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HP Omen Mindframe Headset - $50 Delivered @ HP


Saw these as I was browsing through the HP site for ClickFrenzy. Not a bad deal at $50 delivered.

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2020

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closed Comments

  • +2

    They do work but are a bit heavy

  • is it good for music listener considering the price? or for the gamer?

    • In my (limited) experience gaming headsets tend tom have worse audio quality than studio headphones for the same price. This is probably due to the fact that the price includes an in-built microphone and the associated tech

  • +1

    Decent price. Worth a watch of the below review before purchase,

    Mic pretty average for Gamers.

    • Literally just watched the same video. I already have a decent headset so am going to pass.

      • Same, I was tempted though.
        My next headset will no doubt be a wireless, I can't see any other reason to upgrade.

  • Will this work with my xbox one?

  • +1

    They have small peltiers in the ear? The hell "frostcap" technology.

  • Interesting idea having active cooling for long gaming sessions. Being USB makes them restricted to PC only.

    • +1

      RELIABLY PC only.

      If they accept a generic USB profile, a few other things might work.

      For example, my PlayStation Socom headset works well on my Polycom desk phone. USB.

  • Thanks OP. I have been using some cheap no-brand headphones for gaming over the past 5 years and was thinking yesterday I desperately need an upgrade as the fake leather has all peeled away. For $50 I'm sure these will be a million times better!
    Ear cooling? Wow..

  • mic sounds so bad but so tempted for the cooling ear cups….

  • Give this a go over my default ps4 headset - thanks OP

  • +2

    Couple of things I found:
    - USB only has it's drawbacks
    - cooling actually really works!
    - get's heavy after a while
    - can't run off 5.1 sound, means that podcasts etc. sound a bit strange, but games sound great

  • +1

    I bought this, I don't need this …

  • +1

    Sigh, another added to the collection of unused headsets..

  • +3

    I've got these, paid ~$67 in november (probably less with a gift card or similar but can't find those details).
    Got them to replace Sennheiser CX3's my GF 'borrowed' and then lost the silicone ear inserts for so she got to have them, usb means she can't borrow them for her phone like she did previously.
    To me the audio is ok (just turn off the 7.1 upmixing as it messes things up), ear cooling works (even on the lowest it's enough for me during summer), haven't noted the weight that others have commented on.
    can't speak for the mic as I haven't really used it.

  • Bought this when I saw the deal (atleast 24 hours before it was out of stock).
    Yesterday it showed that they expect to post it 2nd week in June.
    This morning I received email saying they are out of stock and will now refund my money so I get no headphones. Lesson learnt was I will no longer try buy any HP sale products.

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