This was posted 4 years 10 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Terraforming Mars - Board Game $75.93 + Delivery ($0 with Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

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Seems to be a pretty good deal, locally Gameology has a sale on for Terraforming Mars and its still $109.95 + Delivery.

According to BGG this is Ranked Overall 3rd and 5th Strategy out of all board games reviewed.

Can you emulate Musk and send a Tesla to Mars?

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    pretty good price for a pretty good game.

    can be a slog though, would recommend the Prelude expansion to kick-start your games a bit.

    • The digital version has a couple of rules variants that help speed the game up - drafting the 4 cards you get each turn and everyone starting with 1 of each resource production.

  • +3

    Love this game and can't wait to get my prelude expansion kit

  • +3

    Great price. Probably my favourite board game there is. Give it a shot if you haven’t already.

  • I know this is a decent price, but I think there have been some way, way lower prices. I'm also thinking that at the moment the $97 (shipping incl.) is a little eye-watering.

    Could anyone give me their opinion as to whether this is really good enough to jump at the chance, or if you think a better deal will come around soon enough?

    • Deal was posted assuming you'd have Prime then which shipping is free for expedited. If you dont have it can sign up for one month $6.99 then cancel. That gets you cheap shipping

      • Oh right! That makes sense. I've never even looked into what Prime is before now. And that's a really good point - thank you! I can see it looks like there's a free trial period too - maybe I'll go with that. Thanks so much!

        • +1

          The Prime Membership also comes with Prime Video, which is a streaming service a bit like Netflix, but content perhaps not as good. It has a lot of older TV series though, and a lot of good movies that aren't on other services (Spiderman Far From Home for example). Between the free shipping on a lot of goods, and the streaming, the 7 bucks a month is definitely worth it to me.

          • +1

            @Tunblor: you can also link it to Twitch and support your favourite streamer, if you're into that stuff

  • +5

    Has been hovering around this price for about a year according to Board Game Oracle - it's a good game but not a great deal.

  • I'll bite at $60!

  • +1

    Is it signed by Matt Damon?

    • No, but comes with duct tape


      It's not as unlikely as you might think. Carbon dioxide rich atmosphere plus water means plants could potentially create a habitable atmosphere. Gravity is about 1/3rd of earth, which is workable.

    • I reckon we won’t get to Mars and build something there worth wild for a very long time… we have too many issues on earth to deal with sadly! As much as I’d like to be an optimistic person, I don’t think anything like that Matt Damon movie will happen for another 500 years

    • +5

      What in the ever-loving name of all that is relevant does that have to do with this deal?

      It's a game Diji, a game.
      Not an opportunity to go off on another diatribe about Labor/Liberal or real-life attempts at terraforming Mars.
      Somehow you manage to make your comments progressively more painful to read as time goes on.

      You sound like the kind of person that says to themselves, "Hmmm, 'fun'? I must look that up in a dictionary some day."

      It will probably be a holiday destination at best assuming we get there.

      So you're an expert on space colonisation now?

      Will there be "Space Liberals" looking to collect an "Intergalactic GST" from us when we land on the Martian surface?

      • You sound like the kind of person that needs someone to say "It's going to be OK, Amar89."
        It's going to be OK, mate. It's going to be alright. Shhhh…. Shhhh. There you go. It's Ok.

        • No that would be Diji1. His posting history is a testament to that. The guy has the unwelcome presence of a Jehovah's Witness and launches into unrelated and unsolicited rants like a homeless meth-addict heckling passers-by at a train station; usually about something to do with Labor or the Liberals. It's almost like he has a political variant of Tourette's syndrome.

          You may want to console Diji1 over his apparent inability to come to terms with being socially shunned at every turn for his incoherent rambling.

  • Should give this to elon musk.

  • Well, it's all fun and games until the UAC get involved and some idiot opens a portal to hell.

    • In my personal experience it is ONLY fun and games until AFTER the UAC get involved and some idiot opens a portal to hell.

      • true, with both barrels right in their face

  • Does anyone know if this seller is reputable?

    I've been eyeing this off on Amazon for a while, but this description:

                    Terraforming Mars Stratergy Game, Pack of 1

    …paired with the prevalence of counterfeit games online doesn't give me much faith.

    • Seller appears to be Amazon US themselves possibly the outlet store which handles their overstock items, hence the good price.


      Fake one's seem to be purchased off ebay mainly… but can compare to this when someone gets a delivery. Seems like faded printing, chinese wording on the outside barcode sticker, cloudy cubes etc are the tell tale signs.

      • The components of the genuine game are so terrible that people have difficulty telling the fakes apart. Apparently the telltale sign is 'R's missing on certain cards:

        • Lol is that a piss take because chinese can't pronounce R's

          • +1

            @4foxache: Nope apparently legit, it just affects those three cards. It's a strange error. According to the BGG thread discussing counterfeit copies, varioues retailer have been using this error to identify fakes.

  • +1

    type Price Date
    Current Not in Stock -
    Highest * $109.99 Sep 03, 2018
    Lowest * $60.41 Apr 18, 2019
    Average + $74.69 -

    was A$60 at some point according camelx3

  • +1

    Thanks OP.. nabbed me one 👍😊

  • I bought it in April 2019 for $60
    In the good old days when cash back for Amazon was a thing
    So effectively paid <$60

    Probably won’t see a similar price until the lockdown is over?

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