Not the cheapest it's ever been but worth considering due to future uncertainty and how badly the Aussie dollar has sunk.
Drives inside are White label 10tb Helium, 256mb cache WD100EMAZ-00WJTA0
Not the cheapest it's ever been but worth considering due to future uncertainty and how badly the Aussie dollar has sunk.
Drives inside are White label 10tb Helium, 256mb cache WD100EMAZ-00WJTA0
Over a $100 more than the last deal through the US store isn’t it?
Actually it was through the AU store. But you’re right about the AU dollar, don’t think we will see prices this low for a little while.
The dollar had moved back over 63c so we're getting ripped off, I'll wait. All depends on if the dollar can hold at this point.
17 million people just applied for welfare payments in the US over the last 3 weeks… I'd be expecting the US to tank if it keeps going that way
@4foxache: US won’t tank with the fed printing unlimited money and US$ still in demand. Go look at the down jones for the last 3 weeks, best 3 weeks ever lol!
@jenkemjunkie: Printing money dilutes its value so no we'll still gain against US if that's what they are doing
@4foxache: It’s not if that’s what they are doing..It’s what they actually ARE doing…and that value isn’t being affected yet.
Do you know it’s also what the RBA is doing in Australia buying gov bonds? Printing money.
Yeah the aud has rebounded so that excuse is bogus
@DaTa: That actually backs up my argument if our jobless rate is lower GDP output will be relatively better compared to the US. So of course we'll gain on it
@4foxache: After the numbers start to reveal themselves, we'll definitely end up with lower unemployment than the USA. Ignoring the negative media, we're actually getting through Corona relatively unscathed. Our lower population density has played a big part (just look at New York). And our property marking is holding, unlike theirs, in many states a total collapse looks likely. So I would tend to agree with what you're saying.
I think if we can get the AUD above 65c we'll begin to see prices tumble again. Everything jumped un-proportionately when the dollar was in freefall, I suspect they were anticipating it dropping to low 50s. That's clearly not going to happen now.
@Click_It: Personally I think our jobless rate will hold much better than the US as we've contained the pandemic a lot better. Time will tell
@4foxache: Agree 100%
Would be great if our dollar can move over 70c but I'm not sure that is possible. The USD often stays artificially stronger than it otherwise should be. Their massive QE and impending explosion of unemployment should have a much bigger impact than it actually will. I think we'll end up in the 65-70c after this blows over, but anything is possible.
for reference i brought a 12tb for $207USD right before the dollar shat itself, didnt get charged until deep into the shitting itself though and its come out at $360AUD and its still not here, so this is a decent deal if you are in need rn
I was still going to buy one, but Amazon said shipping could be over a month.
Should've bought the gift card for that amount and locked in the exchange rate!
Damn I just paid like $411 for this recently. I thought there was a chance of a mass shortage and the price might go up.
Hand over your Ozbargain badge. $40 per TB is too much.
I will need a second one soon enough. But i can wait a few months.
Weird that 4tb still seems the sweet spot - with a 4tb external drive costing $100.
why didn't you get a bare drive to put into a nas if you paid $411 for one drive?
i have 2 TB of this currently almost full, thinking of getting a bare nas next time.
Edit: shoot this is element, mine is mycloud.
this is usually for shunt and put into nas like synology or qnap
Is there a bare 10TB drive for $411?
Genuine question - what are people buying this for? With Google photos backup and on-demand streaming - what's the need?
… looking for an excuse to buy one :O
Linux distros, of course
My favourite Linux distro is into its third season!
unless youre paying for the monthly storage on google photo, your photos uploaded are only at high-quality and not original quality as taken by the device. some migh the ok with this but when you have a good camera you either want your photo to be stored at its original settings or raw. some 4k video taken from your device may not be stored at 4k also, plus its a good practice to backup your content with the 123 method
I believe Amazon prime has an unlimited photo storage system that includes RAWs. Haven't looked too much into as my membership lapsed.
Amazon AU only offers 5GB of storage 🙁
Pixel 1st Gen 4lyf.
Google Photos doesn't store full quality, unless you have a Pixel phone or are paying for the privilege (and it isn't cheap in the long run).
I shoot a fair few stills and the RAW files for those end up being 70MB each, so a whole-day shoot can potentially consume up to 140GB. Over the course of a year, it’s a lot.
If I shoot and store 4K 10-bit 4:2:2 ProRes footage (mostly as a hobby with some paid work), those files add up even quicker at about 226GB per hour.
I wouldn’t personally use external drives as my primary storage though. If I bought these high capacity externals, I’d shuck them and put them in my file server.
Cause I have Plex and download a lot of tv shows not available on any streaming service.
There a tonne of reasons. I use them for backing up work stuff.
I gave up buying more HDDs in last 2 years. Just recycled them by formatting data and reused.
Saved plenty of money!
Even if you can backup full quality to the cloud, data upload speed for residential internet connections are too slow. Assuming on the NBN most plans have an upload speed of 20mbps. To up load 10TB of data that's 46.3 days with full speed uploads, you'll probably max out at 90% of the "advertised" speed so more like at 51.4 days to upload that much data.
Mirrored zfs storage
one word……Plex
Thanks got the 8TB at $254 to match my array, paid $216 last time but…. aussie dollar has tanked
Everyone keeps saying that, yes is hit 56 or 57c but has rebounded to 63c currently, most of what it lost. If it can hold there, we should see the old discounts returning.
That's true, supply and demand… with most people working from home everyone's after more storage for… cat pictures.
Are these shuckable? I need to add a storage drive into my htpc. I was looking at a WD internal drive normal… Can this replace?
Speed irrelevant as no gaming. Just reliability for 24/7.
Yes, that's why I added the drive type to the OP. There are whites inside, which are relabelled reds. You might need to cover one of the pins or get a suitable cable.
Yes, but you'll probably need the 3.3V trick…
Thanks guys. Going to give this a shot! Hopefully don't need to as the htpc is quite old - maybe older PSUs don't have the trouble!
We haven't seen a nice price on this drive since we were getting them for around 230
I thought that was a price error? They were mostly around the $270 from memory. Personally, I'm disappointed I didn't get more of the seagate 10tbs drives.
Paid $262.50 last time,, hard to justify paying this high again..
Unless it's an emergency, wait!
I've switched off one of my NAS drives which needs a rebuild until prices return towards the old prices. This price premium is a short term anomaly.
This is when I purchased mine
This was the price error
8tb is much better value at 250 no? From us though.
That's a lot of data to loose if it fails.
That's why you shuck them and put them in a NAS…
Or buy 2 and manually copy the same stuff to both.
$386 12tb much better value
Why does the "12 TB" one cost more than the "12TB" one? :P
One is US import and one seems to have Aussie power supply which seems to imply we have warranty.
One includes delivery, the other doesn't
spend more to save ;)
If it has AU power supply, does that mean it's AU stock and has warranty? It seems some of the other ones are US imports so wouldn't we be SOL if it fails?
Yeah, it's shipped by Amazon AU. Even when I've bought stuff from Amazon US they've been good with returns though I haven't returned a hard drive.
I just looked it up and it seems it's a 2 year international warranty so don't we just contact WD for an RMA then? It seems RMAs go to Thailand anyway.
You could go either way. Amazon would have the easier process. They would probably just ship you a new one.
@Caped Baldy: Ya, figured as much. They've started quoting this page now though for imports:…
At least I know I have some form of warranty with WD should I not be able to pursue Amazon for it if something goes wrong.
Anyhow, just ordered the 8TB US model for the best $/TB.
aghh just sprung for a 4tb this morning for $165
Is that the portable? Maybe try and cancel if it's the desktop version.
I hope its portable. I paid only a few dollars more for my 4TB desktops in 2010. Ouch…
Reading through the previous comments, I'm also thinking of buying this as well as a QNAP TR-004 to shuck as my first NAS storage.
I only really need a storage unit to put years of movies and photos onto.
I'm pretty much a novice when it comes to most things to do with computers, but do you guys recommend this hard drive for the above intentions?
thanks for using, the new theme is an eyesore.
You're welcome. FYI, there are addons and extensions which redirect to old automatically.
Awesome, thanks for the reply!
I think I've left it a bit too late, so I'll keep an eye out for the next deal
These drives are rated for 24/7 usage. Perfect for use in a NAS!
Already have an 8TB and the 8TBs aren't priced badly currently either.
Currently they're backup drives, however i will go to 4X8TB with these for my NAS in the future.
My issue with 32TB is how do I back it up without buying another NAS? 😂
If you do own a Nas, you won't need another NAS to back it up.
You will use one of the 8tb as the parity.
24gb storage, 8tb parity.
Party != backup
I was going to go 32TB and have 16TB backed up and add backup drives as needed.
Right right.
A NAS is not a backup and definitely doesn't meet the 3-2-1 rule if you're somewhat serious about storing data. Not to mention a NAS doesn't really protect against bit rot either.
81 Positive votes for this?
Still think it's not a deal now that the next best price is $350+? Everything is relative. Yes you could get a 10tb for $250 4 months ago, but can you now?
Thank you, just bought two