Just got an email from OW's. WDTV Live HD only $99. Cheaper than cheapest on staticice!
WDTV Live HD Media Player $99 @ Officeworks

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must be same price somewhere else too, the only times they drop their price on this is when a competitor does, that way they don't have to give you the extra 5%…
Great little box. I grabbed one for $96 from OW and I'm very pleased with it.
If you wack WDLXTV firmware on it you can use it as a basic NAS as well as all the normal functions.
Can it play 3d movies if I have a 3d able tv?
yes it does, i downloaded 3d movies from torrents/usenet (half-sbs) and they all work, upgraded it to latest firmware as well and now have facebook/youtube and whatever apps in there
Is that WD supported ? My concern is voiding the warranty of course…
could you give a noob like me some more info on how to do this?
Pretty sure this works with the stock firmware:
Unless you have 4TB of video on NTFS drives. I set it up for a friend, and was
a) Still unable to get more than 2 HDDs attached
b) Kept on crashing when playing video
c) Movie sheets was just to hard to setupSince getting a HTPC running XBMC i could never use a WDTV unless it was running something that could compete with XBMC
Strange, why you people always keen on this gadget? it doesn't even have a TV tuner. What makes it worth this much? should be $39/each.
After having bought this little device, I pretty much stopped using my DVD player.
if you have a laptop, or those silly netbooks, you can use your tv as an external monitor.
I have two of these and they're awesome.
I'd be open to you pointing me towards some alternative brand name 1080p HDMI ethernet media players for $39.
Ozbargainers are cheap, not cheats.
would OO know
Who is OO ?
oops i mean Office Works
This comment is bad and you should feel bad.
i do. Admin, could you remove all my comments. thanks
shame on you mate
I bought this for $90 at JB-hifi after negotiation.
Same, not the cheapest price.
can you post the receipt? so I price match it…just for OzBargain spirits…
I bought it last year and returned it the next day
the ports at the back of the unit are way too cramp - a deal breaker for me.
The HDMI cable was competing with the USB cable and while squeezing them in I almost bent the connectors.to be fair, the player plays good video and audio.
Have WD redesign the player and allow more space between the connectors/ports at the back?
EDIT: but personally I don't see what the problem is, as long as the unit is static. You connect all the permanent cables at the back one time. You have the side USB for connecting and disconnecting devices. Even when I took it with me on vacation I didn't really feel a problem with the way it is. The other alternative would be to have a bigger unit, which seems a bit dumb to me.
WD have redesigned the ports on their newest model of the wdtv range (WDTV HUB).
It's got a new UI, the ports are a lot better and it has 1TB internal.
Only problem is the price.Use a short (<30cm) USB extension cable. I plug a small USB Wi-Fi adaptor at the back and there's plenty of room next to the HDMI cable.
Any idea if there's a new model around the corner?
welcome to last year
How has this not dropped in price for 12 months?
It has in the US - last week it was US$55 + US$20 delivery to Aust…
Can I replace my DVD player with this?
i think this will be on catchoftheday on wednesday catchaton for $49, seems a lot liked it to be featured
Unlikely considering it's got to make the top six out of the 12.
My mate got one from JBHiFi today on Bourke St, Melbourne for $89 - after some haggling
I use a Playstation 3 with a couple of hard drives plugged in to play movies and TV downloaded via bittorrent. It generally works well but at the moment it's not getting on with one of the large hard drives. Would this WD thing work the same or better than the PS3 for this purpose?
Your big limit is the PS3 will only read from FAT formatted drives and FAT drives are limited to maximum file size of 4gig. That limits many blu-ray files. WDlive can take drives formatted with NTFS so size is no limit. Also WDlive can show pretty much any format audio/vid unlike PS3 which is very limited.
http://www.catchoftheday.com.au/news.php?article=548 will have it if enough votes get put forward for $49
I also have a series 1 WDTV, apart from networking is there any reason to upgrade? Does it have a Faster processor, more formats supported, better remote?
And to throw the cat amongst the proverbials, why not buy an Apple TV?
because it's made by apple
Lol, but on serious note, I was wondering the same too. Since ATV now can have xbmc installed, and i think they was priced similarly at $129 last time, how does they compare?
The WDTV is better playing files from the net without any hacks, conversions or computer to host files like PS3 Media Server. The Apple tv is best streaming iPhone and iPad media files using AirPlay.
I have both the original and the live, the live can stream from Wireless USB, youtube, internet radio, has better support for DTS and has better standby power consumption (switches off completely) and can play some basic games - also if I started buying Apple then it would be a sad day alround
FYI these are end of line.
A new version with Wi-Fi is about to be released.
Having said that, they are great for the money.
I found they are a bit slow at navigating and don't like Windows 7 sharing.
I hacked by firmware about 8 months ago. Made it better.
I now use a TV that had all the features built it! Progress for you.Any more info re this new replacement model?
Not much more info.. I think it will come with N WiFi Stick in the box.
Cool - worth holding off for the new unit in my case. Thanks for the heads-up, "salesperson".
I don't suppose you're able to give a better idea of what "about to be released" means? Are we talking "days" or more like "a few months"? I understand if you can't say too much.
Bought 1 from JB Hi-Fi for $95 back in July, pretty good. Don't have enough time to dig further into hacking the firmware though.
Is it also Linux based stuff like DD-WRT/OpenWRT?
super easy to hack and swap the firmware over- then it just has a ip address interface to set up..takes like 20 mins..easy to get movie sheets going too….its awesome for what it is an does for the price. Bet ya no new smart tvs play all the codecs that the b-radd firmware supports right now
Yes, once you installed b-rad firmware (aka wdlxtv), you can do a lot with it - rtorrent etc… You could also run optware and other cool stuff. This device has 512MB RAM and 256MB NAND (ROM basically). None of the home/small office routers come close in terms of RAM/ROM - not even Asus RT-N16 (or the upcoming RT-N66U). So, it is a nice little hacking box.
There is one downside though. As a mini-NAS (USB to LAN speed) is very average - 6MB/sec max.
yeah slow for a NAS, but fine for streaming multiple HD movies simultaneously around the house ;)
Guys, come on for 99 bucks these units are awesome, much better than the crap installed in my Samsung Series 5 TV. Hooking it up to my computer via Cat5 (Ethernet cable) was a snap and the interface is easy enough for my 10 year old to navigate. Only down is that typing into Facebook, YouTube etc is a pain, would love a mini keyboard to add to it. Don't waist time trying to save $10, head down and grab one, I've recommended them to heaps of mates and all are wrapped they took my advice. (Seriously, do you want to go to all that trouble to save $10…..pffffttt!)
Oh, and for those of you interested here is a list of set top boxes (inc WDTV Live) that shows the features of each, note some are not available in Oz.
Can the unit stream via wireless?
I've bought them on 3-4 occasions from OW, and never paid that much.
For 6mths+ they're $108, but drop to $98 at random times. Not mentioned in the catalogues. Actually worse. They advertise at $108, so the store puts them up!
I bought 3 around 2mths ago for $96. The only other problem: Stock levels. "Oh, sorry, no stock at that price."
I got tired of their games, so I bought a handful from amazon instead. Including shipping, they were ~$92.
(Why so many? Friends, family, work-mates are now all in the loop)