Seems Myer is selling the cranberry colour of this machine $100 cheaper than the other colours (makes sense).
Don't forget the bonus redemption from Breville -
Seems Myer is selling the cranberry colour of this machine $100 cheaper than the other colours (makes sense).
Don't forget the bonus redemption from Breville -
579 is not a good price imho - it's normal price. The lowest I've seen is $400 for this machine, and that is a good price!
Got this in stainless steel. Excellent machine. Can be had for around $500 with sales + discounted vouchers, but this is the best price for this unit right now.
Good price!
I wanted the red one but there was no discount on it.
Now only the red one is discounted.
Mysterious MYER.
Wish I had the non-steel, that is this red or black version. Steel gets scratched.
Colour one doesn't get any better. Their colour top coat are also prone to get scratched and those marks are too obvious, hard to ignore.
Really? I've had the black one for almost two years and maybe only have a few micro scratches on the drip tray, which is plastic. The body of the machine is a high gloss enamel and looks fantastic when given a once over with a damp microfiber cloth.
Re the drip tray - the tray is indeed plastic, but its very front panel and the griddle is metal, right?
That's how it is in the steel version I have. And those two parts are the only ones I scratched.
Yep, I too have had the black one for the last 2-3 years and apart from two very very miniscule blemishes on the tray it still looks about as good as it did when it was new!
Wish I had the non-steel, that is this red or black version. Steel gets scratched.
I had red one before. Switched to stainless steel when upgraded.
Scratched stainless steel looks better than scratched red one. :)
It looked great for the first couple of years. We are pretty good with appliances. Still the sides of drip tray are getting scratches eventually. Also we had few minor scratches on the top which are more noticeable on red compared to stainless steel.
Damn, waiting for the BES878!
I bought a BES878 2 weeks ago ($849 at Bing Lee price matched at JB). I got my local JB's second last unit, TGG, Harvey Norman were both sold out with no units due to May. Doesn't guarantee it won't go on sale, but I'd suggest there won't be anyone aggressively discounting BES878 anytime soon.
That sucks to hear! I started looking for one quite literally the week after the last eBay sale when they were $640, so gutted :( Will be asking a friend at JB to help me pick one up with his discount instead!
I have this in red and its quite nice. Breville may try to fight you to get out of giving you the free coffee, be aware.
"Participating Product" means any of the Breville products listed in the table below by
model name and number that are supplied by Breville in Australia and sold directly by
Breville or by a Participating Retail Store:
Model name Model number
the Oracle® Touch – Stainless Steel BES990BSS
the Oracle® Touch – Black Truffle BES990BTR
the Oracle® –Stainless Steel BES980BSS
the Oracle® – Black Sesame BES980BKS
the Dynamic Duo™ – Stainless Steel BEP920BSS
the Dynamic Duo™ – Black Sesame BEP920BKS
the Dynamic Duo™ - Cranberry BEP920CRN
the Barista Touch™ – Stainless Steel BES880BSS
The Barista Touch™ - Black Truffle BES880BTR
the Barista Pro™ – Stainless Steel BES878BSS
the Barista Pro™ – Black Truffle BES878BTR
the Barista Express® – Stainless Steel BES870BSS
the Barista Express® – Black Sesame BES870BKS
the Barista Express® – Cranberry Red BES870CRN
Hmm, I saw your list and noticed that they're not including the white (Sea Salt) version of the Barista Pro. Have emailed Breville to ask if it's included in their promotion.
I got the Sea Salt one, I registered my claim and Breville confirmed my entitlement. I havent got the pack but seems to not be an issue..
Have a few red brevilles. They're quite a nice colour.
Does anyone know if this uses the same grinder as their smart grinder?
I don’t believe so but it is a burr grinder which is the most important. I have one. Does a very good job. Great all in one unit.
The burr is the same so I would assume it is very similar…
Yeah you could be right actually. I think what seperates them is the programming of the solo grinding unit.
OK thanks.
All time lowest was 479 on ebay for this, but that was a long time ago and unlikely to return.
Good buy at this price
Maybe I'm just wishing but I'll pull the trigger if it goes below $500 again
Yea been watching since we got one for $480 from JB during black friday sales for a second one and this is the cheapest iv seen it since!
Also available on Myer ebay to use GCs if you have…
Paid $560 for this a year and a half ago and still quite happy with it! Warms up quickly so I can pull a double espresso shot in the morning quite quickly. However, not very fond of the steam wand design and find that the quality of the steam is poor, weak, and slow. I use it frequently, and it'll do the job, but definitely the weakest part of the whole package.
Should mention that the Barista Pro is the successor to this model, but no idea about how much better.
I have the BES870 at work and the BES878 at home. The 878 is much stronger in the steam department - it's almost too fast when only doing a small amount of milk. I think it's a combination of a newer pump and 4 holes in the end of the 878 steam wand as opposed to just one hole on the 870.
Agree, the steam is weak, downright pathetic compared to a commercial machine, but I still love the machine and have gotten the hang of steaming milk with it. The key is the right angle to get the milk spinning. It takes a long while to get going fast, but if you hold the wand on about a 45 degree angle, to the side of the jug, just below the surface, it will get a good spin and give you creamy latte milk. Quality milk also helps, I have no idea how or why, but if you live in Melbourne, do yourself a favour and grab Saint David's milk from your local IGA or organic grocer, it's worlds different to a $2 whole milk when it comes to steaming.
thanks for sharing, mate! I have been practicing how to make nice shapes as well.
Yep it's definitely workable and doable, but worlds away from the commercial machine when I worked as a barista (could finish steaming a full jug even before the shot finished pulling!). And good point with the milk, without cold fresh milk it can be difficult. I only drink long blacks thankfully but my family enjoy the occasional soy lattes I make on it- I don't think I would be able to tolerate the time it takes if I drank milk coffee everyday!
Can I ask:
1: Are you able to change the water volume on the shots?
2: What happens if the Gauge doesn't come up to the Premium Zone? Do you change the setting on the grind?
Thanks many
There is a way to program both 1 and 2-shot water volumes permanently to set custom shot volumes say if you want a longer pull or want to imitate a ristretto.
As with all espresso shots- I watch carefully the colour and volume of the espresso coming out of the spout, and aim for 25-30s extraction time. If the extraction is very slow then I adjust coarser, if it is too fast then I'll adjust finer. On my machine I find that the correct pressure is at the top end of the gauge.
It also depends on the freshness of the beans.
Thanks many, is it possible to program the water volume it to 1 and half shot? My dad likes it just in between the 1 shot and 2 shot water volume.
@Aerith-Waifu: Yes, there are two modes that can be programmed. You could set either of them to 1.5 shots.
$25 off if you buy a $500 Myer gift card from AGL for $475, emailed within a couple of minutes.
What's people experience with these machines? Do they last?
Considering prosumer machines (these are 1.5k and above) as opposed to these ones (price around 500 to 1.5k).
I hear that prosumer machines will last 20+ years with proper servicing, consistency in coffee brewing and taste. You'll also need to get a proper grinder too if you're serious.
These machines, cheaper in build quality but do they have the consistency and quality?
I'm been doing my research and the TLDR is this:
These machines do not last like the prosumer machine but its a lot easier to get a great coffee with.
Forums have many posts about these needing new seals, pumps, grinder impellor, etc.
Feed it good beans (Five Senses for me) and it's consistent every single time, but using cheaper beans can really be hit or miss. The Aldi beans that everyone raves about (for the price) absolutely sucked with this machine. Wasted half the bag experimenting with them, and never found the sweet spot. As soon as I chucked Five Senses beans it in 6 months ago, I haven't had to touch the settings once and it comes out the same (beautiful) every time.
As for "do they last?"; no idea. I've had mine for 14 months and haven't had a drama with it as of yet, but nor would I expect it so soon.
I agree - i think the most important thing for making good espresso are the beans, the grind and a machine that can deliver the appropriate & consistent pressure.
I think this machine would last a long time with servicing. The problem is on a ~$500 machine if a part fails and it costs $300 to pay someone to fix it, you will probably just chuck the machine out. On a Prosumer machine you would pay to fix it.
Ive also heard this - replacing parts can be a nightmare. On the prosumer machines, servicing wont be cheap either.
Also the prosumer machines are definitely more "manual" (depending on which one you get of course) - these machines really have electronic smarts.
Having said that these prosumer machines looks so much more amazing!
If you clean and descale it regularly it will last a long time.
I've had the BES860 for over 10 years now, The steam wand stopped working this year but I never really used it. I treat it like crap really the only servicing I have ever done is replace the seal at the group head. I run the cleaning cycle as required but mostly without any added cleaning solution just water.
Overall great machine that has exceeded my expectations. If you are looking at spending a little more I notice the Dual boiler… and grinder… are about 50% off also.
Very tempted on the dual boiler. Then I think to myself "Well you'd be half way to getting the Oracle…" I wonder what the different in coffee really is from this machine, the dual boiler, to the oracle.
Can anyone make latte art with this machine? I don’t believe the steam is strong enough to make the milk thick & creamy, but maybe that’s just me.
I struggle to be honest, steam wand is not the best
It's definitely possible, and comes down to technique… It's not as easy to texture the milk as a cafe machine though, because it takes so long, and also I find the sweet spot to get the milk aeration happening is harder to find. Takes way longer to get a strong vortex swirl so it's less forgiving if you introduce too much air too quick.
Latte art I'm not sure how to do, nor do I care to learn, but I've never had a problem getting it to the point where it goes glossy (thick and creamy).
I do it differently to andgucps though. I start with the tip just under the surface angled at the jug and then half way through, lower the tip half way down the jug until done. Not sure what way is actually correct as I'm not a barista, but it works for me. Gets frothy and glossy.
yes you can do latte art. Its not easy to do even with most expensive machine. Latte art doesnt make your coffee taste better. if steam wand is inserted further you get less foam. If you are just touching the milk surface you get more foam. Play around with it to get the desired foam. Latte art is all about your wrist and how you pour.
I know latte art doesn't make coffee taste better. It's just fun and sense of achievement sometimes when making coffee. I find that the milk needs to get to certain level of foamy smoothness for the art to work (it depends on your foaming technique too, apart from the machine itself. Then it comes to your technique of pouring.
Absolutely, see my comment above, grab a quality full cream milk and get it spinning, they key is to avoid the big air bubbles. Once you've got to the required temperature, you can spin the milk further in the jug by doing quick circles with your hand. I did a 4 hour barista course at Padre (a Melbourne coffee roaster) and their tips really helped. My love heart latte art comes out crude but always puts a smile on my partners face.
Nothing better than a morning latte cup with a love heart art. It puts a smile on anyone face :)
Thanks for the tip, I'll keep trying!
That was fantastic!
Why is it so hard to find the Barista Dual Boiler (BES920CRN) in this colour..
bought one for under $500 last year with the free coffee - worth every penny at the moment!!!
Have this in stainless steel and it was the best bloody life choice I've ever made
This is hands down an awesome machine. Am away from home for quarantine and missed it so much I went to GG's and got another one, last week. Prices everywhere were $699. Gal rang it up for me at the counter for $599 without batting an eye. Awesome day.
Got it for $462 last year. Overall pretty good, but you must use good beans. The steam wand is ok but I can never get good consistency. It's either too much froth like a cappuccino or not enough bubbles.
I used it successfully with bad beans as well. It's a machine that works with both kinds.
No issues with the wand, perhaps dip it more and spin longer/shorter. Use chilled milk. Don't overheat it.
When going from good to bad beans you must dial up or down the grinder, I find generally finer for older beans and then you may need to decrease the amount or adjust your tamp pressure. It's a bit of an art and every bean is different!
Additional $5 off through ebay code MYPLUSLN4Y2KWDQM
Sold out on Myer website but their eBay store still has stock -…
Are there any current redemptions from Breville with this purchase? Couldn't see from the site…
Are all of those available with the purchase of the coffee machine?
with the above model your eligible for the $119 bonus kit as per the Breville's promotion page
Sneeze and you missed it
Available for $499 from good guys commercial.
How to sign up an account with TGG commercial ?
It took me ages. You need a company or similar.
The question was how to sign up, not how long it took.
@mandelbrot: I have a company or similar… and yet I don't have TGG commercial.
How do you make a coffee?
Unskinbopbopbop: You need hands or similar.
@raybies: You call GG Commercial.
You: Hi, I would like to sign up for an account
GGC: Do you have a company or an ABN?
You: Yes - here are the details
GGC: Thanks. We'll send you your logon details shortly.
Does you get your mum to wipe your a$$ every night too?
Managed to get access by signing up with SunSuper. The entire process took less than 15 minutes. Of course I won't be using SunSuper account so let it accrue fees and charges and eventually close itself.
Terrible colour
Has anyone claimed and received the gift pack already? How long did it take?
Submitted my claim a week ago and hasn't progressed at all.
Not sure if anyone is still following the post anymore but I thought I would try asking a question here anyway…
Does any of your machines make a pumping sound when using the steamer? Like the sound from 1 min 23 second in the below video.
Not sure if this is normal at all, didn't hear it watching other review videos.
Yep, every morning for the last 2 years :) This is normal.
Thanks mate, I thought there is a water pumping issue.
Nope, no issue at all. When turning the water/steam dial to 'Steam' it sits there for a while, thinks about it while it starts heating water & generating steam with what it already has in the pipes then it starts producing steam from the wand which is when then the pump soon pulses/throbs into action as it needs to keep feeding more water to generate more continuous steam. So yeah, all good! Enjoy your little Breville, we certainly have ours :)
Great machines. Good price.