monkeybusiness » user profile

Member Since | 07/10/2017 |
Last Seen | 24/11/2024 |
Badges | 1 1 |
Location | Sydney |
Recent Activities

There is a lot of academic disparity even between same courses offered between different Unis let alone within the Uni itself I remember 20…

monkeybusiness commented on Why Aren't Uni Courses Scrutinized by The Government before HECS Loans Are Given?
HECs is one of the best things for students but like everything the Govt provides it is open for exploitation. They wouldn't impose any…

monkeybusiness replied to
luminousfox on Why Aren't Uni Courses Scrutinized by The Government before HECS Loans Are Given?

You are not wrong here but uni doesn't "guarantee" anything these days. Frankly, there are too many people with degrees and there are not…

monkeybusiness commented on Dealing with a Self-Confident but Underperforming Staff Member Demanding a Promotion
Sounds like a common problem. I've seen this happen before too and often is when non technical people are put in technical teams. Usually…

monkeybusiness commented on Clive Palmer Right about Interest Rates (Well Half, but More than Other Pollies)
This is just lazy policy and could plunge Australia into a worse scenario. As funding and interest rates around the world rise, It would…

monkeybusiness commented on Are Marketing & Management Majors Useless?
Accounting is one of those jobs that pay really poorly for the amount of education and training needed to get into that industry. I'm going…

monkeybusiness commented on Too Overqualified for Customer Service, Too under Qualified for Operations
Do you actually have domain/experience within financial admin? There always quirks in every industry that only people within that industry…

monkeybusiness commented on Is Not Being Able to Work from Home a Reasonable Reason for Wanting to Leave Your Current Role?
WFH is definitely a perk and will be part of the many considerations for any candidates in today's job market. Its not the only factor but…

This is why it is a mindset problem. Getting ALL things done is not always the best outcome for a company. We all want things done but…

monkeybusiness commented on How to Get Promoted Quickly?
Length of tenure and hard work should not be sole reason for promotion. I've seen many cases where people have been in the same role for a…

monkeybusiness commented on Do you blame the poor NBN on the LNP or the millions of people that voted for them?
How about blaming pork barreling in and the extent politicians (both Labor and LNP) will go for promises to buy votes. The concept of an…

Travel Insurance will probably simply not cover it. You travel at your own risk in these Covid times Either that or if it is to be covered,…

monkeybusiness replied to
blehgg on How to Best Continue Supporting Businesses during The COVID-19 Outbreak

Totally agree, everyone is hurting because of the uncertainty on how long this pandemic would last. This semi-shutdown scenario and…

monkeybusiness replied to
Eeples on Has Anyone Spoken to Customer Service in Regard to Non-Refundable Bookings with

2 problems: 1. Most policies don't cover pandemics 2. Most people start a policy from the day they start to travel not 2 months before they…

The RBA has dropped the ball for years. Interest rate cuts should be used for emergency stimulus not for the sake of political inaction to…

monkeybusiness commented on Should I Go to UNI or Make My Own Company?
The best entrepreneurs and leaders don't necessarily get value out of a uni degree. Vision and ambition is not something that a uni course…

monkeybusiness commented on Advice in Starting New Business
If you haven't even got a idea what you want to get into and know what is involved then maybe you shouldn't get into business especially a…

Don't know why you were downvoted since it is a legit question. You don't need LMI as the government is essentially acting as the guarantor…

Are you seriously trying to compare the experience of a spa in a health club with that of outdoor hot spring with 360 degree views?

Because we dropped our interest rates. As an investor, you will get more return from an overseas investment than an AUD one so hence…

So how did we get here? The RBA wanted to prop up property prices to prevent a property crash. Monetary policy should have been used so…

monkeybusiness was awarded a badge.

I found it most powerful is when you are able to combine disciplines together. e.g I leveraged accounting and IT to fill an area that is in…

Do you actually want to do accounting as a profession? If you do, then probably good idea to get CPA/CA. If not, then there are other areas…

IT is a very broad area in today's environment. It ultimately falls on what you want to do for a career If you want more technical, then do…

Depends on where your accommodation is. I think it is best to stay at a place that is close to a train station and train it into the city.…

monkeybusiness commented on Is my employer ripping me off?
Don't see why this is such a issue when its only minor a inconvenience. I used to have a phone from work too and I DID NOT get paid any…

monkeybusiness commented on Best Superannuation Fund in NSW
The only advice I can give is to make sure you consolidate all your super funds and have it all in a industry fund. There are plenty of…

monkeybusiness commented on RBA slashes rates again to 1%
Its all a game to try prop up our so called world record growth rate of no recession in 27 years! When times are starting to get bad, we…

Tokyo Disneyland/Sea - The Japanese Take it to another level Mt Fuji - You can do day trips from Tokyo to some scenic points where you can…