• expired

Samsung Galaxy S II on $45 Plan over 24 Months with 4+ Months Free for ABN Holders Wanting 5+ Co

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This is now available only for new customers who are ABN holders willing to connect 5+ connections.
My vodafone distributer and she has said that she can give the Samsung Galaxy SII for $45 over 24 months with 4+ months free (negotiable).

you get a credit for 3 months on your invoice and you directly invoice the shop (leaving out name as i am not promoting any business on this forum) directly for the rest of the free months. She will then pay directly to your bill or into your account (whatever you negotiate).

This is what i had to do:
To get this phone, you call audrey on 0425833883
Negotiate your free months
She will send you through to her sales people
they will get your details
they will fill out a credit check form
once it is approved they will call you
come and sign paperwork, or they can fax it to you.
sign it and send it back. 100pt id scaned in colour PDF
pdf in full colour 100pt id
send it via mail will cost $10, pick up is free in sydney store

You can get a white or black coloured phone, the white just came out 2 weeks ago.

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +24


    • +5

      ahhh… I see what you did there …

    • +3

      ahhh. damn… I don't get it.

      • +7

        A small quip implying that one may confuse this site with one dedicated solely to the Samsung Galaxy S2. The quip is made effective with its slightly abstract delivery and poignant timing.

        I give it 3 stars.

        • +1

          Would have been 5 Stars if you'd actually registered the domain name and re-directed it to Ozbargain.com.au

  • -1

    Good deal on the phone but the phone plan may not be so good - in my experience VodaFail always has reception problems so the infinite plan will be pretty useless when you can't actually call people…
    If people have good VodaFail reception in their area, it would be a very good deal - the number of people who have good reception can probably be counted on one hand.

    • +2

      people with good reception counted on 1 hand: But multiplied by million.

      @ Brighton Le Sands the reception on '3' is always max on galaxy s/s2, desire HD, INQ mini, SE…

      Same place on friends iPhone & Telstra 1-2 bars.

      ALL depends on location. Vodafone in general getting better than Optus in metropolitan areas & much cheaper than Telstra.

      My son moved to Voda from 3 with SGS2 and it's better. In 4+ months when Voda merge with 3 network it will be much better + new 850MHz towers for new phones.

      A friend got new SGS2 on Telstra & paying $59+$20/mth!?

      • +1

        It's not about bars, it's whether you can make and receive calls and messages - ie. you can have full reception and vodafail fails.

        • It's about bar$.
          I've been with 3 since 2003 and other than @ the beginning & never had significant problems.

          There are a some black spots (as any network would have) where I have a workaround.
          As a loyal customer I always get excellent deals, eg. Desire HD $10/mth including plan with free 500min to 3 (25% of my contacts+fam/friends); Galaxy S $0 on $29cap with 1.5GB 14 months ago. Try it on Telstra!?
          In case a rare dropped calls just quick redial solves the problem & with the saved money I can do other things.

          Exception - Data load was not as good a few months ago, but with 'Skype on 3/Vodafone' (more reliable via mobile gateway) I am very happy.

          I prepare content on my SD card & avoid being dependent on web browsing. I prefer to browse on a PC as I cut&paste to Word/Excel to highlight important, do analysis & archive.
          Good luck with your hunting…

        • hey Taki,
          I get everything you have mentioned + unlimited calls to anyone on the three network,
          might be worth negotiating with them,

      • Okay so another thing you have to consider is that there is a massive difference between 2G reception and 3G reception.

        If you have 1 bar of 3G, in most cases it will be faster than full 2G. And sure I get your point below that you would much rather surf the internet on your home computer than your mobile phone - but that's not for everyone; it's actually probably the minority now. I mean a smartphone practically relies on internet, half of the functions are based on the net. Sure in your instance you do everything offline - but that's not for everyone.

        At the end of the day you get what you pay for. Voda is the cheapest and it probably has the worst service (as compared to the other two) in most areas. Optus isn't ridiculously better (internet wise) but you never get drop outs and your SMSs always send…and in saying that, they aren't THAT much more expensive. Telstra is by far the best (fast internet in most places, even while moving) but you pay for it.

      • Edited

      • Hahahaha - absolutely laugh at the notion that Voda has a few MILLION satisfied customers with good reception - funniest joke I've heard. Again, there may be some with "good" reception agreed but go to http://www.vodafail.com/ and you will see there is a dedicated website detailing vodafail's failures. I think it's only fair to warn customers that they may get themselves into a plan with unlimited calls that don't work.

  • you're not gonna be able to sell it for $600 as there are so many deals recently for $540-$600 outright (OZ stock or grey).

    • +3

      maybe yes maybe no. some people are really stupid on ebay.

      • i have been following the samsung galaxy sII for the last two weeks, the used phones go for about $450 and the new phones go for about $600. I was looking to purchase the phone outright and looking at different ways to do so.

        samsung galaxy sII via ebay Old 450_new 600+(29x24=696)=1146_1296
        samsung galaxy sII via vodafone $45 plan over 24 month, unlimited calls and texts45x24=1080-buckscoop84=996-30 monkey deal-966
        12x45+30(as i have tpg adsl)x12=540+360=900 with Voda and TPG
        12x55+30x12=660+360=1020 with Voda and TPG

    • Don't forget to take 7.9% off for eBay fees too.

      • Why does it matter? Not like the buyer would pay less otherwise.

  • +21

    "Call Audrey direct on 0425833883 and mention Anne

    You can choose between black or white"

    uh - huh …..

    • +15

      Pokemon version mate, not what you're thinking

    • -1

      Hehe, you guy really have sense of humor…

  • dodgy?

  • +1

    confirmed, live in sydney cbd level 13 apartment.

    i have:
    3g modem with voda - speed ok on weekdays but slow on weekends
    iphone with virgin - tethered to my laptop - faster than above, all day.

  • tried to call 'Audrey' no answer, sent sms, whats the go?

    • i called her, leave a msg on her voicemail. she has probably gotten off work already

  • seems like someone is trying to boost their sales..

    pretty sure this aint right…

    • +2

      not sure what you mean, i went to her today and showed (emailed) her the ozbargain post for 3 months free from another ozbargainer, she went to her state manager and got me this deal. I am in no way afiliated with this company. I am just someone looking to get a samsung galaxy SII or iphone 4.

      • werent saying its your wrong

        ppl @ voda compete for the top sales.. and they get a prize for it.
        seems like shes giving ppl a better deal to boost her sales…

  • Audrey called me back, has 5 people keen on joining, need 1 more person! Im planning to go into the oxford st sydney city store to collect and fill paperwork on wednesday, just need that extra person to get 6 mnths free :-)

    • awesome! so happy. have been on an old phone with no internet for 2 weeks and its killing me!

    • have you got the contract ? do you have to sign the paper work for 24 months then they give u a letter saying you can have a few months free? i mean at the time you sign the paper work, there was nothing mentioning about the free months usage yes?

  • yes indeed, my iphone 3g is so slow, cant wait to get my new galaxy s2 :-)

  • +1

    I dont think this is allowed here by Mod. You should post it in the forum instead.

    • Yes you are right, there was a post like this which got deleted 2 weeks ago. Also Vodafone does not allow these sorts of deals to be posted.

  • +2

    let me spot the bargain for u:

    Find someone happy with vodafone, offer them the contract. So they happy to take 24mths plan( 45bucks/mth with 6mths off )for only $410 as you will pay them $400 for the phone. TAADAAA you get a Samsung Galaxy S2 for $400, go on liveconnected, not connected network, which ever SIM only plans that suits you. Remember that guy is also only paying $17 each month for a 45 infinite plan. WIN WIN

    • only problem is phone warranty, you'll have to go through the person who owns the contract

      • +9

        I think the bigger problem will be finding someone that's happy on Vodafone! hahaha.

        • you can always sell the plans on places like gumtrees. one advantage that vodafone has, is many overseas students like them for the fact of being cheap and able to call overseas using ur credit. With only $17 a month for a $45cap i am sure many will pick it up. So you dont really need to mention that you got the phones, and dumping the plan.

        • How do you sell a plan without it coming back to bite you in the backside? Do Telcos allow you to transfer plans to someone else and is there a cost involved?

    • +6

      I don't think his post (English) was so atrocious that you could not understand him. What he meant was you should get the contract and the phone, give one the sim card for some bucks then, get the fund to reimburse what you need to pay VodaFail…

      Or if you was making a sarcasm…

  • +1

    ajthanud wrote: "optus call connect comes off your $45 credit per month"
    Doesn't make any sense to me as you are talking about connecting to Vodafone. What's it to do with Optus?

    • +1

      I reckon it was at least grammatically correct? And I see ppl use it a lot. Yeah mean like sarcastic comment or you were joking something. And were you quite a bit too harsh with our English or just joking?

    • +2

      Forenzic, i didn't know voicemail and call connect could make typos. Proper English please!

    • +4

      Your English is quite atrocious too when it comes to the proper use of punctuation.

    • +2

      "Or if you was making a sarcasm"… Lol, what type of English is that? Did you mean I was "making a sarcastic comment"? Please use proper English!

      It has nothing to do with Optus. Ajthanud obviously made a typographical error. Services such as voicemail, call connect, 13 and 18 numbers are charged against your bonus monthly credit of $45. But I hate voicemail anyway and I call 13 and 18 number from my landline, so this deal is perfect. :-)

      Mate, have you ever heard that saying about people in glass houses?

      • He still threw some stones though…

  • I don't know why is this on the main page :/ its more of a lure in gimmick, rather than a plain simple % off bargain etc. Be an idiot and drag in few more with yourself.

    Self promoting.

  • is that $45 credit per month for text/calls etc or is it subtracted from the monthly bill?

    • free unlimited text/mms/calls mobile/call landline does not get taken off your $45 credit

  • i dont know why people are giving so much crap to the OP. This is a good deal. Im not interested but 6months is a considerable amount on an already low plan for the latest dual core phone.

    I mean voda is on the bottom of the list but if its absolutely useless they wouldnt still be making sales would they?

  • @havok44 - right on brother! this IS a good deal, people are just bored? lol. I'm interested in this but even if i wasn't, like u said 6 months is a fair chunk of free mobile service ;-)

  • New 850 network ready
    This means it can be used on next g telstra???

    • yes works on nextG telstra

  • +4

    We need more REAL group buy things like this, instead of all the scoopon etc crap.
    Btw, what would happen if she got 80 people instead of 8?

    • +2

      I wonder we if we could get a bigger discount? How should i go about asking for it for the group?

      • +1


        • any suggestions on what i should say?

        • I am not gonna buy one pending the reply to this… $40 a month? :D

      • +1

        12 months free if 100 people join.

        • +3

          and 23 month free if you get 1000+ people? dreamer :) hahahaha

  • +2

    I dont know if this is really a good deal when you have next gen dual core android phones coming out with half of the price.
    Eg Foxconn XiaoMi, Huawei Honor etc.
    Google them or search them on whirlpool.

    • +1

      I wouldn't say the huawei honor is better. It does beat the SGS2 in some aspects but it's single core and has half the ram.


      Edit: Just reread your post. Those phones do seem like much better value especially the Foxconn M1(Xiaomi)

      • actually Xiaomi is dual core 1.5ghz. but its still a china phone, which should be widely available in china in a week or so. No one knows about its performance of being dual core 1.5ghz is better or worse than SGS2. One thing i can say tho is the Xiaomi UI (MiUI) rom works extremely well on my DHD. I cant even get back to original android rom nor sense rom.

        • Going to China next month, hopefully is out by then to play with.

        • MiUI not working too well on the SGS2 since developer only works on it in his spare time. Time for samsung to gift a SGS2 again

    • quality vs price, local warranty support, xda support based on popularity of the product, you really don't want to be left out of the party, but I do agree Xiaomi will be a decent enough buy due to its stock OS being handled by experienced custom ROM devs such as the MIUI team, which complies with Cyanogenmod
      but still….. 8.5mm thick!! you put in a back case and still feels comfortable :p

    • Seems like a good deal for 6 months free…

  • +1

    With the 6mnth free and 6mnth to go on my current Telstra contract I'm even considering just signing up and letting my telstra one sit in a drawer.

  • Do we have to make a group of 8 here? or Do we just call them and they can assign a group of others who are interested in this plan?

    I got 10 months left on my optus contract, and ide definetely be happy to leave the contract for this deal!!

    • just call direct

  • Damn after buying two of these on the $45 plan I've gotta stop looking at ozbargain

  • +3

    500MB of data for a smart phone is a joke at any price!

  • +1

    Is 'Anne' getting a commission for this?

    • I'm sure all reps get a commission incentive! But it's nice she went out of her way to offer a special deal that is unavailable anywhere else! Good job on this group buy :D

    • no i am not getting anything for this. just a buyer looking to get this deal

  • If you are looking to buy a phone outright, you can get a brand new Sony Ericisson Xperia Arc for $400 from ebay or various websites. It's a better phone and better value for money in my opinion.

    • Your joking right?

      Vest value for money would be LG 2x (380$) which is Dual core.. unlike the arc?

      • Dual core is a gimmick when it comes to phones, you are not going to need it. Whats important are features and graphical clarity - that's just my opinion.

        • haha I agree but I dont see the Arc having HDMI out. I guess they both have 8 MP camera, Same type of screen etc. Ahh well :) Thats the beauty of android. There are heaps of phones for different people :D

  • you will be paying heaps for the data…. I don't use my smartphone much and I average over 500mb/m

    • +1

      When I first got my smartphone I was surviving on 200 mb for around 6 months. This meant I downloaded all apps at home but I had data on always, got my emails, fb etc etc.

      Now that I have 2 GB available I just download apps whenever, download files etc. But its possible without much sacrifice

  • Hey Anne, does your contact do deals on other phones? I want a HTC Desire Z.
    Your friend, Justin A.

    • I know a contact who would…shoot me an email if u want the deal. 200 bill credit plus free mobile data pack. Today is last day though.

      • I am actually looking for the phone outright, but if the costs on the contract is less then around $250 then I would be interested.
        FYI, you have your settings set so I can't contact you.

        • It's enabled now…well the desire z is 29/mo so I don't think even after the discount you can get less than 250…

  • I just spoke to Natalie (from the same dealership), because I couldnt get through to Audrey, she informed me after speaking to her manager that the deal is a mistake and that they cannot offer 6 months free, this sort of deal is only for large corporate customers. ajthanud, do you have any advice as to whether they are just giving me the runaround, or if the deal is still valid? If anyone managed to get this deal let me know, I'd be interested in ringing them back.

    • dealer is concerned they will get in trouble with vodafone. can you msg me directly on my email and/or mobile ajthanud (at) hotmail (dot) com or mobile 0410697059

      • Thanks,

        Audrey called me back from the message I left last night, seems this deal has been somewhat popular, we worked something out, pretty happy.

  • Note: Had to Edit this post as dealer has asked me to. Not sure how to delete the post totally.

    I believe you just need to 'report' your post and ask a mod to delete it.

    • thanks for update. what about the people who may be interested in getting the deal?

  • "joannatan 12 hours 39 min ago
    and 23 month free if you get 1000+ people? dreamer :) hahahaha"

    Vodafone seem pretty keen at the moment. You never know… they might even go for it :)

  • Can I join if u still need more members for this plan?

  • Can I get the details for this rep?

    • um..not allowed to post it…shoot me an email if you want.

      • sent

  • Does anyone know if you can unlock this phone for any network?

    • yes, free from Vodafone. Even for 12 month contracts and this is 24 months so shouldn't be a problem. Also warranty is 24 months on 12 for any voda contract

    • yes..yes you can =]

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