It looks like applications are now open for semester two.
Foundations of Technology for Healthy Living
Study commences on July 17th, 2017.
Take the first step! Foundations of Technology for Healthy Living is designed to give you an understanding of the technologies that can help you alter your daily activities to live a healthier lifestyle. You will receive the new FITBIT® Flex 2 as part of your participation in this unit#.
Other Fee-Free Units
Health units are listed Here
Foundations of Food and Nutrition
Foundations of Food and Nutrition is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge to identify nutrition fact from fiction, and make healthy food and nutrition choices. Topics covered include basic nutrition, popular fad diets and food fads, nutrition supplements and products, sports nutrition products, and current topical nutrition issues.
Vitamins, Supplements and Herbal Medicine
Vitamins, Supplements and Herbal Medicine is a fully online unit designed for people who want to increase their knowledge about complementary medicines (herbal medicines, nutritional and dietary supplements), and ensure that they are used in ways that will enhance their health and wellbeing.
Stress Reduction and Mindfulness
Stress Reduction and Mindfulness will introduce students to the principles of stress reducing practices including mindfulness, gratitude, positive psychology, goal setting, creativity, physical exercise and conflict resolution through a series of learning tasks and practical exercises.
Foundations of Arts and Health
Foundations of Arts and Health explores ways to integrate creative practices into health programs and for personal healthcare to promote well-being. This unit will give students evidence based examples of the benefit of arts based approaches to health and well-being as well as practical activities from a variety of creative genres.
Patients' Rights
Patients' Rights aims to develop your knowledge of the Australian healthcare system with a focus on the legal and ethical aspects of patient rights, including access, participation, respect, privacy, and safety. Explore aspects of patient rights and apply these to healthcare situations in a practical way, as healthcare professionals and providers, carers and consumers.
Sports Doping and Performance Enhancing Drugs
Sports Doping and Performance Enhancing Drugs provides an overview of drugs that are prohibited in sport, their mechanisms of action, and effects on performance. In addition, testing methods are introduced as well as an overview of ethical considerations for doping control, therapeutic use exemptions, and the administration systems currently used by athletes and other third parties.
Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing
Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing is a fully-online unit that helps you understand and maintain a healthy mind and general wellbeing. It explores determinants that may impact upon mental health, using stories and vignettes from experts and members of the community.
Science of Gardening
Science of Gardening is for everyone, from avid green-thumbs with a lifetime of experience to those planting their first seedling.
You’ll learn the science behind traditional and modern gardening techniques, and this will change the way you see your plants, and change the way you garden.
Free education + Free stuff. Education has never been this good in Australia in my experience.