Apple iPhone 16 Pro 256GB $1839.99 Delivered @ Costco (Membership Required) ($1747.99 Price Beat @ Officeworks)


iPhone 16 Pro 256GB for $1747.99 at Officeworks via 5% PB Costco…

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  • -7

    So iphone 16 pro max and 16e has ram.

    • +21

      Every single phone has RAM

      • I meant to say 8gb ram

        • +9

          The utmost important thing that Apple Intelligence brought us is 8G RAM in basic iPhone and 16G RAM in basic Mac. I thank AI for nothing but this.

      • +1


  • +1

    If battery life is important to you , go buy the plus or max , if you can afford!

    • +1

      I agree. I have the 16 PM and the battery life is outstanding. I can go 24 hours with significant usage through the day even on 5G all day. But the 16 Pro has actually good battery compared to predecessors.

    • -6

      Galaxy A55 '24 with 7y upgrades, 8GB 5A batt that lasts 5 days as 2nd phone (primary S23 Ultra still 99.4% batt health), 1TB micro SD exchangable memory, AI features, etc for just $6.5 x24 months add on existing Voda plan (looks sold out now but more will come ;)
      iPhone is prohibited US product enforced by Trump to exploit Australia :(

    • Or 16e has bigger battery than 16 pro, without going big

  • +2

    how rediculous the mobile phone price is now !!!
    No way I will pay that price for a phone

    • +7

      Wait until you find out how much a new car or a hoom costs

      • +3

        Wait until you find out What a “hoom” is

        • +5

          Cheaper with first hoomooner grant

        • +2

          Is that a house for hoon? /s

        • Isn't that for honeymoons?

        • Homo is the new Hobo
          - homeless bro

      • Until you find out this iPhone can buy an EV car in China or can feed a kid in the 3rd world for 5 years at least.

        People don't compare a phone to a laptop but a car and a house lol

    • +1

      Wait till you see how much an apple foldable iPhone will cost in the next few years

      • -1

        Apple EVs never happened after 10yrs proof that they are incapable of competing with Chinese, in this case with great value Xiaomi (same for their great phones ;)

    • the Pro is a premium phone, of course its going to be expensive

      • -3

        If it's expensive it must be good? NO! 1/2 price phones are 2x capable from Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, OnePlus…

  • -5

    I would buy Nokia phone, and Lenovo tablet, and ThinkPad laptop, and Lenovo desktop for that amount of money!

    • +13

      I would buy 589kgs of navel oranges from coles for that amount of money!

    • You are right. I bought Galaxy A55 for $6.5x24m ~ $135 with better battery (5 days as 2nd phone), 1TB micro SD, AI features, etc. as backup 2nd phone,
      $210 Lenovo 5 Chromebook with oled 34cm screen, Acer Nitro5 40cm screen laptop for $720 (added cheap extra 8GB RAM, 1GB M.2 + 2GB SSD)
      ~ $1065l ~ with >$600 spare (so my main S23 Ultra 512GB $1620 with 12GB RAM, S-pen, DEX windows experience,& superior AI is laughing with 99.4% battery health after >25 months extensive use with over 377 installed apps ;)

  • +4

    Might as well buy an iphone 15 or wait for 17 at a minimum, since the 16 has a worse design and its only selling point is some dubious AI features that won't be delivered for another year, if ever. Apple has recently been pulling all the ads they had been running for months about AI, as it turned out to be vaporware.

    • +3

      This is true. 16pm user here seeing no use in the AI features.

  • Does anyone know if apple AI would help an older person use their phone? Such as asking AI how to perform simple tasks i.e messaging, adjust some setting etc.

    • +2

      Eventually, yes.

      But not right now.

      It’s not there yet but Apple will get there before 2027; same year their Vision headset and smart glasses start to take off.

    • -1

      Apple Un-intelligence is still vaporware. Samsung A55 (was $135 over 24m on existing Voda plan, now sold) has AI that is >1y ahead of iPhones. Bixby is specialising on controlling the hardware. Samsung AI works on >2y old phones that are bargain now & have more RAM for AI

      • ai is in beta. vapourware is announced but never ships

      • A55 was uninspiring to me , I can't say I'd buy another A series phone again , and this comment has nothing to do with android vrs iOS

  • +2

    Siri still dumb as usual, the AI is the only good selling point for recent phones and apple js falling behind big time

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