full PVR experience of Fetch:
You sure this will playback from a NAS. The manual linked above seems to only talk about connecting to a PC or MAC using DNLA?
Other: wonder what codecs it supports i.e. h264, h265 etc?
Have seen many examples of guys on Whirlpool using a NAS like Synology to stream to Fetch.
File support is pretty good (see last few pages of linked PDF above) - I have personally played back 10bit HEVC / H265 on my Mighty.
Yes. I do it all the time (from a Synology NAS which is 5 years old). Details of the Codecs natively supported on the Fetch website. Whether your media is compatible will depend on the Codec used to encode your media and what transcoding your NAS supports (if any).
FYI - The Fetch also works as a DNLA server, allowing you to view FTA recordings via Kodi and other DNLA clients. If you want to view purchased or rented content, this isn't viewable via DNLA, but you can use the Fetch mobile apps for this.
I've tried getting pause/rewind and recording working on the Vodafone TV but it's nothing short of a buggy mess haha
Might be nice to know the Fetch itself serves as a file server too. So you can watch your recordings on other devices like your phone or PC.
The Fetch Mighty is pretty nice. My only real complaint is that using the remote turns on an Xbox One. I've had to cover the Xbox One's IR receiver with black tape (and can therefore no longer use an IR remote for the Xbox).
Yes! Same problem here. Now have the Xbox behind a closed door on the tv cabinet unless I’m using it
Had this frustrating problem too. Only solution to this, without hiding the Xbox or covering the IR port, was to disable the instant on feature and do a full shut down of the Xbox, which effectively disables the IR port until you manually turn on the Xbox back on.
That's were a universal remote like harmony 650 helps I guess.