This was posted 4 years 10 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

LEGO Chinese New Year Temple Fair 8010 - $111.75 Delivered @ David Jones


Haven't seen this in stock for ages so grab it on sale whilst you can. It's a fantastic build, I've put mine on a Gray baseplate and it looks great. Very happy with the details in the set.
Was $149 now with 25% off is $111.75

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David Jones
David Jones

closed Comments

  • +26

    Lol, wonder if they have a Wet Markets set..

    • +4

      prefer pandemic set

      • +4

        How will I start a pandemic without the wet markets set..

  • -6

    Does it come with mask and sanitiser?

    • They sent the masks and sanitisers back to mainland.

    • +20

      Dont let the door hit ya on the way out m8.

    • +8

      someone is angry

    • -6

      But it's fact that the virus came from Wuhan wet markets. It's a fact there's reports directly from Wuhan citizens that they are burning elderly people alive and taking people at night trying to hide the true numbers of infected. It's a fact China treats it's people like cattle. So why you upset? Because people make a few jokes in a terrible situation or because you don't want to believe that China treats it's people in such an awful way?

      • -6

        No it’s from US originally.

        • +2

          Show proof

          • -1

            @npiet1: Bullet proof or water proof?

          • @npiet1: burden of proof is on you

            • +3

              @johnwinkle: No he made the claim.

              • +1

                @npiet1: no i mean about the burning people coming from wuhan citizens

              • +1

                @npiet1: cute how you completely stopped replying when i asked for any proof in articles of your "i got my sources from official citizens about wuhan burning elderly people", classic

                • @johnwinkle: Takes a while to find again, I'm not saving mass amounts of source links for everything I read. All ready replied down below.

                • @johnwinkle: He is from USA ;p

                • +1

                  @johnwinkle: Cute how you stopped replying when source was posted classic. lol.

                  • +1

                    @npiet1: I couldn't even find the comments anymore after whatever admins did. And you said you got official sources and you used a tweet from a 4chan user? You know they don't even know english down there right? That's a yikes from me

                    • @johnwinkle: Completely misses all the rest, or the fact they are typing pretty decent English.

                      • +1

                        @npiet1: use your brain and realise i could write back and forth messages woth my friends and claim they were conversations with chinese people..

                        • @johnwinkle: But nothing on the others lol.

                          • @npiet1: if you use 4chan screenshots as your "official sources" i dont even need to respond haha

                            • @johnwinkle: So the only 1 that's screenshots (not even a 4chan screenshots btw), and that is the only one you'll mention lol. Does your arm hurt are jerking Xi so much?

        • So the thousands of new reports are wrong?

      • +1

        You must be from the USA.


      • +9

        @npiet7 -

        Not sure why so many negs on your comment.
        What you said is factual and accurate.
        Do we have that many brainwashed people on this site? Or are they just China apologists.

        PS: I'm still open to the idea it may not have been the wet markets, but may have been a Wuhan lab - either way, China is at fault (and their propaganda arm, WHO). No one else is to blame.

        • WHO their propaganda arm? You're sounding like trumps fake news tirades

          • @johnwinkle: He is from US from profile lol

            • @rartelif: My computer is on VPN (this one, from phone, is not).

              But what does that have to do with my comment?
              Your earlier comment saying it came from US shows you are peddling CCP propaganda, yet you are implying I am sending out fake news. Seems like you're the hypocrite.

          • +3

            @johnwinkle: I detest Trump but from some videos I've seen about links between WHO and China appear suspect to me.

          • +4

            @johnwinkle: How else would you explain it? WHO was at first covering it up, then minimising the impact of it. And when countries stopped flights from China, WHO was fighting against it.
            How was anything coming from WHO different to what comes from the CCP govt. press?

            • @mick123:

              On January 23rd they said:
              "To other countries
              It is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country. Thus, all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoV infection, and to share full data with WHO.

              Countries are required to share information with WHO according to the IHR."

              Where's the covering up and minimising the impact of it?

              • +5

                @johnwinkle: WHO on Jan 14 -
                Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China

                China on Jan. 19: Chinese Disease Control & Prevention Director for Wuhan Tells Everyone Don't Worry Because the Wuhan Coronavirus Isn't Contagious.

                Jan 23, from WHO -
                Spread of the new coronavirus that originated in China has not yet reached a level that would deem it a global public health emergency, the World Health Organization said on Thursday. The virus has sickened more than 600 people, and 25 have died.

                “Now is not the time. It’s too early to consider that this event is a public health emergency of international concern,” Didier Houssin, chair of the WHO emergency committee, said during a news conference from Geneva.

                Houssin said the decision is based on the limited number of cases worldwide, as well as efforts in China to try to contain the disease.

                “Make no mistake, this is an emergency in China,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “But it is not yet a global health emergency.”

                Borders should be kept open and people and trade flowing in the face of the coronavirus outbreak, although countries have a sovereign right to take measures to try to protect their citizens, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.

                There is a “huge reason to keep official border crossings open” to avoid people entering irregularly and going unchecked for symptoms, WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier told a Geneva briefing.
                January 29: Meeting with Xi Jinping, the head of the World Health Organization praised the Chinese Communist Party leadership for its ‘seriousness’ and ‘transparency.’

                Feb 4 - WHO
                "we reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions inconsistent with the International Health Regulations.

                Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit…

                there is a window of opportunity because of the strong measures China is taking at the epicenter, at the source"


                Feb 13
                “‘China has done many good things to slow down the virus,’ Tedros (WHO head)said. ‘The whole world can judge. There is no spinning here.'”

                i could go on and on. But if above is not enough to show WHO and CCP are in bed together, then there is no point trying conversing with idiots.

            • +2

              @mick123: @mick123 Don't forget Senior advisor to WHO director-general, Bruce Aylward pretending he didn't hear when questioned about Taiwan, yet wanted to skip the question when asked again then cutting his video feed when the interviewer did ask him again.

              The WHO failed to declare this a pandemic till long after it was by definition.

              • @Villainous: That was one of the most amateurish things I have ever seen.

          • +2

            @johnwinkle: If the WHO werent bribed by the CCP then why would they play down the virus in the first place when it was known to be human to human transmission? Why did they play down every single act that the Taiwanese govt did? Dont forget the CCP tried to lay the blame to countries too? The US and Italy for instance.

            Even if his from the US so fking what? Are you telling me you are a CCP propaganda machine trying to lay the blame to the US too?

        • +2

          people don't like to read awful things, better to bury your head in the sand I guess.

          • +1

            @npiet1: Originated from Straya out back, where everything is bigger, and more deadly.

    • Which stupidity follows? Just your comments.

  • +13

    I dont see Winnie the Pooh?

    • +14

      But Winnie the Pooh can see you. The set comes with the latest technology which has in-built GPS tracker, a camera and a microphone so they know what you are up to :)

    • +6

      He's being served on the lazy susan

      ..I'll show myself out

    • +5

      Winne the flu*

  • +5

    Also Lion Dance available…

    It better not get shipped in a god damn satchel again or it's going right back

  • +9

    Lol no bats in this set.

  • Thanks OP, ordered one.

  • +15

    Here for the comments lol

  • Bought the new year and lion dance set. Any idea what size base plate I should get? First-ever lego set in life

    • -2

      Keep then mint in Box as 2 of the first 3 have virtually tripled in price . 80101 and 80102

      • Only the first two, the rest won’t.even first two, tripling in price lol?

  • And it's gone!

    • No!!!! I wanted the Lion Dance, but was too late…

  • -5

    Do the have the LEGO wet market 801630 on special?

  • +1

    Clearly US have a lot more number of patients than China,and almost 50% of Australian patients were sourced from US.

    • +1

      But how did C-Virus reach US in the first place?

      • +2

        They are gonna tell you the origin is still unknown LOL

  • +5

    Where are the bats at?

    • +1

      At wuhan wet market.

  • Disgusting. I mean look at all those little lego people not practising social distancing!!

  • I wanted one more than you

  • Last time I went to Toy World at Gepps Cross here in SA thy still had dozen of these

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