Is there any occasion that happens? it your life during covid 19 lockdown?
Like birthdays? anniversaries? proposal that have been delayed? wedding? honeymoon?
Will you do or continue it after this lock down??
Is there any occasion that happens? it your life during covid 19 lockdown?
Like birthdays? anniversaries? proposal that have been delayed? wedding? honeymoon?
Will you do or continue it after this lock down??
oh why is that so?
Got drunk on holidays, fell down stairs.
It's okay to get drunk! Just don't fell down the stairs! Be careful next time! :)
3 previous back op's, awaiting fusion. Avascular necrosis in both hip ball joints.
aw! that must be very painful! so sorry to hear that! You must get well soon!
@whodidthat: Next time you must be very careful. You might hate the alcohol drinks now because of this. :)
You can still drink but not too much I guess and always be safe!
Ouch. All the best dude, I hope you find the solutions you need to heal your back. :)
@MaJo: Oh I don't. I've had it all a mile long. Test after test, treatments, physio, operations, run out of effective medications and now waiting for the next step(s). It's all been going on since 2006. Good fun 🙄
@MaJo: Medication for a few health issues, mainly back pain. It's the back pain I have no effective relief from now (that is the "14 year old" one), not even IV morphine works.
@whodidthat: I usually see Chiropratic professionals aligning the bones and muscles of people. Have you tried one?
@MaJo: I did early on, but specialist advised against it after the second back op, because of disc degeneration & them being "unstable". I can only have light physio as well for the same reason.
Is there any occasion that happens? it your life during covid 19 lockdown?
Um, yes.
what occasion?
It will be interesting to see what happens to travel insurance. 30 days on a ventilator in NY would probably cost half a million bucks with no chance of a mercy flight home.
There'd be no chance of a mercy flight home because death rates of people who are put on ventilators is about 90%
Your family would still want your body back home wouldn't they?
sea freight is cheaper
@Nugs: cheaper and might easily end our life faster as well! A lot of cases in the Cruise Ships as well!
Family yes but to protect them from getting affected you will not want that to happen with them. right?
Travel Insurance will probably simply not cover it. You travel at your own risk in these Covid times
Either that or if it is to be covered, the cost of travel insurance will go up astronomically to a level most people would probably not be able to afford it
Ya, its so sad and so painful that once you got Covid19. You have to die alone or if you will not manage to survive and over come it. So its like now or never!
No, obviously, I am not going to travel EVER again. Will spend the rest of my life at home.
Wow ! How boring !
They said can tour from home for the meantime.hehe! Surf the net! :)
Seriously?! Um, maybe not too soon! 1 - 2 years you will feel missing outside world. :)
It is a personal choice.
International travel will be off the schedule for me for a long time.
How bad is it though…. living in and having to take holidays in the best country in the world :-)
Ya, maybe not soon right. But Im sure we will get back to that someday! :)
Yes. I'm hoping they allow us to travel by end of year. Would love spend the Christmas season somewhere in Asia.
ME too! I want to spend new year in Japana! huhu :(
I will travel. I think not only is it personal choice, but also personal philosophy on life. The negative is that flights will go up significantly. But the positive is that less people will be travelling and hence the crowds will be less which will make it easier to visit tourist sites
Its easier to have nice photos now to your destinations cos lesser people! You will have the full view that you want to include in your shot! right?!
Been to 59 countries so far, trying to get to 100 countries before I'm 50.
I am turning 40 in July and we still have flights booked to Europe and we are going to a series of best restaurants; Noma and Mirazur, but doubt we'd go (due to border closures) which is a terrible shame personally.
WOOW! Europe is one of my Bucket List on my 35th years old. Im 30 now :)
I've already got two o/s trips booked
My booked has been cancelled just now because of the situation. The good thing is that they give full refund except your insurance.
Of course. In fact impulse booked return flights on singapore airlines using my virgin points an hour before virgin blocked their points from use.
Is there any flights now going back to Singapore from Australia? What airlines is that?
No, the Covid-19 experience has made me a changed person. I'll stay under my doona forever.
… Of course, what a silly question! Why wouldn't you?
I want to but I think one by one they are cancelling all the flights that I booked. :(
was hoping to do some interstate travel. dont thinn international travel will be happening anytime soon
Yup, you cannot take the risk. After we got Covid we wont be able to see any of our families and friends. So lonely to die alone!
This kind of question needs a poll.
Might do a few trips around Oz first then look at taking a trip over the ditch to visit our Kiwi neighbours when we are allowed to.
Must be very careful and dont forget to take precautions!
Yes, at the very least need to visit family back in Japan…
Ya, I can feel you. When you are alone staying here you will miss your family from time to time. Specially if you have nothing else to do. You will miss all the bondings with parents and siblings.
No. Never leaving my house again. I've been frightened into submission. I'm sure that I'll die within minutes of leaving my front door.
I plan to move back to the States after this crisis is over. I'm just looking for the best way to transfer my funds. (see IB post I made)
I thought banks are still operating? These are one of the essentials right?
Heading into a scary redundancy, so no
But Australia now is flattening the curve! So its a good news for everyone! Hope no more new cases soon! :)
Not overseas this year and maybe not next year but maybe the year after. My family and my wife's family are all overseas so will visit them at some point. Probably going to Byron at Christmas/January for our next holiday.
ya, better be safe than to risk help. Can just talk to social media for a while.
Of course there are many temples in Pattaya I need to view again and I have been sponsoring numerous sick buffalos.
wow! you have a very kind heart to Buffalos. I respect you on that! :) Keep it up!
Wish I could travel, I got used to at least two holidays a year.
Not now, stuffed back & both hips 😔