This was posted 4 years 10 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Futurama The Complete Series Box Set 27 Discs $35 (Limited in-Store/Delivery $3.90 Standard) @ BigW

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DVDs aren't for everyone but considering that you can't stream this anywhere legitimately that I can find in Australia 27 DVDs for $35 seems worth sharing. 7 Seasons (not 8) and the 4 movies are Season 5

edit: Apparently you can watch a few episodes on 7Plus

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closed Comments

  • +7

    that's alot of discs!

    Also I found a place you can watch some episodes of futurama free here, but yes with ads but legitimate :)

    • +4

      But they only have season 5 and 6, and three and two episodes to each

      • +1

        They have whatever episodes they recently screened on the FTA channels, kept for a couple of weeks.

  • +1

    I was a little confused by the 8 seasons and 4 movies copy on the BigW website (it's been a while since I watched) and there are 7 seasons (of which season 5 is the 4 movies). It's 140 episodes

    • They sell the 2nd half of season 7 as season 8 cos it's longer than the other later seasons.

      • Also, when it aired on TV originally it was 5 seasons (IIRC) but that was turned into 4 seasons for DVD releases, or maybe it was for syndication. Either way, I remember there were different interpretations of who many seasons there were.

        • If you look on there is AIRED order (ie the order it was broadcast) and DVD VOLUME order (how it was bundled on DVD).

          In DVD order, the movies are at the end of season 4, whereas they were AIRED between season 5 and 6 (not in an actual season).

          Refer to the "seasons" panel on the right side of

      • Well, technically, season 6 was aired in 2 parts and is sold as season 5 & 6 on DVD. Season 7 was again aired in 2 parts, and is sold as season 7 & 8. However, technically, the 2 parts make up the one season, and are not two separate seasons (sorry if this sounds confusing!).

  • +39

    All I know is my gut says maybe

    • +7

      I have no strong feelings one way or the other about this comment.

  • +4

    Deal last posted at $65 and it still got some interest , so at $35 maybe it is a good deal! I know everyones gotten lazy with changing discs now as a result of streaming services lol.. &

    some guy said they price matched at jbhifi and got it for $26 !

  • -3

    Meh, not really worth it because while the early seasons were in SD only, the later seasons were in HD. It might be worth buying this just for those early seasons, but then you need to buy the rest on blu-ray.

      • +3

        It doesn't.

        • True. I'd also recommend buying the earlier seasons on NTSC region 1. This way you'll get the proper 30fps frame rate so the animations will look smoother, and the sound won't be sped up by 4% giving a higher pitch to the voices and music.

          • +1

            @AussieZed: Sound doesn't get sped up for a 30fps->25fps conversion. You're thinking of a simple 24fps->25fps transfer which just runs both video and audio faster.
            The first 4 seasons of Futurama that I have on PAL DVD use field dropping (60 fields->50 fields) which isn't great on non-interlaced screens, but the audio/runtime is unaltered.

            • -2

              @ssquid: I bought the PAL Futurama DVDs when they first came out (they were released in the UK first, back in 2002). I remember the audio being high pitched. After a few years I replaced them all with NTSC versions, but never bothered re-watching them.

    • By the way, I never downvoted this deal - must have pressed the wrong button somehow. How can I undo this?

      • +3

        Up the top there is a 'Votes' tab. Click 'Revoke' and it removes your vote

  • +4

    bite my shiny metal, arrgh dont bother!

    • +1

      i came to type that but you win

  • -1

    You can get the collection on iTunes digitally as well

  • +4

    Oh man, I wish this was on Bluey.
    (good one auto-correct)

    • +3

      they would have to remaster the older SD Seasons tho.. who knows

  • I would get but I don't haven't any physical media player for awhile now!

  • -5

    Good deal but this show was a case of almost funny to me. Something just felt off about it

    • +2

      You sound like Phillip
      "I know Big Vinny said he was giving me the Kiss of Death, but I stil think he's gay."

  • +1

    If you are willing to suffer DVD, then this is a good deal. It's currently $55 at Amazon (AU)

  • Super tempting, but the DVD quality might not be as tolerable as it once was.

    • +3

      There is a version of the earlier DVD seasons that were upscaled to 1080p using Waifu2x which gave really good results.

      I see this set as more of a collectors thing.

    • Futurama looked great in 99
      It looks good today

      It's held up really well

  • +12

    Good news everyone!

  • +25

    Shut up and take my money!

    • +1

      dang it! i was going to say that after Bite my shiny metal…

    • +2

      I thought this would have been the obvious first comment. Surprisingly enough, I had to search halfway down the page to find it.

  • +3

    Can someone please confirm if the special features for the newer seasons are there? I have the first 4 seasons on DVD and would really only get this to get the special features and commentary for the newer seasons.

    As much detail and comparison to the extras on the older releases would be appreciated!!

    As for the fact that there is 7 seasons included as opposed to 8 like on Wikipedia or IMDB, it is due to how to aired in Australia. We had a slightly different order (we got the intended, USA basically had someone at FOX randomly pick the order apparently but I believe is fixed on home releases) and we got seasons with more in them compared to USA. It confused the hell out of me in high school when I read that there was 5 seasons (this is between first cancel and refresh). Probably wasn't as big of a deal since no one expected it to come back, but it certainly makes it a bit confusing.

    At least it's not as bad as it in video games where Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has just released which has just followed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare but is actually a remaster of an 11 year old game and a prequel to the last release. I wouldn't want to be young Billy's Grandma when she buys him a 13 year old game that happens to have the same name as the one he wants. XD

    • -1

      "damn it grandma! Why did you get the wrong game you cuck."

  • +4

    Do a flip!

  • Damn I must have missed it! Can't add to cart, delivery unavailable.

  • +1

    I've still got the original first 4 seasons on DVD so this doesn't add much.

  • +1

    nothing near me :(

    and delivery not allowing me

    • +1

      You could try asking JB to price match, they will check BigW's website to confirm but don't always check if stock is available.

  • Underrated show

  • +1

    An excellent show! But I haven't used my DVD/BR player for 4 years now :\

    Come to think of it I haven't watched free to air TV as long as well :/

  • +7

    Neat 📸

  • Have the first 4 seasons from back in the day on DVD.

    What is the quality of season 5 onwards? As consistent as the earlier seasons? Any episodes to make me cry like Luck of the Fryfish or Jurassic Bark?

    • I've read there's a couple but the magic definitely isn't the same.

    • I can't lie, they did dip in quality a bit after the original run. Having said that I still like 5-7, it's just the writing's a bit less clever. There is one in particular I can think of off the top of my head that will give you feels like Luck of the Fryish and Jurassic Bark!

    • The events of Fryrish and Jurassic Bark are retconned a little in Bender’s Big Score (one of the movies that was broken into four broadcast eps).

      I remember being pretty peeved about that when I watched, given those are two of the standout episodes of the show’s original run.

  • Deals from OzBargain 2008 edition?

    • Half the seasons came after 2008.

  • +6

    I'm not buying this, I'm just up voting Futurama.

  • +18

    How can you post a deal for Futurama and not begin with "Good news everyone!"? Where are the mods?

  • +1

    Is this not on Disney+ for streaming? It’s a 20th century fox show so was sold to Disney, same as The Simpson’s. I just assumed it would be streaming on there.

    Love this show, I bought the first 4 seasons on DVD when they originally cancelled it.

  • +5

    alot of people are quick to poo poo DVD…and whilst I can certainly understand that compared to todays video and audio capability dont forget when viewing something on your probably 4K TV. that is OLD content….you should give consideration to what was available at the time the content was created and how it was shot.

    cartoons are a bit more straight forward than other tv shows as they were 4:3. (the occasional TV show was shot with a cinema camera and therefore capable of widscreen or 1920x1080p and extra detail. the 1080p versions of everyone loves raymond and seinfeld floating around are examples of this. but it again depends how the show was shot.

    if you look at what is happening with the simpsons on disney + and previously amazon. they were streaming 1080p but cropped versions of their 4:3 episodes. and the result was alot of content missing above and below the old picture. for some its almost unwatchable.

    $35 for an entire boxset of futrama at 576p (and in the correct 4:3 ratio for earlier seasons) is good value especially for a physical copy

    the later seasons after the show came back from cancellation of course will look way better on blu-ray but for earlier ones you may be surprised for find its more enjoyable to watch than a cropped HD version which feels like watching a show with a magnifying glass.

    it can be a pain to change dvds but you can use software like MAKEMKV to rip uncompressed MKVs of each episode and store them on a hard drive to use with your media player or NVIDIA shield for example. you just need what are now a dirt cheap external DVD writer. i got an ASUS one for sub $40.

    dont underestimate DVDs with regard to TV shows where they were not shot in HD in the first place

    blurays can solve this problem such as simpsons blurays of season 13 etc which are HD but in the right 4:3 ratio. streaming sites have come out saying they didnt want to do this because people want 16:9 however now some are backtracking due to the backlash.however there is no bluray of the earlier futurama seasons

    • Is this a cross over between $5 dollar Audi TV buyers & DVD quality complainers?

      • +1

        And as for the future of duff
        Let's just say we've got a few tricks up our sleeves.

        Yeah the cropping is retarded
        I have the rips from 'every Simpsons ever' and it's annoying having to change screen into 4:3 and still miss stuff.

        Looking forward to them re doing it after Al Jean said they would be

        • Note that it wasn't Disney that did the processing, it was FOX when they tried to "fix" the old bad/uneven coloring. Those old episodes currently look exactly the same (in 16:9) when they're screened on 7Mate.

  • +1

    Eat my shorts, okay mmmmm shorts.

  • +1

    Long shot but….

    Does anyone remember how exciting it was to wait in the ANIVCD channel for the release of that week's futurama?!?

    • +1


  • +2

    Out of stock for me too. Probably lucky to save my $35.

  • Like just because it's futurama

  • +2

    I just wish they were still making this instead of the Simpsons and Disenchanted.

    • Nah I'm glad they knew to end it when it was still good, rather than dragging the corpse along like Simpsons

  • I think it's out of stock? At least seems to be everywhere in Melbourne that I'm searching.

  • Cannot find anywhere in store to buy this at Big W, but JB is selling the complete series for $55 plus delivery.

  • Death, by Snu-Snu.

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