• expired

Residential Gigabit nbn Plans on FTTP and HFC 1000/50Mbps $149/mth, 250/100Mbps $209/mth, 250/25Mbps $129/mth @ Aussie Broadband


Live now!

Website is slow right now but live chat and the sales phone number are processing orders.

1000/50 - $149 a month

250/25 - $129 a month

Check what speed tier your HFC can get


Some things to be aware of:
Because this is a new plan, we don't yet know what the typical evening peak speed will be, so you'll notice that our Critical Information Summary and Key Fact Sheets for now just list the 250 plan peak evening speeds. We think the plan should achieve off-peak speeds of up to 80-90%, depending on the technology type.

Referral Links

Referral: random (275)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • if new NBN user on HFC, does the NBN installer need to install anything or can just plug into existing coaxial port?

    • Yeah the NBN installer needs to connect the Arris cable modem to the NBN.

      • as in can they reuse the existing cable modem port or have to install new box outside and port indoor?

        • Reuse the existing indoor coax port and outside box in most cases.

  • Didnt see the new plan on AussieBB website?

    • +1

      I believe sign ups are starting at 3pm.

      • Okie okie. Thanks!

  • Must be only taking phone based plan changes, on my 'My Aussie' I cant change the plan - asks to call the 1300 number.

    • Signups open at 3pm.

      • I know, but I cant change from any to any via myaussie. Try it yourself.

  • damn site seems overloaded. hype is real.

    • Site is currently offline. Not a great look…

      • Site is working ok here.

  • +1

    called them and got mine migrated from 100/40 =)

  • I'm caller #32 but its moving quickly

  • +2

    Just upgraded over the phone. Wait wasn't too long.
    Currently getting 450 down/peak
    See how it is tonight
    May need a new modem to reach close to a gig but will give it some more tests.

    • hey mate, I'm wondering what kind of modem that you are talking about to reach close to a gig? I am juggling in the same scenario as well, considering the best ac2200 modem router only having up to 600mbps speed over 2.4ghz wifi? and of course as far as i know modem/router we should get the VDSL compatible or something? TIA

      • FTTP and HFC use routers. Routers for Gigabit NBN

        VDSL modems are for FTTN and FTTB.

        For best speed results use ethernet cabling or 5Ghz wifi.

      • Big ask in wifi tbh.
        I'm using a unifi usg 3p and it's about to go into nuclear meltdown.

    • What router do you have?

      Some router settings might need tweaking.

      • Sorry should have specific router. Force of habit during ADSL days. I'm actually using a Telstra smart modem gen 2 that I actually got for free (don't ask lol)

        Currently now I'm getting 600 down. I don't believe it has 5ghz but the speeds are still surprising

        Not sure what router I'll need to reach max but starting to do research now

        • Haha all good. Telstra smart modem gen 2 does have 5Ghz wifi. Can you do speedtest with an ethernet cable?

          • +1

            @Twix: Unfortunately no ethernet speed test is manageable. I've done some testing tonight. Still only max out at about 500 at 5ghz. Can't find the exact specs of the gen 2 which is a pain. But I'm guessing it could be restricting it

            • +1

              @Robmatho: Managed to plug an Xbox one via ethernet.
              Wifi dl speed Ave 160
              Ethernet dl speed 685.

              Big difference.

            • +1

              @Robmatho: 500 on 5Ghz wifi is decent. All I know is that it's wireless AC with dual band 4x4 antenna and MIMO.

              Thanks for the ethernet results!

  • +4

    Been on it for an hour and it's great. Speedtest is at 940/40ish. Aside from the speedtest it's very difficult to saturate the connection.

    • kudos! I'm still struggling going thru their website! what modem/router you're using and type of connection wifi/lan/wifi2.4ghz/5hz etc? TIA.

      • +1

        Give them a call, it took me all of 5 minutes to get switched over.

        Router's an Ubiquiti USG, and connecting to Wifi on an AC Lite. Maxing out at 940/40 on wired, 300/40 on wireless (11ac 5GHz). Haven't kicked anyone off the Wifi and there's 12 clients on my AP so speeds probably not indicative of actual capacity.

        • +5

          Its a new era in Australian internet.

        • Hey buddy is that a usg pro, 3p or 4p?

          • +1

            @Thunderstruck86: Just a USG 3P - with h/w offload on, DPI on, smart queues off and IPS off.

            • @evanjd: Thanks! Using the same but can't get the throughput. All sec features are off, must be congestion.

              • @Thunderstruck86: What speeds you getting? You may be impacted by this, hopefully whatever it is gets resolved soon.

        • 5 minutes? Were you already a customer of theirs? I have to assume so cause that seems very quick.

          • +2

            @KRiSX: New activations are done in about 20 mins, up to 2hrs probably at worse.
            Providing you already have NBN.

  • I've scheduled my move to 250/25 on the next billing cycle.

    Just noticed you can now see the new speed options available to you on the MyAussie App now.

  • +3

    I'll stick with my 100/40 for $80pm
    Max with our HFC is 250/25
    The cut from 40 to 25 up offsets the benefit of the increased download, and when you factor in the additional $49pm its doesn't work.
    Great for those that can get the 1000/50 though

    • +2

      How do you pay $80 for 100/40? It's currently at $99. I just signed up for it.

      • Yeah same here, curious to know

        • Probably with a cheaper provider. These guys are quite expensive. Cheaper services available if u look.. I pay $65 pm for 50/20. Much cheaper than these guys

          • +4

            @Gavman: There's definitely cheaper however you pay a premium with ABB for the consistently high speeds and a connection that isn't oversaturated

            • +1

              @Kozhutki: And Aussie based support that has never let me down when i have contacted them

              • +2

                @quikstix: ^this. which is also another reason i'm considering going with em.

              • +1

                @quikstix: Can't believe I forgot to include that. Thanks:)

      • I’m on the same speed and price with myrepublic. Was a promo in august last year

      • +2

        It's a grandfathered plan, I'm on it as well, that's why I'm hesitant to change, there's no going back to $80.

        • +2

          Yeah in the same boat. I'm on the grandfathered 100/40 for $80 with Aussie. It's very tempting to switch but like above, there's no going back

      • As mentioned above, grandfathered plan given that I've been with ABB for a while.
        Same plan is more expensive now.

    • That 40 is more like 34 and the 25 turns out to be 23. So you're really only losing Maybe +-9Mb/s

  • Still not showing up for me.

    • +1

      Website is slow right now but live chat and the sales phone number are processing orders.

      • +1

        sales is super quick, couple mins on hold, basically say 2 sentences to the person and ur done, did mine around 4 though, must be hectic atm.

      • Hmm, is it called “Ultra Fast”?

        • +1

          Yeah Super Fast and Ultra Fast. Silly NBN branding.

  • Opticomm estate.. so no gigabit for us!

    • +4

      Aussie will sell Opticomm plans in a few months. Source

  • this is an absolute dream come true, connection switched pretty quick too. now if we can just get our upload speeds higher, thatd be perfect.

  • Boom!@ jesus that was a quick switch over. happened within 10mins of request

  • My next billing date is 1st June. Anyone know if I upgrade now and pay the difference to get the speed immediately, will my new billing date be today, 29th May?

    • You pay the diffference in price between the plans, not a pro-rata rate.

      It has an option to continue the upgrade and stay next billing date or return to the old plan.

      • Ta, not much point paying the difference now for a few days access at the higher speed. I might try it next week.

        • You can also do the upgrade now to take effect as soon as the billing date comes too.

  • I presume this is will run in the same network/cables as my horrendous HFC?

    I’m in internet he’ll- not enough 4g/3G signal, 30-50 dropouts a day and NBN/super loop being entirely useless. Had 6 technicians visit :(

    • Yeah over the same HFC. What have the NBN technicians done or changed?

    • You mean, on the NBN?

  • Why am I still seeing 250/25 for $169 after entering my address on the AussieBB website? https://imgur.com/a/f7G9i0F

    Does this mean the $129 plan is not available to me, or do I need to call them to get it? (Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere!)

    • +2

      Try hopping on the live chat or give them a call, I've seen others report it's glitched

  • -8

    I wonder how many people require anything larger than 50/20 broadband.

    • That thinking is why many people are stuck with sub par NBN called FTTN with speed between 25mbps to 100mbps if you are lucky and close to the node, cause all the government was thinking about is now not the future where people will use more data.

      To download 200GB which is almost size of modern warfare for example
      25/5 = 19 hours 15 minutes
      50/20 = 9 hours 32 Minutes
      100/20 = 4 Hours 46 minutes
      1000/50 = 29 Minutes

    • I remember talking to a colleague back when I finally connected my 256 Kbps ADSL connection and was paying through the nose for it. His response - literally word for word "I wonder how many people require anything more than 56.6 Kbps dial-up". That comment aged well, really well.

  • +1

    Wow I honestly didn't think this would happen on the NBN. Still, sucks for the FTTN and FTTC customers…

    What's the ping like? Assume very good since FTTP?

    • It's relative, to what is the question?

      • I have never used an NBN FTTP or HFC connection. Do you get the sweet low Ms numbers, say 2 Ms?

        I know it's not relative to bandwidth, we already had that discussion ;)

        • Yeah 2ms ping is possible on FTTP.

  • I cannot locate the address on the site. Looks like its broken.

    • +1

      Try live chat, they're really good.

      • Thanks. Its a new development, hence may not have reached all RSPs database.

        • Has the developer or builder submitted a new development application to NBN?

          • @Twix: Yes. Its coming up in aussiebroadbands nbn poi checker and nbnco website as ready to connect. But not in rsp's searches.

  • No point in practice imo, apart from Google/AWS/Azure , little or no local servers that would allow you draw that much.

    Specially if you deal mainly with Yankee or EU (non Google/AWS/Azure) servers like me , 100/40 is more than enough.

    Hope whoever signs up enjoys it :)

    • +2

      Gaming servers would I guess.

    • +2

      Except a huge number of websites are now hosted in aws or azure or are using a CDN.

  • -3

    Pretty expensive. I rekon 5G be cheaper soon and much quicker

    • +1

      I'm sure 5G providers will stick a very nasty small quota mate , nobody would give it cheaper than this if unlimited.

      • +1

        that's pretty poor for 5G, i hit 120Mbish on 4G. They probably a lot more work to do to refine it and improve the service i think.

      • That’s just Telstra’s 5G at that time. Beijing already got 5G that runs 1G speed, I expect rest of the world will catch up eventually.

    • How much is unlimited 5g plans?

  • Shame, I can only get 250. Not worth the upgrade since I pay $60 for 100/40

    • with who?

      • +1

        I'm with iinet, it's FTTB and free for the first three months. I can switch to HFC but at this stage I don't see the upside.

  • Launtel: Expected Speeds - up to 1000 Mbps

    ABB: TC-4 High Speed Tier Availability - 250 Mbps

    Why the different speeds?

    • +1

      Because the NBN is an ever-changing beast. Launtel's expected speed were/are based off of a CSV file while AussieBroadbands requests a service qualification from NBN's backend.

      • +1

        So ABB is reality and Launtel is a pipe-dream?

        • +1

          Pretty much unfortunately, AussieBB are using the latest info straight from NBN.

  • I think I was accidentally flicked over to this last night… had to download a 70GB game and it took 15min.. I was confused AF. Now that I read this, maybe AussieBB gave me a little taste?

    • A 70GB game? Which one?

    • +1

      Did the maths, if it was truly 15 minutes then yes you must've been throttling about 620 mbps down, 77 MB downloaded per second. Weird that they would "give you a taste" though

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