Trump Suspends Immigration Temporarily…

Trump is signing executive order to suspend immigration to US..I'm not sure it's large scale implications…open for discussion..


          • +1

            @ozhunter: Regarding state vs. city and "For some reason, 33% of deaths are from New York alone" if you'd look at the data you'd quickly realise that over 230,000 of NY state's 263,000 cases (as of 23/4/2020) are people in NY city and its densely populated suburbs that are located in bordering counties (e.g. all the NY suburbs in Westchester County) - NY city is in reality a giant metropolis not just Manhattan island.

            Thereby Herbse's comment remains quite relevant and valid regardless of how you look at the situation.

  • -3

    Smart move, our pollies have no brains or guts.

    • +6

      We've already done the same thing. No one is coming into the country, what are you talking about?

  • +1

    in light of recent events the wuhan live bush meat market is back in business, stop by for a bat soup when you are free.

    • yeah and stay away from south Carolina - their garnish is a killer…

  • +1

    "Stopping immigration"? Trump did that by denying coronavirus for weeks. You'd be stupid to want to go to that disease ridden country.

  • +2

    The big problem was that China allowed international flights out of the Wuhan area in the early stages when they already knew what a danger covid-19 was, they had already banned domestic travel, but they continued to allow international travel out of the Hubei area knowing the infection would spread worldwide. It's pretty (profanity).

    • -2

      they didn't know to begin with what they were dealing with in fact because no-one did cept the makers.

      America has admitted case's from January - fatalities from February - and did nothing - has more airports and more external flights and is still deliberately spreading covid.

      these are facts but no-one cares.

  • +1

    He just suggested using UV light internally and ingesting disinfectant as a solution to the coronavirus. I don't understand how anyone supports him.

    • That's not what he said at all. Try watching the original clip and forming your own opinion rather than just swallowing the media's garbage.

      He didn't suggest anything, he just said it's an interesting concept for doctors to keep looking into (which they have already been doing for centuries). In fact, UV therapy is a very well established medical procedure.…

  • +1

    Orange man bad. Biden is not a perv in mental decline. Immigration boosts wages. USA bad. Chinese Communism good. Reopening economy bad. Welfare good. Trump’s fault, not China. Not a Chinese bio attack. Wet markets good for economy. Conspiracy theorists and trumptards are stoopid.

  • Does anyone know if Labor or Liberal are more likely to actually reduce immigration? I know Labor tend to be nicer to immigrants. Liberal under Howard and the current boys have been very pro immigration.

    • +3

      Never, it’s what’s fueling economic growth and rising house prices.

      • We need to start using their language. More immigrants grows the economic pie but there are more people who want slices, leaving smaller slices despite a bigger pie.

        • sounds like a disinfectant injection… raygun economics - the first American president to sell bio-weapons ….

      • Yep. That’s all they care about. If our birth rate were to increase there may be less need for migration to prop up the economy. We can see the impact border closures are having on property prices. I guess the next wave will be airbnbs now entering the rental market as the cash cow dries up.

        • +1

          That's laughable.

          • @Mad Max: Oh hello again. Stalking much?

              • @Mad Max: Obsessed? Hugs?

                • +1

                  @Vote for Pedro: Very pathetic. Nobody would hug you for sure.

                  • @Mad Max: Awwww get over here. How can I resist

                    • @Vote for Pedro: I am sure people would run away from you. You must be intolerable. Try to hug your pet…may be…
                      Probably you have a pet rat. It would be a good match

                      • @Mad Max: Mwaaahhhh

                        • @Vote for Pedro: Run and cry to the mods. You are good at that.
                          Edit…good only at that

                          • @Mad Max: Allllright, I’ll let you have the last word…

                            • @Vote for Pedro: Ohh the bully is crying "I am being bullied!"

                              • @Mad Max: Your commitment to your obsession with me is to be commended. How many threads have you followed me through?

                                • @Vote for Pedro: Only 1. It was enough to know that you are a patronising, disrespectful, know it all, entitled sod without a life living on Centrelink and whinging that the welfare money you get is not enough.
                                  You should have stayed where you are coming from, except that there you would not get any Centrelink payments so you came to Australia to sponge off others.

                                  • @Mad Max: I think your history says otherwise. How many did you stalk through to get yourself into the penalty box? A little creepy one might think.

                                    • @Vote for Pedro: I see you spent the whole day on Ozbargain waiting for your Centrelink cheque courtesy of Australian taxpayers that are working and paying taxes to keep you.
                                      People like you are the reason people don't like to pay taxes.
                                      Go and get a job you leech. But I guess nobody would give you a job. Arrogant, rude, disrespectful, bully know it all and most of all useless sod.

                                      • @Mad Max: You’re back again! Miss me that much?

                                        All those mean words. You’re just a big meanie.

                                        Let me know when you’re done stalking.

                                        • @Vote for Pedro: I had to work today, unlike you leech.
                                          You instead had the time to arrass people on Ozbargain all day.

                                          • @Mad Max: If you want to go on a date, you just have to ask. No need for this schoolyard be mean to the one you like routine.

                                            • @Vote for Pedro: You can only get dates with your pet rat. You make a great couple.

                                              • @Mad Max: I’m not the one stalking anyone for company. But i must say that you are adding humour to my night. So, thanks, I guess

    • Australian immigration 2006

      4,416,034 100%

      United Kingdom 1,038,160 23.5%

      New Zealand 389,466 8.8%

      China 206,589 4.7%

      Italy 199,123 4.5%

      Vietnam 159,849 3.6%

      India 147,105 3.3%

      Philippines 120,538 2.7%

      Greece 109,989 2.5%

      Germany 106,524 2.4%

  • +4

    2001: Everyone is a terrorist
    2008: Everyone is financially irresponsible
    2020: Everyone is infected
    "Don't worry, we're from the government & we're here to save you

    • -1

      you meant

      "Don't worry, we're from the American government & we're here to save you

      edit ( where know where you live, where you go, who you talk to, thanks for paying amazon to tell us all that…)

      • +1

        Trump is literally telling people to liberate themselves from overreaching government. Meanwhile in Australia we are arresting people for going to the beach and driving on L plates while everyone sits on welfare.

        • -3

          trumpy is telling people to kill themselves by injecting disinfectant and/ or bleach. Clearly that's what you really mean by Trump is literally telling people to liberate themselves.

          • @petry: I don’t know why you push crap that is so obviously bs.

            • @Emerald Owl: Well people listen to what he says and he did seem to think injecting disinfectant could work.

              He also said hydroxychloroquine is a game changer and someone recently died in the US by ingesting chloroquine

              • @TEER3X: That's not what he said at all. Try watching the original clip and forming your own opinion rather than just swallowing the media's garbage.

                He didn't suggest anything, he just said it's an interesting concept for doctors to keep looking into (which they have already been doing for centuries). In fact, UV therapy is a very well.establsihed medical procedure.


            • @Emerald Owl: yes 'I don’t know why you push crap that is so obviously bs' since

              “We have gone and created a unique, gender-based crime, where the action actually requires a pregnancy to be a crime,” said Paltrow. “You’ve created a separate and unequal law. And people don’t understand that in a country that has so expanded its criminal laws, any prosecutor intent on punishing anybody can find a crime.”

              from 'Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how (American) prosecutors get inventive on abortion - guardian

              Note 'in a country (America) that has so expanded its criminal laws, any prosecutor intent on punishing anybody can find a crime.”

              trumpy has no interest in curtailing overreaching government for people, only business…

              • @petry: They consider abortion to be murder. Punishing murder doesn’t fall into government over each.

                • @Emerald Owl: “We have gone and created a unique, gender-based crime, where the action actually requires a pregnancy to be a crime,” said Paltrow. “You’ve created a separate and unequal law. And people don’t understand that in a country that has so expanded its criminal laws, any prosecutor intent on punishing anybody can find a crime.”

                  you clearly have trouble understanding the quote.

                  • @petry: And you did not explain it at all. It is clearly some bs pro-abortion argument. Anyone that is pro-abortion shouldn’t hide behind convoluted arguments, just tell the truth.

                    • @Emerald Owl: 'And people don’t understand that in a country that has so expanded its criminal laws, any prosecutor intent on punishing anybody can find a crime.”'

                      does not refer to only abortion….

                      why would America build so many privately run prisons unless it is sure that the companies can always overcrowd them?

                      the American super rich are getter vastly richer thanks to covid - follow the money…

        • Might want to read up on Spanish flu and how the second wave was devastating. They had social distancing back then, but opened up to early.

          • @TEER3X: yeah the irony of Anzac day relaxation of distancing will be felt in 4 weeks time plus.

            Using the old heroes to kill people home in Australia is pretty sick but normal for our America first pollies, dancing to yank directions.

  • +1

    I think all that's happened is that they won't be processing any new Greencard applications. (Excess) Immigration is one sure fire way to boost your economy, at the expense of overcrowding. Just see Melbourne as a test case.

    I was supposed to return to the US this year to avoid my Greencard being revoked, but now I'm not so sure I want to / or even can go back. USCIS offices are closed and the COVID-19 situation is much worse over there.

    • Depends how old you are, if you’re under 50, siting and watching tv for a day is probably more likely to kill you.

    • I heard the same, that working visas aren't blocked at all, only green card applications…

      On the other hand, one article did mention their justification was that would slow one person living in the US bringing more of their family over and taking jobs that way. (Not that I agree whether or not its a good argument, just putting it out there for fairness)

      Imo it seems like a grandstanding attempt to gather more support

      • +1

        Immigrants have all the shlt jobs anyway so I'm not sure why anyone would be against immigration if a city's capacity could handle it.

        • That's probably the reason why they didn't actually block it, otherwise you'd get huge gaps in the crappy jobs no-one wants, kinda like how apparently we ended up with a traveler shortage for farm harvesting recently?

        • You do know there are far more immigrants with University qualified jobs compared to garbage collectors, cleaners etc? This is not America where all the illegal immigrants have shit jobs.

          • +2

            @Emerald Owl: Sorry, I was talking about the US, not Australia.

          • -1

            @Emerald Owl: its just another American puppet state these days, and immigrant doctors do all sorts of menial jobs here…

  • -6

    I wish the Trump family would emigrate here in 2025… and produce Australian PMs forever. Though if they were in labor or liberal they'd be removed to the back bench right after the public voted them in anyway.

    Maybe John Howard had the right idea after all (Australia having a president instead). We'd still get several generations of useless corrupt millionaires like the USA has had for decades… but we might get a Trump every so often who restores everything the first type destroyed. As it is now, all we get are the destroyers or do-nothings, because the two-sides-of-the-same-coin parties relegate anyone who does something sensible or out of the staus quo to the back bench.

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