Decent deal for a 2 year old product. replaceable battery and this deal is the cheapest in the market.
Buy it, lose it, find it harder better faster stronger.
Decent deal for a 2 year old product. replaceable battery and this deal is the cheapest in the market.
Buy it, lose it, find it harder better faster stronger.
Under a gram? Sounds too light…
True. It was from the Amazon sale page.
+1 for the reaching the minimum characters
Urgh - I don't know how many times these things start beeping in my pocket when I've got an arm full of stuff getting into or out of my car or when I'm about to start a procedure on a patient at work.
As long as they don't start beeping inside the patient, you know you're all good.
I mean I've seen more bizarre things in patients.
Tile 2050?
Thanks, now I know which doctor to call when the bedroom antics go up a notch too far…
@[Deactivated]: Just make sure you attach something to it so it's easily retrieved… it has a handy hole for that :)
Likewise, wish there was a way to disable that.
Do you need to maintain a paid subscription with these things?
Depends on what you want it for. You don't need a paid subscription to use for finding the last place the tile connected to your (or other) tile app.
What's the main difference with the 2019 version?
I'm assuming you mean 2020 version?
2020 has a longer bluetooth range of 60 metres whereas 2018 version has 45 metres.
2020 has a water resistant score of IP55.
Think that might be it. Maybe a longer battery life? Not 100% on that.
I've lost my keys with this on it and still couldn't find them in the city.
I feel like these are only good if you keep misplacing your keys around the house.
The limitations of Bluetooth versus something with GPS.
Telstra has their own version that’s similar but it also uses other phones Telstra app to help track it some how.. meaning another T phone goes near it then you are advised the location.
I’ve never tried, and I am sure they will charge a silly monthly fee.
Can someone enlighten me, as I really don't see the purpose of these. I could see value in things like tracking a parcel through the post, but since it's Bluetooth that won't work. If I attached it to my pet and they run away, then all I can do is stand at the spot they went missing? It won't actually track my pet for real?
Really good for older people who may have trouble remembering where they put a set of keys.
Agree with this. Bought one for my parents who were losing keys all the time
Now integrates with Google Home - "Hey Google ring the tv remote" = $49 paid off within 3 days. Honestly up there with the best gadget I have purchased. Also works in reverse, press the button on the tile and your phone rings, so no more "can you call my phone" being yelled out at 8.30am each morning on the way to work!
@jason101: I think you just sold me with the 'call my phone' thing. The problem with 'hey Google' is that it warns my boy and gives him a chance to silence the ring straight away.
I'm an older person now, but my ability to lose things developed at a young age. Precocious I guess.
So humble. Gifted is the word you're looking for.
Ever put your keys or wallet somewhere and can't remember where? They're small and lite enough that you can attach one to your keys or put one in your wallet and then if you can't find it you can use your phone to make them ring.
Tile sends bluetooth handshake requests(not sure if that’s the correct term) to every user in range that has the Tile app running in the background on their phone. That’s how you can track your lost Tile, if out of bluetooth range
Tiles pings off other Tiles. So if your dog runs off and passes a random who has a tile, it will ping that location and send you a notification with the map location.
Tiles aren't popular enough to rely on pinging random tiles to find something. These are ideal imo if you keep misplacing your key/wallet around the house.
Useful to know, thanks!
Older people?
I bought a NutTag instead of these and have one in my MacBook bag.
I have an brain injury which causes me memory loss so if I leave work and forget to bring the MacBook home I'll forget where I left it.
A couple of times I have walked out the office without it and my phone has gone off to remind me, so it's already paid for itself.
You can also buy 4G versions of the NutTag, so I assume these as well, to track pets, kids, etc.
I bought a nuttag a few years ago, but they are pretty crap, and I lost some because the metal keyring clamp fell apart on one, and another the bit that connects to the nuttag came off the tag.
When I migrated from iphone to android the tags I still had had troubles pairing and I have up, waste of $100.
But at least the batteries are replaceable, unlike the tiles.
I have many of these and find them very unreliable
Yep I have one as well. Got it because my kids like to move my keys into strange places whenever they find them. It lasts a few days before it needs to get reset.
Complete POS and their support keeps saying to reset it and doesn't seem to realise that having a find my key device that stops working every few days is pointless.
Also decided to give their support another whirl.
I honestly think they just try and wait people out. I had one guy on support disconnect after about an hour. The current one who reconnected my case is still trying to sort this out and it has been more than an hour now.
Only $30 at TGG Midland! Guy said it's showing $49 on the site but they (Midland) were selling them for $30. Had plenty in a box near the front of the store.
They also had them at pakenham store for $29.50 a couple of days ago but unsure if there are any left. Also had the single packs for $12.50.
How can i check if any stock left and the price at pakenham or Cranbourne store. Would be best to ring?
That’s typical of TGG. Often their website prices don’t match their store prices. It really pisses me off
I asked at Moore Park TGG and it was 49 :-/
Do these track your misplaced floor tiles?
No need. They are right under your noses.
Thanks OP, grabbed a set.
any good for my wife's hairbrush?
Came here for this exact query. Also like to hear from any parents who have successfully installed these in their kids' school shoes.
The effectiveness of these outside your own house is the same principle of the COVIDSafe app, by relying on others to already have Tile set up. I'm not sure how large the user base in Australia is, so it might preferable to lose things at a place you'll return to ;)
there are around 5k Tile users around Kingsford NSW at the moment
Yeah, it's funny how people worry about the Covidsafe app while this is actually much worse, as it turns your phone into an involuntary data collection device, including location.
Our phones are already that without the tile.
My app shows there are 642 tile apps near me. I hope they are not like online dating apps, using fake and non-active users to bolster the numbers.
I wish I could use it to find my glasses. Once it's off my head, I can't see where the thing is, even if it's right in front of me :(
1,863 users in a massively wide circle around me basically covering 2/3rds of the Adelaide Metro area.
Not many then, to be really useful I mean.
These are cool but what to put them on??
At some point in the future, these products will use the direction-finding functionality built into Bluetooth 5.1 and later. Your phone will point you straight to the tag- accurate to a centimetre or two. In the meantime I think I probably wouldn't hear the whistle. It would have to sound pretty loud to a person with normal hearing.
Anyone chime in on how easy it is to remove the battery?
Got a few years of teething babies left, who will access the keys, phone and whatever else no matter how I don’t want them to.
Bit worried about them ingesting it.
Extremely easy for you. Difficult for a child (takes a bit of elbow grease to slide the plastic off).
Edit: warning states to keep away from children. So don’t risk it.
Yeh I don’t think I will. Unfortunately they’re the reason I would need the device at all haha
But might be better off investing in a second set of keys
Some tiles do not have a replaceable battery and you just throw them out or send them back for a discount after 12ish months. I’ve got a couple like this, can’t remember the models but if you look into it you might find one.
@WhyAmICommenting: Those tiles(I have got one too) can be as dangerous as the replaceable-battery ones. Small enough for babies/kids to put them in their mouth and they are not waterproof
Price match OW?
Yeah!! Should be in post!! They are currently selling the 4 pk for $109 if I am correct… Best idea dude.
So, I ordered these and received a confirmation email.. received a reminder to pick it up. Drove into the store and was told they have no idea where they are, and there is no stock anyway. Since its a web order, contact them online for a refund.
Pretty crap really.. I think i'll wait for Amazon next time.. it can come to me!!!
Dimensions: 0.61 x 3.51 x 3.51 cm
Weight: 0.91 g
Battery: CR1632