Hey guys. Nice price on the AirPods Pro from our friends at Mobileciti. Price includes free shipping which will be dispatched immediately from their Parramatta store. Guaranteed Australian stock (no grey imports). Apply code ArsePods at checkout for the discount. Ends Sunday 17/05/20 unless sold out or withdrawn prior. Stay safe, and enjoy :)
Apple AirPods Pro $349 Delivered @ Mobileciti

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AirArse Pro
couldn't have made a better code. +1
Only reason why I upvoted
does Arse Pods has noise cancelling?
As long as you fill the hole with the right tips.
stick it in backwards.
it sounds like sh#t
Go price beat at OW
Make sure you quote ArsePods to the OW rep to pricebeat it from $349
Officeworks won’t price match coupons
Price beat using Rosman Computers. They are almost the same price.
I called HQ Officeworks for this price beat, but they said Rosman's stock is 0 so can't do.
@Banana Jam: How typical of Officeworks to find any excuse to get out of their P/M guarantee!
They have probably taken a quite bit of hammering with all the AirPods Pro competitor prices being slashed.@DoctorCalculon: I know right how dare they adhere to their own policy about how they dish out discounts that impact their bottom line
@DoctorCalculon: I thought so too, but one of the staff members told me cost price is $310 so they still making some money
@T-Quizzle: On the subject of OW price beat with Rosmans, I bought the AirPods 2 the other day. I am based in Canberra. One OW wanted to include the shipping price, I went to another and they matched and reduced by 5% no worries.
Any cashback through our favourite site? Or does the coupon kill it?
No cashback, just 'arseback' :)
Same price at Costco I believe
Not in my SA Costco, and VIC judging below
saw it at SA Costco..
Even it is same
- still require membershipMany already have it…. and it atleast won't require you to hope Australia Post delivers it to you in a timely manner. It's an option.
'immediately" lol. Thank you TA.
Please report back after doing an arsepods price match
$349 at Costco
Costco Web prices are higher then in store. To cover delivery charges
Is it rare to have Apple products like these on sale so often?
yep, i bought an iphone 11 126gb from goodguys thats originally $1279, i managed to haggle it down to $1255. $25 saving is something i guess
Hope you got additional 5% off through corporate discount vouchers too.
of course ahaha, youi rewards member here!
Rossman still has it for $351 -> PM Officeworks to get it for $333
Yesteray, I called HQ Officeworks for this price beat, but they said Rosman's stock is 0 so couldn't do.
just tell OW to put it in cart & take it through checkout, if they really want to get technical make them call rosman to see if it's in stock
How can I do this? I just rock up to office works and show them the advertised prices at Rossman?
OOS there now, you can get it for $322 by price matching SchoolLocker instead, check the new thread. You can do it at OW or over the phone but the latter will likely by easier.
Thanks @TA . $349 costco ringwood , saw an hour before
Try the new NuraLoop. It's got excellent reviews and unlike Apple or Sony it's wireless with ANC and has a detachable 3.5mm jack for airplanes. Win!
Nuraloop does not look like a True Wireless earphone though.
Well to an extent. It's not connected to your phone…but I know what you mean. It has pros and cons. A benefit of the neck cable is you can easily take off and let it hang off your neck til next use or to temporarily do something while talking to someone. With true wireless you gotta put them in their case or your pocket. Cable also means harder to lose. I bought mainly for benefit of plane travelling as it ticks all the boxes… So the convenience of leaving around your neck or even falling asleep and not have little ear buds falling out and getting lost inside the plane seats… They're the pros. Plus sound quality and ANC are 10/10.
I agree with your pros for wireless earphones (as opposed to "true wireless" aka "wire-free"). Personally I think wireless is the most practical format for earphones. Another benefit is the module that many wireless earphones have on the cable, which gives more positive and tactile controls than touch controls, and better mics. (Having said that, the NuraLoop doesn't have such a module.)
Still in preorder due to Covid, no ETA as of yet. Otherwise I’d love to purchase
Got mine today. Loving it.
I’m keen as…
When did you first order them?@Niceone8: Last June pre-order… Cable design change plus Covid supply chain issues moved delivery from end of Nov to this week… What's that, 11 months wait lol
@freelife: Worth it especially with the 30% off, and going by the reviews, even at full price. It’s the far improved backbeat fit, to me, which i wNt dearly.
Ready to deliver now, it shows
Please Come back later with a user review, compare to whatever you have used
Appreciate the update@Niceone8: From my initial use:
- Exceptional sound clarity at all frequencies… With big sound stage… I don't have the AirPods Pro or Sony wireless to compare but I'll be dumbfounded if other sets can better the sound of the NuraLoop. Hope to see others make this comparison
- Deep, punchy, loud bass but no rumble unlikely the Nuraphone due to physical limitation
- ANC is great… Blocked out 99% of my TV at loud volume… Just slight whispers of sound remain, which is same as other high end ANCs
- Strong volume - you'll never be able-bodied to have your phone on max volume as you'll go deaf
- Social mode is excellent and now has step levels, not just on and off. I think the Nuraphone hs slightly better sound on social mode possibly due to number of mics
- Touch capacitive controls are sensitive but I like the way you rotate your fingers to adjust volume and social mode, like the old Apple click wheel
- Excellent build quality, found nothing negative to comment on
- Perfect fit for me. Though they include 3 extra interchangeable tips.
- Charger cable has an LED unlike the Nuraphone so you know when it's finished charging
Haven't tested mics but other reviewers have rated excellent… Eg driving on freeway with convertible (open air) and the receiving party said the sound was like the caller was inside a quiet studio
- Small carry case is pocket friendly even with the charging cable and 3.5mm audio cable includedEdit: actually negative feedback is that the touch controls are single tap. No additional controls via double tap, which is backwards from the Nuraphone
Forgive my ignorance but why are these so pricey? Is it because it’s so good?
It’s a very good question.
It's a good answer.
Its decent. Good sound quality and noise cancelling. Its slightly worse than market leading sony wf-1000xm3 though. You pay extra for Apple system.
The mic though is awesome, blows all the true wireless earbuds out of the water.
Noise cancelling measured objectively better than the Sony's at RTINGS:
https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/apple/airpods-pro-…(Scroll down to noise cancellation)
I have both, can confirm AirPods Pro have better ANC.
APPs are even better when you have the Dekoni tips on them - even more NC compared to the stock foams on the Sony's.
Partly because of the technology that goes into them and partly because it's an Apple premium product.
10% technology costs
90% Apple branding costsWe grew out of that rhetoric and Apple jealousy trolling a while ago. There's definitely a premium baked in but that silly namecalling below isn't edgy anymore. Sony XM3s are similarly priced, slight better noise cancellation but worse microphone and no H1 auto pairing chip. To each their own choice.
Coz it's Apple.
Apple brainwashing
I mean if not for Apple the progress on smartphones, tablets, music streaming, smart watches, unibody laptops and true wireless earbuds would not be here today. Respect innovation as it breeds ideas and competition and choices which we're all better for. I would pay for Apple premium just as I opted out of AirPods and opted for Nuraphone premium instead. I'm glad there's innovation and I'm glad people pay for it, as that funds the next innovations.
If only they improved the plug in ear phones that came with iPhones cos they certainly have a short shelf life.
Upvote for the code
Love the code, wondering what will be the next one..
ArseDrill for those that missed the Bosch deal
ArsePlugs for some adapters.
ArseWipes for toilet papers
Too bad it's not poop cancelling
I also saw these at Costco Moorabbin today for the same price
I'm struggling to see why anyone in their right mind would pay $350 for some ugly wireless earphones
By anyone you mean millions of people. It's all subjective. You probably own something someone would say you're not of right mind shrug
keep struggling. no one cares.
Here are some reasons:
- Covid-19 wiped out 15-25% of most people's super. That's thousands of dollars for each person. So, is $350 really such a big deal?
- Airpods Pro is currently the best bluetooth wireless buds for people in Apple ecosystem. It's not just for iPhone, iPad. Airpods work really well on Macs and Macbook Pros/Air too.
- It's not that expensive for most working people.
The most important reason of all is: those people think they are worth it. You can certainly disagree, but I don't think they care. Android makers have stopped teasing Apple users on getting Airpods and all want a piece of the wireless buds market. People just want the convenience.
Yup all of the above. Although I'm an android guy at heart and I miss out on hey siri activation with an android, these are way better than any of the other offerings, best anc, usability and mic out of all the earphones out there.
Are they worth the price if you don't have an Apple phone? Or am I better off getting the Google buds or something else.
Depends on whether your phone maker makes wireless buds and whether the phone maker implements
copiessome or all of the Apple integrated features (ability to quickly pair without going to Settings, Bluetooth etc…; easy battery life checking; fast pairing).Because you no longer get the nice integration across Apple products, then the remaining features which you might be interested in are:
- Good mic quality (for wireless buds) - useful for meetings and/or phone calls.
- Good transparency mode.
- Noise cancellation (used to be really good, but Apple reduced its effectiveness in the later firmwares).
- Could fit your ears quite well (this is subjective and varies from person to person)
- Decent warranty service
The down side:
- Pricey (Apple tax).
- Losing the nice integration and no firmware update.
- Harder to check battery life. You might need to download a 3rd party app.
- No direct Siri integration (no direct Google assistant integration)
You actually can technically make a more objective decision. Because that "well integrated convenience" feature / factor which attracts Apple users is no longer a factor.
Note: one thing to watch out, but this is based on AirPods 2 on Android phones. On some Android phones (in the case I tested, an older Android phone), there is a volume issue (too soft) when using AirPods 2 on the old phone. My newer phone has no issue. I don't rule out that has something to do with the AirPods 2 was paired with Apple devices previously. However, no issue on the newer Android phone I have.
Classic TA code although a reminder as satirical says above still cheaper to OW price beat the Rossman deal, https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/536492
Are the Costco ones on special at the moment or is that their regular price?
Can Mobileciti match the $339 school locker price given that these haven’t shipped?
And much easier to price match with ow too
Upvoted for code and comments but honestly Airpods are a rip off.
It's a hefty price to pay for a problem introduced by Apple (removal of the headphone jack). However, for people in Apple ecosystem, especially for people with multiple devices, those little convenient integration touches can really influence (or trick) your brain to cave in to buy these.
However, I think Android do need to be updated for Android wireless buds to work across different manufacturers more seamlessly (rather than through Settings, Bluetooth or a specific app or NFC). Otherwise, your phone maker has an advantage and somewhat limit your choices.
The fact that you can get wireless pods ready to go faster than wired solution is something most people want. With the closed nature of iOS, Apple users have limited choices if you want the full integration. That said, you do get iPhones, iPads, Macbook Air/Pros, Macs integration with AirPods all ready and well thoughtout. It is not quite the same in Android + Windows land yet.
My airpods lasted longer than all my other earphones.
couldn't have made a better code. +1