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nbn 12/1 Unlimited Broadband with Phone $49/Mth for Seniors 60 and over@ Aussie Broadband


If your family has a oldie over 60 or is 60 they can get unlimited NBN from $49 or $49.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    why couldn't they have a 100mb plan for "seniors" lol

    • +7

      Not going to be downloading much at 12 Mbps anyway

      • +2

        depends though…. i know quite a few >60s who stream netflix, VOD etc…… so they would be maxing out their connection and cant do anything else other than that. haha

        • yeah, my parents could do 100GB plan…..provided netflix traffic was unmetered

          • @hillbillydan: This is unlimited, the speed is limited to 12mbs which would be struggling to do more thab streaming + anything else.

            • +2

              @Perz: A handful of people mixing their bits, bytes, speeds, quotas.

              Confirmed: Seniors

  • +7

    Speeds= 12/1

  • +19

    nbn™ 12/1 Unlimited + Casual Phone Pay as you go $49


    • If they use a mobile what's wrong with this? What other reliable providers, meaning not dodo, can offer unlimited 12/1 for $49?

      • +2


        nbn™ 12/1

        That's meant for voice only

        • Yet ADSL ran fine at those speeds?

  • +23

    Hardly that good of a deal. Only getting 12/1 speeds. Do they not think Seniors want to watch Netflix in 4K or perhaps video call their family too? Can't do much with 12/1 except answer a few emails and browse web pages.

    These days data costs nothing it's the bandwidth you pay for and given ABB do 100/40 for $89 this doesn't scream deal.

    • +6

      The only 60+ people I know that would have an issue with streaming 4k are… nobody. I know a few people in their early sixties that would stream. Not one of them would be upset about only being able to stream up to 1080. Certainly the vast vast majority of people that age just want basic connectivity.

      In 10 years time this will be an issue. I'm sure the deal will change by then though.

      PS: I'm talking about the person/couple paying the plan being the ones to use it. I am not talking about people that had a kid when they are 40 and are basically trying to be cheapskates and expecting a discount for their kid to access the internet.

      • +18

        i beg to differ, there are quite a few seniors (couples included), who have multiple streaming services and who stream content regularly, straight to their smart TVs.

        i agree with the comments above, we shouldn't be promoting a 12/1 internet connection, unless perhaps if it is free or close to being free ($5 or $10 pm)? I am not casting a negative vote as this is my opinion only and probably not valid use of the voting system (?).

      • +12

        Nope. A lot of seniors do care about streaming, and even if they didn’t care themselves, a lot of them have grandkids.

        12mbps plans are absolutely useless.

      • +4

        60 isn't even that old, my mum is 60 and my parents have multiple 4K streaming TV's in their house. My grandparents who are in their mid to late 80's even stream 4K to one television while my grandmother watches stuff on her iPad.

        They've put everyone 60+ in the same box and honestly I know more seniors that this wouldn't be enough for than it would.

      • My parents are in their 70's and have a 4K TV and stream…

      • +10

        That's nice to all those people with counterexamples. Those people you know are not the target audience. If you know someone paying for netflix, let alone 4k netflix, they should not have a problem paying for better internet.

        These products are cheap products intended for occasional users so that they don't get slugged the same fee a younger occasional user would pay. It's a seniors discount on a basic plan. You need to think of it that way, not as the zomfgbesteva plan.

        Is this plan cheap enough for an occasional user? Actually, I'd argue it should be no more than $40/month. But I'm not in a position to know the costs of providing this service (one cost of which is how many people abuse it, ruining it for others by having the ISP pass on the costs. Going by the comments here there are a lot of people who would try to abuse this service). I think the Westnet seniors service with the 50gb cap actually restricts the deal to the intended audience and in doing so is also cheaper.

        • +4

          Yeah 100%. This is a great option for some. And not a great option for others. Isn't it great that there are different options for different people!

      • +2

        i don't know why it's so hard for people to imagine that some boomers can only afford the cheapest NBN tier after being forced onto it.

        • +3

          Or that there's boomers out there who aren't streaming 4K Netflix on 3 Smart TVs consistently 24 hours a day?

        • I imagine they cannot afford netflix then. So there was never a problem to start with.

    • 100/20 for $89

    • +14

      The 60+yo friends I have that need to stream at 4k can afford to pay full freight for a 100/40 plan.

      This "deal" is aimed at those that haven't reached that age with optimal savings or income and haven't got fancy TVs, Netflix, etc.

      • +10

        Totally agree. This is pretty much perfect for my parents - they rarely stream anything and their internet usage is generally around 50GB a month - emails, photo sharing, Facebook and the occasional video call to family.

        Their NBN Wireless connection at 12/1 is faster and much more reliable than the ADSL it replaced (4Mbps on a good day) and at a lower price once line rental was included.

        This is a good value offer - those who want faster speeds can always opt for something else for extra money.

        • +2

          Yeah but the point people are trying to make is this is a deals page and $49 for 12/1 isn't a deal regardless of who is paying for it. I would not expect to pay more than $50 for something that is half the speed of the ADSL2 connection I had before NBN came to town.

          • +1

            @stumbows: thanks @stumbows - it isn't about the who, but whether 12/1 for $49 (plus note: every call is charged!!!) or $64 for 12/1 plus unlimited local/national/mobile except 13/1300 is a deal that we should be spruiking.

          • +3

            @stumbows: Feel free to identify a cheaper deal that gives 12/1 speeds and unlimited data.

            ABB is generally a 'premium' service that has excellent customer support and a good track record, unlike many of the cheaper priced deals. It's an easy recommend for your parents or grandparents if they just want basic internet at low cost.

            I have suggested to my parents that they might want enjoy faster speeds for a better Youtube experience and they've shown zero interest - 12/1 is plenty good enough for their general use.

    • 100/40 for $89?
      Is it $99?

      • No it's $89. Or $99 with the fetch box included.

        • +1

          FALSE (Said in Dwight Schrute voice from the office). It's $89 for 100/20 unlimited, it's $99 for 100/40 unlimited.
          100/20 has only recently been implemented as not many people need 40 up unless they are a business and rely on cloud services.

    • -4

      It's not about steaming, its a bout rip off, im sorry but 50$ for 12-1, even telstra can do better than this, belongs, tpg isnt that bad if you are streaming only, and occasionally email and web, oh i dont know, seniors may be? Than you will not feel the lag or jitter, how do i know? Tested pretty much all of them, sign up, suck, switch to the next one, the worst one is dodo and even they can stream netflix and prime easily, not gaming at night though

      • +5

        Great! Can you provide me with the link to Telstra doing better than this as I can't seem to find it?

        • -1

          I just did, belongs is telstra am i wrong? Just like jetstar is pretty much qantas

          • +2

            @hunterhalo: I can't see a link.
            And I can't find cheaper on their site.

      • +1

        oh you had to bring Telstra into this didn't you?

        even telstra can do better than this

        fake news

        • -2

          Yes i have to

    • +1

      Not all seniors want to stream. My parents for one. They only use their home broadband for checking email on the desktop PC. Their mobile phone plans (Boost $150 80GB) are more than enough if they wanted to Zoom chat with their family.

    • +1

      I am a few decades away from qualifying but until I got NBN earlier this year, my actual download download speed was 7-8 mbps. We managed streaming fine. Netflix, YouTube etc. all worked, though not in 4k. Every once in a while there might be buffering, especially when I insisted on 1080p. 720p would play without hiccup and for someone with mediocre eyesight and not sitting close to the tv, the difference would be marginal.

    • +1

      you can video call with this. its just at 480p but not much of a difference when it comes to just video calling form a mobile.

  • +1

    Looks like a bad deal at those ADSL speeds.

  • what everyone paying then? TPG prices?

    • +1

      Just signed up family to spintel - $55 for 200GBs @ 50mbs with home phone. Will have to see how the service is. Aussie BB does have great service.

      • Please come back here and tell us how the Spintel speeds and the service are.

        • yes please do! Spintel now have $75 for 100/40 unlimited! My billing cycle goes for another 3 weeks I think (ABB 50/20 for $75 !!!)

        • i started off with spintel's 12/1 with 500gb data on 18 month contract. heard all the warnings but $50/month was what i paid for ADSL and i didn't want to pay any more.

          maybe it was just my case but their communication over arranging installation on the premises was bloody dismal. i was basically given a day and time bracket which i couldn't negotiate.

          took them ages for them to send me my username/pass which i had to call and email them a few times for. they were next to useless with technical settings to set up my own modem — i just needed to know if i needed to select "vlan tag" and pppoe/pppoa.

          but once that hurdle was cleared, it's been relatively trouble free. speed is quicker than ADSL, is all i can say. sometimes it feels about the same lol. very few dropouts (i counted about 4 over the past 9 months i've been with them.)

          i've just upgraded my plan to the 25/5 they have now for the same price, but with only 200gb data.

        • Please come back here and tell us what you think, after reading the contract and seeing the 30 days notice required to disconnect.

      • +2

        "family" "200gb" "50Mb/s"

        Let us know what you plan to do for the other 3 weeks a month

    • +7

      Belong $55/month unlimited

      • +1

        Doesn't come with a landline and has no service at oldies address

      • Have you used this plan? I'm interested in it but it quotes 30 Mbps in the CIS, which is neither one thing nor the other. Is it a slowed 50 Mbps service?

    • For a genuine senior/couple who is using it themselves, Westnet is cheapest. $40/mo inc calls. 12/1 50gb limit.

      • +2

        no mobiles or 13/1300 are included tho!

      • +1

        50GB only though. Would rather spend the $9 not to have to worry about it. All the seniors in my life watch Netflix.

        • +4

          Hence my qualifier. It's not for streamers. It's for your 'median' senior. Maybe you're a very IT family, it's not the norm to stream in 4k. 4k adoption isn't that high. Most people are too cheap to pay the extra for 4k netflix upgrade! Most old couples living alone would have one device streaming at a time and not be paying extra for 4k netflix

          I mean, if you're paying extra for 4k netflix it isn't a big deal to be paying extra for internet. These packages are NOT intended for those people. They are intended for occasional users.

          • +3

            @justtoreply: Agree the, one size fits all bargainers, mentality here is getting rather tiresome

    • TPG - nbn25 (not on their website) $59.95 for 10 months and 2 months free. upgraded from nbn12 after a phone call.

      • What did you say in the phone call to get the jump in speed? Were you having issues on NBN12 such that TPG bumped up the speed as a 'solution'?

  • +1

    I don't see the incentive here.

    Ideally it'd be a faster speed with lower cap. Seniors are unlikely to chew through the amount of data that a family who are all heavy internet users would.

    Older people still want to do video calls and/or streaming in high quality, they just don't do as much of it as other people.

    Crippling them with 12/1 isn't going to make that a fun experience. And they are unlikely to use 500GB let alone Unlimited.

  • -4

    12/1 ain't slow imo.

    • +2

      You’ll probs only get a percentage of that speed. I’m on 50/20 but only get ~40

    • +5

      I was getting 12/1 on ADSL2+. The 12 down was OK, the 1 up was frustrating at times.

      Really happy with TPG 50/20

    • +9

      Is that you, Tony Abbott??

    • +6

      It's slower than ADSL. What's the point of having NBN if it's slower and more expensive than the technology it replaced?

    • +1

      “[We] are absolutely confident that 25 megs is going to be enough, more than enough, for the average household.”

      That 12/1 plus a VOIP phone for $50/month is a bargain in 2020 proves it.

      • +1

        It's time for the customary comment of 5G rendering NBN obsolete.

    • I used it for 12 months, youd be surprised its enough to stream, game, video chat with no issues, Noticed some of my smart cameras would fail to view when i was out but if you dont habe this then most other things work. i had 3 1080p streams going at once fine

  • Looking to sign up my dad for this with Fetch TV for some of the world channel packs.

    Would 12/1 be sufficient for Fetch TV?

    • +3

      Yeah probably so long as he actually gets the full 12 and doesn’t use his internet for anything else.

    • +1

      Fetch special, just incase you missed it.

    • +3

      Yeah, no problem at all.

  • +4

    Personally I think this isn't a good deal. $49 for Spintel 50Mbps, 100GB,no lock-in. Allowance is sufficient for 2 mobiles that WhatsApp and send/receive lots of photos, and some streaming at 1080p.

    Coupon and all for $39 at ABB, but I think the 4x speed increase is worth more than $10/mth.

    • i've found spintel are pain to deal with during setup. they're fine as long as you don't need their help.

  • Speed may depend on how far is your home from the exchange.
    I have tpg 12/1, my exchange is across the road, its very fast for my downloads.

    • Isnt the whole point of NBN to reduce the distance from that?

      This isnt ADSL/ADSL2+

      • +5

        That was the theory, then some joker thought FttN would be a good idea.
        We reward that Joker with a fat, tax free annual pension for life.

        • +1

          Well of course, his book takes a few minutes to download, is crap reading so he needs his pension even more.

          And it doesnt explain his FTTN policy - wonder why?

      • What he is saying is that 12/1 is ok, and what you are saying is that since its NBN then that should also be ok.

        If it was ADSL and was far from the exchange (Yes -how far is far), then of course 12/1 would be inadequate.

        Which comes back to what many are saying here, can be based on ADSL 12/1 experiences rather than NBN experiences.

        Be interesting if anyone has the 12/1 NBN experience to advise

        • +1

          12/1 is faster than ADSL. not mind-blowingly fast, more like you admit through gritted teeth that it is just fast enough for you to notice ;)

      • NBN is a catch-all term.

  • Not bad.

    Hopefully this'll make Westnet/TPG consider upping their senior's plan quota up a bit. With COVID them at home, the folks are using Youtube a bit more.

  • +2

    What a joke, at least make it 50

  • There are different types of seniors and by that i mean there are people who may only watch english shows and hence FTA is fine with the occasional streaming show. Then there are seniors who watch some english but perhaps mainly watch shows and movies in another language and hence have to rely predominantly on streaming from multiple sources. As well as looking after grand kids who these days seem to all use Ipads etc.

    • Yep my granny usage for ADSL2+:

      Current Period Usage Details (2020-04-23 to 2020-05-22)
      Peak Downloads Used: 16,670.710MB
      Off-Peak Downloads Used: 2,600.298MB

    • There are English shows on iView?

      Why wouldn't people 60+ use catchup services like iView?

      • She's 94 and watches streaming stuff from international box

  • +10

    You guys have a strange perception of old people being a different species.
    I am 75 with a 4k tv of the same size and think Free-to-air tv is mostly shite and I would love to see higher quality entertainment without it costing a bomb. Nbn is a rip off!

    • +1

      Not me mate. I've been advocating faster speeds for senior plans. Everyone in my life over 60 watches Netflix in 4K including my late 80's grandparents. Just because you're a senior doesn't mean you use less internet.

    • +2

      All for one, one for all. Regardless of age, nobody should expect the highest tier service for the cheapest tier price.

      If you're saying it should be cheaper for all, I'm with you.
      If you're saying it should be cheaper for you, either live without it or pay the same premium as us.

  • Any time machine deals?

  • This or ADSL2?

    • if you're unfortunate enough to live in an area where they've installed NBN and you have 18 months to connect to it, you really don't have a choice. i would've been happy to stay on ADSL until my financial circumstances improved, rather than having to research and buy new hardware.

  • What is it with people assuming seniors can't, won't, or don't use the internet?

    These people gave us the damn thing. Pretty sure they know how to use it and use it well. 12/1 is a bit of a joke. Certainly not suitable for any of my 'elders'

  • +3

    The privatisation rip off that morons voted for continues.

  • SO what you guys reckon best deal for my olds , wanta 25mbs speed plan for 100gb or 200gb p/m data allowance incl landline?

    • Ask them what they would watch if they had the bandwidth to watch it. Show them Netflix, Prime, Foxtel Go, Stan, etc. They're all available on free trial. You make it sound like they can't think for themselves.

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