This was posted 13 years 5 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Portal Free on Steam (Usually $19.95USD)


The original Portal is now available on Steam for free. Right now anyone with a Steam account can go and download the game.

For those who have no idea what this game is

Updated expire date Thanks for the info @rygle

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Awesome game for an awesome price.

  • damn it, and what about those of us who paid for it? great game thats for sure!

    • If you paid for it you would've enjoyed it a lot more & been more tempted to finish it ;)

  • +5

    I got it the last time it was free. The humour and graphics are great :)

    Though if you get motion sickness, good luck to you on this one :P

    • I thought it had previously been free… Thanks for confirming. =]

    • I stopped playing this game and didn't buy portal 2 for this very reason… motion sickness!

    • +8

      don't spoiler it for them :P

      • +11

        I'll step up. I neg'd you, twice.

        One for the spoiler. If I could have, it would have been two for that "first" crap.
        One for bitching about it. Man up.

  • Got the orange box on my PS3 (never played) but this is as good a reason as any to finally join Steam.

    • Same here, Its just been added onto my steam now. Don't know why it wasn't working before.

  • Beat me to it ;) great game and still gets updated

    • gets updated? do levels etc change? (IE worth another run through?)

      • Nah more like bug fixes and stuff.

      • they did change the ending cinematic when portal 2 came out

        • +2

          What's this treachery?? You mean they changed the ending of two's or the first's?

        • +1

          lol @ treachery…
          The way the sentence reads is, they changed number one when number two came out.
          I'm assuming to bridge the gap between the two games, so it makes sense as the story continues.

        • +1

          I won't spoiler the ending :P

          Suffice to say, they've just added a little bit of extra audio, detailed in the description over here, presumably for the reason Will wrote.

  • is this a demon? im only getting the "download demon" button
    "install game" button doesn't work. brings me back to the same screen

    • +1

    • +4

      If you've got Steam installed, you should be able to click this link to install it.

      • ive tried that way already. same thing. nothing happens

        • GUYS!! Close Steam, re-open it and you should download a Steam package. Return to Portal page, it just got updated. Enjoy :)

    • +1

      I'm having the same issue as you.


      It seems a lot of people are having this issue:…

      Double Edit:

      IT WORKS! ^_^

    • +14

      Unfortunately the demon version is only available to those subscribing to certain religious beliefs.

  • Huh, it says it's $20 when you look it up using their search engine, but when you go there it's free. I really hope those of us who download it won't be charged retroactively…

    • +1

      Yep, the store search shows it with a price.

      But I still got it registered onto my account for free.

    • Yep, that threw me at first too, but it looks like the $20 refers to the package, "Buy The Orange Box. Includes 5 items: Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Portal, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2"

  • Got it thank you

  • -7

    btw, quite off topic ….
    i want to buy Simcity box if any1 dont want their game any more ….

  • +1

    sigh, I still have my free copy in steam that nobody wants ;/

    • +2

      Subscribe to this thread, wait till the promotion is over, and I promise you someone would jump on here to say: dang! just missed it…

      => grab the golden opportunity :-)

  • +3

    this game is a must for all gamers, get it now, no gaming collection is complete without this title.

  • I don't know what Steam is but I'm doing this, just so I can listen to the song at the end that everyone raves about (and has a million hits in youtube).

    I want CAKE too.

    • if you want to listen to the music … find it on Youtube :) But the humor is a lot of fun :P if unsettling :P

  • +1
  • +4

    This goes until September 20 - it's explained here;

  • Thanks. Glad that it is available for mac user also. ^.^ Grab one.

  • Yay! Thanks for posting!

  • Machiavellian!

  • +2

    NVIDIA users can get this game free anytime they like by claiming it from this link: as well as 3 other games. It does say '11 level demo', but trust me it's actually the full game.

    • Oh, what do you know! I've been linking to that forever but thought it was only the 'first slice' demo.
      If it really is true, that's awesome.

    • -1

      Err.. unless it's changed since I last looked, they offer portal: first slice, which doesn't have all of the levels.

      ed: wikipedia:

      In January 2008, Valve released a special demo version titled Portal: The First Slice, free for any Steam user using Nvidia graphics hardware as part of a collaboration between the two companies.[56] It also comes packaged with Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Peggle Extreme, and Half-Life 2: Lost Coast. The demo includes test chambers 00 to 10 (eleven in total). Valve has since made the demo available to all Steam users.[57]

      and half life wiki:

      Portal: First Slice was the demo version of Portal.
      Overview Edit

      Portal: First Slice consists of test chambers 00-10, with a total of 11 test chambers.

      It was originally available on Steam for any user with an Nvidia graphics chipset. The demo was distributed along with Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Peggle Extreme, and Half-Life 2: Lost Coast.

      After some time, it was eventually made available to all Steam users, before being completely removed from Steam during the "Portal is Free" marketing campaign.

      • +1

        *sigh * Like I said…

        It does say '11 level demo', but trust me it's actually the full game.

        I've played it through and it's actually the full game. I played all 20 odd levels back in 2009 and I also sent the NVIDIA redemption link to a friend back in May of this year and he received the whole game as well.

        Why would they give you the full game when it clearly says demo? Well I don't know, but my guess is that when they made the the demo available to all Steam users, they must've released the full version to NVIDIA users. I don't know for sure, but what I do know is that the Steam NVIDIA game pack comes with the full version of Portal.

        I also just noticed that I can't redeem Portal from OP's promo because it says I already own the game when all I did was redeem it from the NVIDIA promo, so… ;)

        • +1

          From what I know, a few people somehow got the full thing from the first slice demo (no idea how lol) while most only got the standard extended demo as advertised. Even the official page says it's a demo:

          This offer includes Portal: First Slice, a generous 11-level demo of the unique new game from Valve that has earned numerous Game of the Year awards.

          So I'm not sure how you and a few others have done that, but hey free stuff? Can't complain about that :)

          ed: Just to see what happened, when I attempted to download from the nvidia promo site, I got a message saying that "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast" - "Game already in account" but for "Portal: First Slice" - "Full game already in account" which implies that First Slice isn't the full game. But again if you got it for free then good for you :P

        • +1

          @Mark, if you're that dedicated, could you try that with a new steam account?
          If it doesn't work, you could just get the free portal game onto it and later on gift it to someone else.

        • +1

          Trying it now, I do have nvidia hardware on this computer so it should pass the scan etc fine.

        • +1

          I made a new gmail account and a new steam account, setup a basic id, followed the link and installed portal: first slice (and only that) and the result was this:…

          Upon closing the game, steam automatically opened a steam browser window for portal. Methinks you've found cake by getting a full version of portal :)

          ed: one thing I did find odd was that the steam library for the new steam account I made included all the games from my normal account. Portal was listed right alongside Portal: First Slice. Valve you have confuzzled a poor little rabbit :S

          ed 2: one final thing, I opened up portal in the new steam account and sure enough, compared to first slice, there were more levels. Enjoy your free portal ace :P

        • +1

          And one more thing, I stuck portal 1 in there, so if anyone is later interested in a new steam account with portal in it, pm me :P

        • +1

          one thing I did find odd was that the steam library for the new steam account I made included all the games from my normal account.

          Yeah because you have them installed. It's probably blacked out meaning you haven't purchased it on the new account.

          Now if only Ace can confirm whether you can play all levels despite that 'First Slice' menu screen.
          Or you can play through it, Mark… I'm sure someone of your magnitude could rush through portal in, oh I don't know, half an hour max? And you'd only need to get to 12… for science!

        • +1

          They're actually not blacked out or anything, I'll see what happens when I try to play them and report back with that and some quick portaling (hopefully) shortly. Don't stay up too late leon :P

          ed: looked a bit more closely at the available list of games in the steam library for the new account. It has left non-steam game links, free games and a few of the paid games I had in my normal account. No idea why it's kept some but left others. I'll tackle this before moving onto first slice :)

          ed 2: Games like Star Wars: Battlefront II are gone, a few of the paid games listed there are actually only there due to links to free copies which are there for this account. For example Half-Life 2 is listed due to HL2: DM and HL2: LC being there; HL2 is listed with a purchase button, not a play button. Similar story for Audiosurf. Moving onto first slice now :)

          ed 3: it's gone o_O there's now only portal listed. I am positive that both portal and first slice were listed there together after I signed up for "full" portal :S I'll see if I can get it back without having to go through the hoops of creating [email protected] and the associated steam account :/ no guarantees.

          ed 4: Don't see any way I could get it back without going through more trouble than just creating yet another steam account :/ so I'm off to make brokengloves2 an email address and steam account lol.

          ed 5: foiled :( Upon trying to get a slice of cake I'm informed I've already used up my promotion on this set of hardware using a different steam account. This is the only computer that I have ready access to with an nvidia gpu as well, so I can't go and test that it on a different pc. Sorry leon :(

          ed 6: But I'll keep trying :P

          ed 7: give me my slice of cake valve :( or at least cookies

          ed 8: The cake is a lie.. or maybe a spy it's hard to say. But either way it doesn't look like I'll be able to do any more testing on first slice. But I still have portal 1 sitting around in this account for anyone who wants it after this promo's over. I have a couple of leads as to how I might be able to get it to work. but I don't think they'll lead me far.

          ed 9: The leads got me nowhere, clicking the link from my original screenshot (for steam game screenshots it saves the game it was from) but while I did get an app ID from that (410), it auto-redirects to 400, which is "normal" portal. The storefront for portal: first slice was gone long ago so that's not entirely surprising. If anyone else has an nvidia gpu and has some spare time, go for it but without flashing my gpu or something I think I've done as much as I can :(

        • +1

          Then I guess it's probably been fixed since April/May 2010 since that was when the first slice page got taken off.
          Well at least the Puzzle Agent demo is still the full game.
          I would've helped too but unfortunately I'm on the slowest wifi possible.
          Anyway, thanks for all your testing. :D

        • Update: the offer for my the account with portal has been taken up so is no longer available.

        • The offer was taken up not too long after the deal ended, hopefully it was used to much enjoyment ^^

  • Is this a shoting game?

    • You shoot portals?

    • Yeah you have to save humanity by killing robots with blue and orange lasers.

    • Sort of. It is first person and you do need quick reflexes & co-ordination. But it's more of a puzzler/strategy game. There are robots on some levels that will try to shoot you.

    • It's a first person puzzle game.
      You don't get to shoot at things unless you turn on the console and give yourself a weapon (which changes the nature of some of the puzzles).

  • 3.9GB DL for mac WOWZERS!

  • Awesome!! love OZBARGAIN!

  • +1

    Maxed my quota this month.

    Can I add it to my wishlist and download it next month for free? OR is there any way to add it to the account to download at a later date?

    Never used steam before.

    Thanks heaps in advance! :)


    • yes you can just pause the download also some ISP have free qouta for steam.

      • -1

        Not Telstra… But yeah the best thing to do is initialise the installation, then even if the download is at 0% you can pause it and restart it any time you want :-)

        • +3

          Telstra/BigPond have two Game Arena Servers which have unmetered usage for BigPond customers.

          Use Frey's Steam Filter to block connections to other Steam download servers so you only download from whichever server(s) your ISP allows unmetered downloads from.

          You can also use this link to determine if game content is hosted on your ISP's Steam server(s). The AppID is the number at the end of a Steam storefront page link, for example the Portal storefront page link is so the AppID is 400 which is what you search for.

        • Really? Wow, thanks for the info!

        • -> Ace

          There are two?? I only knew about the NSW one. Do you know where the other one is supposed to be?

        • They're both in NSW. One is public for any steam downloader to access, and the other is private for BigPond customers.

          If you're with BigPond, I'd recommend changing your download region in Steam settings to NSW (Telstra) so that way it is the preferred content server for you & especially if you're using Frey's Steam Filter because downloads will start much faster as they don't have to go through the list of IP's till they reach BigPond's.

  • Thank you! Time to find out what all the hype is about.

  • No; this deal is definitely not expired yet. Just registered a copy to a friends account. :)
    The search results come up with $20, but on the Portal store page, it will say play game or something similar.

  • Fantastic deal, thx op~

  • I would plus this, easily.

    However, it has been free for ages for every nvidia user.

    Everyone I know uses Nvidia, in fact I forget what the competitors name is.

    • ATI. And Nvidia people are like the Canon bandwagon :P

    • Actually, only the "First Slice" (an 11 level demo) was given away free for Nvidia users. But the full version of Portal has previously been given away free for Steam's launch on Mac.

      • It just says it's First Slice, but when you actually activate it you receive the full Portal game.

        That's how it was 8 months ago. Around 2 years ago I registered the deal.

        • Uh, I activated that 2 months ago and I got First Slice, not the full version, and when I downloaded First Slice, Portal was in my list with a purchase button.

  • +3

    I'd heard loads about this game (and #2) but had never played it. At $0, I couldn't resist so downloaded it and AM LOVING IT!!! Can't wait until work is finished so that I can get back to playing it. Or… I could swap laptops and 'work' on the one that has Portal installed ;)

  • If i download it for free now .. After the period..Can i still play the game or do i have to buy it after? :S

    • +1

      It's yours forever… :-)

  • +1

    Excellent game.

  • i like this game, thanks!

  • Daily life need games to relax.Done.

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