Cheap as chips at the mo, 38c a blade.
Price is with Subscribe and save option. Be sure to cancel subscription after it has shipped.
Price without S&S is $5.08.
9/6: Available again (previously out of stock 1/6 730pm).
Cheap as chips at the mo, 38c a blade.
Price is with Subscribe and save option. Be sure to cancel subscription after it has shipped.
Price without S&S is $5.08.
9/6: Available again (previously out of stock 1/6 730pm).
no, but this includes the handle
Horrible Razor!
Looking for a razor ATM, what would you recommend?
Great for travelling. Oh wait…
I am waiting for Gillete's sword!
These are really bad.. bought a few weeks ago on amazon at higher price and not impressed at all
Looking for a razor. What would you recommend?
I hate this razor
The gillette disposables are amazing for the price, think I got 4 for about 5 bucks.
Bic razors feel like a rusty chisel.
12 blades! OMG, it seems so recently that we thought 4 blades was getting ridiculous. #theonion
If you want better and CHEAPER shaving, get yourself a double edge shaver, brush and blades.
The first dozen or so shaves you will get a few knicks, but after that you wont. I change blades once per week, and it costs 15 cents per blade. So 1 years of blades = $8.
Takes 16 times as long to shave though
Probably 2x as long
Any good for shaving head ? Or just face?
Dunno, I still got a head of hair. I reckon too scary for head.
Haha, I use the normal 3blade mach3 for head and face, pretty much last 18years ,3blades seem to clog less than the 5 and I couldn't justify the price increase for any minimal performance ! PS the aldi 5 blade is pretty good ,but for me the normal mach3 is best allrounder
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Can highly recommend the Prince Calibre 6 blade from Aldi as an alternative. Cheap as chips (think it was $8.99 for the handle and three cartridges and the 4-pack of refills is around the same). Just as good of a shaving experience as that provided by the man-hating brand in my experience.
Have used this in the past, while trying to knock out hairs stuck in razor the handle broke.
Can confirm these razers are the worst in the game. Hair jams in the blades every time after first use.
Available again
havent shaved the beard in a while…
Ran out of stock just as I was about to pay. Damn
Back again
I might consider using this razor in a post-nuclear apocalypse when the choice is between this or a pair of scissors. Even then I still have to ponder hard on it.
all gone now..
As an asian person who only has to worry about 12 hairs on my upper lip…i think this will do me fine :|
I've used these before and they aren't very good. Though I shave my head so your mileage may vary.
can these blades be used with Gillette?