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Free Diploma of Sustainability @ University of Tasmania Online (100% HECS Scholarship + SSAF Waived)


Similar to previous deals, and all students will receive a UTAS email address.

Course details:
The Diploma of Sustainable Living is completely online and contains 8 units:

2 x Core Units
Introduction to Sustainability Literacy
Local Lives for a sustainable Planet

6 x Elective Units
Units include: Introduction to Sustainable Design for Houses, Science of Gardening, Developing your Creative and Entrepreneurial Potential, Sustainable Design for Houses and Landscapes.

Fee details:

  • HECS Scholarship:
    All units studied as part of the Diploma of Sustainable Living with a census date prior to 31 December 2021 will receive a 100% HECS scholarship. This means the entire cost of the Diploma is covered by a scholarship.

  • Student Services and Amenities Fee:
    The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF), $45.45 per unit in 2020, is waived for units studied under the Diploma of Sustainable Living. Combined with the 100% HECS scholarship, this means that this Diploma is offered at no cost for eligible domestic students.

The Diploma of Sustainable Living units are available to Australian citizens; and for NZ citizens, Permanent Residents and Humanitarian Visa Holders provided all studies are on-shore in Australia.

Edited to add: For Tasmanian residents, there is also a free 4-unit Wellbeing Toolkit online course available, which is "aimed at assisting Tasmanians as we face the challenges of COVID-19. The toolkit, which Tasmanians will be able to study at no cost, will offer a range of modules covering topics including financial planning and budgeting, mental health and resilience, sustainable living, and creativity".

More details are available here

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University of Tasmania
University of Tasmania

closed Comments

    • +5

      You need to complete a government ecaf for HECS. Could possibly impact your HECS cap, future eligibility for Austudy due to allowable time for the same or lower levels of study. Could also impact your fee costs at same or lower levels of study. You may not care now, but you might in the future due. If you're happy to do that for the sake of a couple of bargains…good luck.

  • +2

    And the Samsung education store will welcome you….

  • +1

    Sweet. Unlike 90% of you will actually do the course šŸ˜

    Keep my mind sane post COVID19

  • +1

    is there a guide on how to enrol for this thing?

    • I just did it.

    • This. Click on the link for that specific course and still need to elect up to 5 preferred course… Almost gave up.

  • +4

    Can recommend the science of gardening courses, they're excellent.

    Though when I got to the back half of this diploma, it seemed it was no longer covered by the scholarship, so I dropped it.

    • Is there a time limit on it?

  • +38

    I enrolled last year and am on unit 4 of 8. I did this mainly for the science of gardening units as am a keen home gardener. The units so far have been well thought out and structured for online learning. I am now doing the sustainable housing design which has been immensely interesting given we are thinking about building/moving in the next year or two.

    I work full time so have only been doing one unit a semester to keep it relaxed and it's been a fun side project to distract from work and the usual day to day. Spending maybe 1-3 hours a week at a stretch and easily maintaining a HD average.

    The student ID, email address, a copy of windows and office 365 is a great bonus.

    Take a look at the units and if there a few that genuinely interest you I would recommend it, but otherwise don't waste your time.

    • What kind of exams & assessments for the Gardening & House Design units?

      • +11

        No exams. There's a quiz at the end of each module, some short answer questions and 2-3 assignments.

        Assignments included prac work supported with photos, plant/climate research and garden designs based on your climate type.

        Hot tip: Have the quiz open in another tab and complete it while you work through the module rather than doing it at the end!

        • +1

          Very cunning…

        • Actually one of the optional courses has something called a "take home exam" - from the utas examinations page, it appears these are usually completed over 1-2 days.

    • +2

      Thanks for your feedback, this is why I'd like to do it too. Also working full-time so after the kids are in bed, could definitely do a few hours a week. I think you've convinced me.

    • I thought the last couple of times this was offered it was only selected units offered free, not the whole course.

      Few years ago I did 2 units- Technology for Healthy Living (to get the free Fitbit Flex) and another on Alternative medicine (Supplements and Herbal Med). Like you said the value depends whether one has a genuine interest on the topic; I did learn a few new things and the assignments/exams were relatively easy. Probably spent 3-4 hours/week to catch up on the lectures and mini assignments.

      • +1

        It did use to be only the first 4 units free, with the next 4 units at half price. Reading this deal I am optimistic I can now continue to complete the whole diploma free

        • I hope so too!

  • -4

    Don't look free to me.

  • -1

    "Upon graduation, youā€™ll have a better understanding of your connection to sustainability as an individual, consumer and citizen."

    Whoop, now I can seriously pimp my CV.

    • If you can successfully complete this course, it will be the result of a Kontiki tour de force.

  • Thanks, OP! Enrolled

  • +3

    " Minimum 1 Years, up to a maximum of 3 Years " Good find op, time to put in the grind Bois

  • -1

    Hi OP,

    I am an Australian citizen but temporarily living overseas (so not currently residing in Australia). Am i still eligible for the scholarship or is this only for RESIDENTS who are citizens? Thanks!

    • +2

      The Diploma of Sustainable Living units are available to Australian citizens; and for NZ citizens, Permanent Residents and Humanitarian Visa Holders provided all studies are on-shore in Australia.

      Not the OP but I don't think you're eligible. Try enrolling after you return to Aus?

    • just say you're in AUS. no one's going to visit you anyway

      • I'm currently on a working holiday in canada at the moment and will be here for at least the next year or 2. Do you think they will know?

    • I don't know why you were downvoted, it's like you're shunned because you left the country. Anyways you're 100% allowed to join.

  • +3

    Do you enrol via Application 2020 or Scholarship option once you log in?

    • +4

      A normal application is the correct method.

      Its not a scholarship, but a HECS waiver.

  • +1

    Great deal!

    Been following University of Tasmania, awaiting a good offer to study. Looks great!

    Two questions:

    1. Is a Permanent Resident of Australia eligible to study the entire course, without paying anything?

    2. Are people who have previously studied a degree eligible to study the course for free? Generally when a TAFE, etc offers a free Course, there is a cap based on their previous education.


    • +2

      It all comes out of the HECS subsidy, so you need to make sure your are eligible for that, and also have some remaining cap left, I think the limit is $100k over your life.

      • +2

        limit is $100k over your life.

        in that case, we need to know the cost of this course.

      • +3

        Bit frustrated by this. When I enquired with their admissions team awhile back they kept repeating "offered with a full scholarship, so there is no cost to students for those units."

        When I asked about the HECS cap the response was "that's interesting, I don't know anything about that". If this course impacts peoples HECS caps by possibly $10k+ due to this being a CSP, as opposed to the "free scholarship" "fees are waived" terminology used this needs to be clearly communicated.

        Does anyone know anything further about this?

        • +3

          I did 2 free units from this deal 3 years ago. I received a Commonwealth Assistance Notice which showed the cost for the units was $2262 total ($1131 each) - didn't pay a cent as it was free.

          According to the StudyAssist website the 2020 HELP (HECS?) limit is $106,319 for most students, and $152,700 for students studying medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and eligible aviation courses.

          I checked my remaining HELP Loan Limit at https://myhelpbalance.gov.au/ and it's showing it as $106,319. It seems like it wasn't affected by the 2 units I completed before.

          • +1

            @Chimpus: From my understanding, the HELP balance only takes into account HECS-HELP from 1 January 2020 onwards. Any loans you incurred prior to this date do not factor into the calculation.

            I have debt from previous study but it has not reduced my available balance from the $106,319.

            From the FAQ:

            Your available HELP balance is:

            • the applicable HELP loan limit that applies to you,
            • minus all of your FEE HELP, VET FEE HELP and VET Student Loans borrowing,
            • minus any new HECS-HELP borrowing from 1 January 2020,
            • plus any repayments you make through the Australian Taxation Office from the 2019-20 financial year onwards.

            However, this is all really besides the point, as the course will not incur any HECS-HELP loan amount whatsoever.

            • @Nuggets: Awesome, thanks for the extra information

        • +1

          I have further thought about this, and think you are right.

          as it is not a HECS loan and don't have to enter your tax file number,
          there is no way to link the fees to your account if there was a limit.

          pretty awesome if that's the case, essentially free education for life.

          • @thydzik: Can confirm this does not affect your HECS-HELP balance. I'm 4 units in and my balance is still at max.

    • I am now an Australian permanent resident. Can I defer my fees to HECS-HELP?

      No. To access a HECS-HELP loan you must be studying in a Commonwealth supported place, AND:

      be an Australian Citizen, or
      be the holder of a Permanent Humanitarian visa, or
      be an eligible New Zealand Citizen who holds a Special Category visa (SCV).

      As an Australian permanent resident you need to pay your fees upfront prior to the census date of each trimester.

      source: https://ask.secure.griffith.edu.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/3ā€¦

  • +2

    Is watermelon propagation part of the curriculum ?

  • Does the UTAS library website still provide access to Australian Standards? I did the Healthy tech course years ago and it was great for downloading free standards.

    • +1

      Yes they do

    • When you say Australian Standards, is that across all subject matters? Would be keen to get in and see what's available.

  • A lifelong email address will be made available to all graduates of the University of Tasmania from early 2015. New graduates will have automatic ongoing access to their email account. Graduates pre-2014 will need to apply for an account.

    Will completing this diploma be eligible for the lifelong email address? Or is that only for degrees?

    • +1

      Only degree. You need to pass the 8 modules to get the lifelong email. Otherwise if you just complete the 4 free modules, you get it only for 12months. Refer to here

      • +2

        I'm confused. The comments you refer to is for a previous deal where only 4 units were offered free, whereas this deal is providing the whole diploma (8 units) free.

        I believe bachelor degrees consist of 24 units, hence the question whether a diploma is eligible for a lifelong email.

  • Can you complete this diploma in your own pace or do you have to finish within a set timeframe?
    edit someone beat me to it in the comments above*

  • Will UTAS ease the restrictions on Med School entrance?

    • Would you like them to do an online only, free v medical degree?

  • -3

    I notice that the diploma application form only includes 2 genders


    • -1

      I got triggered the other day I was doing something and it let me specify my gender, so I put Attack Helicopter, and then it subsequently only referred to me as "other", what a (profanity) joke, oppressive bullshit.

  • +4

    Vote +1 for a free diploma in Bargainology

  • +1

    If the diploma ain't written with carbon neutral, cruelty free ink on a hemp scroll then I'm just not interested.

  • I enrolled in this when they were offering 4 units free. Does anyone know if I get the additional 4 free with existing enrollment?

    • I think you would, but better to check with UTAS.

      basically it is the first 8 units waived, so even if you do a Bachelor, the first 8 units are still waived.

  • -1

    What's the time frame for this course, does anyone know? Just semester 2, ie the second half of 2020 or is it a longer lasting thing?

    I wanna get me another one of those student cards to use for discounts and shit (my one from a couple years ago ran out :'( ) mostly but a lifelong student email is just enough to get me to bother to actually do this course if it's only 6 months.

    • +1

      There are 8 units, depends on your time commitment.

      You could do full time 4 units per semester if no other commitments, or stretch it out to 1 or 2 units per semester.

      • +2

        If I do all 8 full time, can it be done in a semester?

        Ideally, quicker than that tbh but what can you do.

        • +2

          maybe you could scrape through a pass, but you will have a huge amount of online learning videos to watch and at least 24 assignments.
          I don't think possible.

          though I haven't done this diploma, currently doing a different one with UTAS.

          • -1

            @thydzik: I'm not looking to put it on a resume so grades don't mean all that much to me, but I gots to get me that email. And I do love racing through stuff. Like I'd do this to kill the boredom, but I wouldn't wanna do one thing a night, I'd wanna burn through it ASAP and move onto whatever my next distraction is. Basically anything to put off finally platinum'ing Uncharted 2.

            Anyway, guess I'll see what happens. Cheers for the responses my dude. :)

            • @TheDukeOfNukem: How has one not platinumed uncharted 2 yet?

            • @TheDukeOfNukem: The fastest enrollment pattern at present (with limited potential for burnout) would be something like this:

              2020-S2 KAA106
              2020-S2 KGA107
              2020-S2 KPZ001/elective
              2020-S2 (elective)
              2020-Oct FX101
              2020-Oct KPZ003/skip
              2020-Oct KDA101
              2020-Oct ZAS118
              (or skip one & add 2020-Nov HGA138)

              I haven't checked if this meets the specialisation requirements, but lots of the units cover multiple disclipines.

              • @Lukian: This is the (profanity) MVP right here.

                Does elective mean I can elect to do the unit or skip it… or does it mean I have to do a unit, but I'm choosing which unit?

                And the one where you've got skip, I can skip that?

                I forgot all about this course until the other day when I finally officially enrolled, may as well throw another useless bit of paper in the resume. This will be me at my next job interview if OzB has it's way https://media1.tenor.com/images/ffed497e6dfb9476cd9bc55af272ā€¦

                • @TheDukeOfNukem: You can choose something other than KPZ001, but it flows nicely into KPZ003 in the "weird" semester (October). If you chose something else instead of KPZ001 you'd probably have to (skip KPZ003^ and) do HGA138 in November to smash out the course by Mid-December.

                  You have to choose units in the elective slots (units which meets the "choose 3 from:" requirement in the Diploma).

                  The skip option is if you aren't interested in Gardening and have actual interest in other units on offer.

                  ^ oddly enough KPZ001 doesn't seem to be a pre-req for KPZ003.

                  Ask the course coordinator on whatever enrollment plan you decide on is valid.

  • -5

    How stupid are we? Do we really need an 8 part course to understand sustainability?

    • +1

      I used the library's computer to sign up, seemed more sustainable than owning one myself. Do I get extra credit?

  • +1

    just a note, if this is similar to the Diploma of Dementia Care, the first assignments/tasks is a student involvement check, and if you don't complete these you will be kicked out of the unit.

    • +1

      Yes, I am on my fourth unit of the diploma, and this has been a requirement in all four.

  • removed

  • Which option did everyone select after finding the course? I am going to just select the first option.

    • Semester 2 Distance Off Campus
    • Spring school (November) Distance Off Campus
    • Winter school (late) Distance Off Campus
    • +1

      The key dates link is not working at the time I checked.

      Read this

    • I chose Spring.

    • It depends which unit you want to study and when it is offered.

    • I selected the first option, hope it's ok!

  • +1

    What happens if we don't finish the course? Will there be a black mark next to our name?

    • +1

      You grow a second head

      • But Homer, tonight's reception for Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands!

    • If you do not finish a unit, after the census date has passed, a failure is recorded on your academic transcript. If you do not finish the diploma there is no penalty.

  • +7

    Warning: you only have 1.5 years to complete the course as a free one, or to get your edu email.

    From the Fees & Scholarships section:
    "All units studied as part of the Diploma of Sustainable Living with a census date prior to 31 December 2021 will be receive a 100% HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) scholarship. This means the entire cost of the Diploma is covered by a scholarship."

  • did anyone get spam sms like bank password reset etc… after signing up ? :) I got one.

  • +5

    If anyone wants to join the Diploma of Sustainable Living Facebook group.

  • Do you know when our account would be approved.

  • Well if you start and complete a single unit then it would only affect your hec_help by 1.5k, and you would still get your full student benefits.

    That's is if there is a unit worth doing.

  • -1

    Out of curiousity - would one be able to also get gov study assistance such as Austudy?

  • So it doesn't affect my HECS loan because it's completely paid by scholarship right. Almost paid it off completely.

    • Yes, when you apply for HECS, you don't select the loan, and do not include your tax file number.

  • +2


    • +1

      Yep, I also received a letter of offer. Just have to work on the HECS stuff now (I've never had HECS)

      • Where do you work on the HECs stuff? I received my offer letter but haven't got any further information after accepting the offer…

        • +1

          I am a little unsure myself! I have read on the eCAF website that we need a passkey provided by the Uni with our enrollment details. So I am assuming we accept the offer then once we get this info we can sign up with HECS. Does anyone else reading this knows if this is correct?

        • +1

          Perhaps I am just too eager. Just found this "Twenty four hours after having accepted the offer online through your eApplication portal, you will receive an email with your UTAS username and password" https://askus.utas.edu.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/1144 . I think this will allow access to the e-student portal to submit the eCAF.

          • +1

            @genaudoch: Just received my student account details šŸ‘

            • +1

              @Gojkins: If you have any questions let me know it's pretty straight forward.

    • +2

      Approved too… now to find a way to create an ozbargain study group for this…
      Also, I picked Winter (late) with the hope of doing Spring (November) straight after.
      Does anyone know if these courses run through all major periods?
      Given the tight time frame of 1.5yrs free and probably only doing this part-time, I would want to do it continuously without any long semester breaks between courses.

      • +1

        Only skimmed through so far but have noticed most of the subjects id be interested in aren't offered for distance in semester 2 so a bit of investigating to do

      • Hmm only the science of gardening seems to be offered in winter school late… and almost everything is S2… Maybe I'll have to change my enrollment

      • oops

        • +1

          The information about when the units are offered can be found here


          From what I can tell it appears the major things to watch out for would be any units that are only offered in the first half of the year, seeing as how you will have missed those census/enrollment dates already. In terms of the latter half of the year you have two goes at enrolling in those units :)

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