Similar deal to the one last time.
All students will receive a UTAS email address.
Enrolments for the next intake close on the 14th of June 2019.
Diploma of Sustainable Living (8 units in total)
The Diploma of Sustainable Living allows you to pursue a passion for sustainability, in whatever that means for you, through a range of exciting, multi-disciplinary study options.
The first four units you study as part of the Diploma of Sustainable Living will be receive a 100% HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) scholarship. This means the entire cost of the first four units is covered by a scholarship. You can withdraw from the Diploma after completing the first 4 free units.
As per surtr's comment below, "the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) - approximately $45.45 per unit in 2019 - is waived for the first four units studied under the Diploma of Sustainable Living"
The second four units you study to complete the Diploma of Sustainable Living will receive a 50% HECS scholarship.
Example of usual cost: KPZ001 Science of Gardening - Foundation Unit is normally $1,169.00 (CSP Student Contribution) / $2,200.00 (Full Fee Paying - Domestic)
If you need any extra info, UTAS are responding to questions on this facebook post.
Thanks OP. Great course to get a student email address :)