This was posted 4 years 11 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order] DB Cosmetic Hand Sanitiser 500ml 6 Pack $65.94 Delivered @ DB Cosmetics



Not as cheap as Aquim but not as expensive as other sellers. Aquim is normally $14.49/l which is impossible to get. This is $18.64/l if purchased with code.


First order will get $10 off (with code) if subscribed to newsletter.

Follow this step:
• Clear browsing history
• Open DB Cosmetic website
• Open sanitiser page with specific product
• Pop up will appear.
• Add email address and name and submit.

Check this comment by LittleDon

Manly Spirits Co is selling sanitiser for $75 for 5 L. But comes with very low stock and pre-order. Here is the link if anyone wants to give a try. You can add email address to get notified when pre-order is available.

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closed Comments

  • +15

    No thanks

    • +3

      Agree! Soap works just as good (if not better) than alcohol sanitisers against the coronavirus. Sanitisers do work well, but why pay the extortionate prices when other cheaper options exit?. Hysterical behaviour….

      • +24

        I find hand sanitiser useful to use when I go back into my car after buying groceries. I also use it in the classroom too… So there are reasons why people people are paying an exorbitant price for hand sanitiser. It's just much more convenient for some people who can't rush out to wash their hands with soap in between.

      • -1

        Detergent are for cleaning visible dirt. Sanitizers kills bacteria and viruses.

        • +1

          Reports suggest that soap does a better job at breaking down the fatty layer of the virus and killing it.

        • washing hands properly for at least 20 seconds kills the covid 19 virus.

  • +13

    Too expensive.

  • Good price thanks. Servo selling 1 litre for $59 these days.

  • +37

    I think you will be able to by hand sanitizer easier in a month or so so the price should come down then.

    • +4

      Bookmarked this comment to revisit in 6 weeks.

    • ya na

    • +1

      A company in Australia imported 400,000L of it a month ago. They just had issues getting packaging (comes from China I am guessing)

      I would expect in the next 2-3 weeks there will be an oversupply here with lots of companies switching to making it.

      • If that time come, and with lower A$ people from US will OZB it.

    • ETA on Aqium (large and small sizes) on wholesaler website is 14/04/20.

      The ETAs do change sometimes but this one hasnt changed for the past fortnight or so.

      Might be back sooner than people think.

  • +4

    It looks like there will be an influx of small batch hand sanitizers from different companies available in a few weeks.

  • +2

    You can get it now as most places have it in stock
    Costco food works shell Coles express
    And Caltex starmarts sell it

    • +1

      How much is it though?

      It seems everyone is price gouging at the moment. Most places I have seen hand sanitizer for sale have it priced at $30 per litre or more.

      At least this is only $18.64 per litre with the voucher code when buying a single 6 pack.

      Edit: Case in point, this is $45 per litre and you have to go searching for it

  • +1

    I did the rounds today and was unable to find any at all.

  • +2

    Thanks for the post. Been trying to get some for my delivery drivers to keep on them and in their vehicles. They also have 10x60ml packs to keep in pockets. Been so hard getting this stuff anywhere

    • +1

      I agree. I also need this for staff. It’s very difficult to obtain and I don’t see this situation blowing over in a few weeks unfortunately.

    • +2

      It says the following on the product page: “For small business, community groups or corporate orders please contact us”.

      Maybe you can get a better price by contacting them… I would probably order this first so as not to miss out whilst waiting for a reply.

      • Yeah 50c off.

    • +1

      But you won't get it for a month so not really helpful at all

  • +1

    That's a great find. I'm angry at these clothing stores selling 50 and 100 ml for exorbitant amounts of money and also having far off shipping dates.

    • -3

      Why are you angry? Just don't buy it and don't encourage people to buy it. They will then realise they're not selling and think of ways to offload them for free or cheap price.

      • +1

        because its exploitative price gouging?!

        • Yeah it is. But don't buy into it. Just wash your hands. If that's not convenient enough them stay home. If staying home isn't possible then work should at least provide it. My workplace does. The problem is the supply and demand is out of balance and that's what's causing the increase in price of most products. Just don't overstock because I'm quite certain they will come back down.

  • +10

    pre orders arent deals

  • By the time it's ready to deliver, original and repurposed producers will have stock back in shops making this an overpriced 'bargain'.

    • +3

      Stores won't be selling cheap just like current Coles & WW without weekly offers

    • +1

      It’ll be at least a year before you see regular stock and pricing again.

  • +3

    Purchased - thank you … pricing actually not too bad considering (for the 6 x 500ml pack) that one gets free shipping and, as a new customer (I've never shopped with them before) a $10 discount code which I was able to immediately apply to this purchase.
    Really, to me the only negative is the waiting period until they have it in stock and ship it.

  • -1

    Hi I am first time purchaser,but havent got the 10$ off code, can anyone say how to get the code please

    • +1

      You need to subscribe first

  • can anyone post the code here? havent got the email with code, after subscribing to newsettler

    • You dont need to subscribe. When you submit your email, it shows you the code.

  • I did, got the email that i hav subscribed but no email with code

  • Where this code will be added? how we get it? it says my subscription has been saved but no discount code in email or in the payment page

    • +2

      The code is given in a pop-up … perhaps your browser did not allow?

    • +1

      Send me your email address and name. I will try to generate code

  • -3

    It's so easy to make your own…get wise people.

    • +5

      Hard to get a hold of the ingredients too

      • -4

        My local Bunnings has plenty of Metho, which is 95% ethanol. add a bit of eucalyptus oil & glycerine, and presto, hand sani.

    • How ye wise one?

  • +3

    5th of May? Everybody will have had it by then.

  • For the DIY sanitiser

    Very hard to find Aloe Vera.

  • -3


    • +4

      Where is cheaper please?

    • Can you please link to an alternative that will be available at a cheaper price in four weeks from now?

      Thank you

  • +2

    There are so many new companies at the time of virus crises and we can not believe on each and everyone.

  • -2

    Just use Listerine peoples

  • +3

    While I don't think it's worth a neg, by 5th of May I would think their would be an influx of cheaper alternatives

    • +3

      Crystal balls were on special on Amazon last week huh?

  • Thanks OP. A bit expensive and delayed shipping but no complaints. You never know if this pandemic will die down anytime soon and it's good to be prepared anyways.

  • +2

    How the hell did four pillar justified their $40 per litre? Yet people still defend them?

    • Not defending 4 Pillar. I didn't even buy, but glass bottle, 80% alcohol (as opposed to 70% here), premium look at feel of product. No disrespect, this feels a little Priceline which is absolutely fine. I got this DB Comsmetic deal over the 4P.

      • Wow 20 bucks for a glass bottle and for the premium "look and feel".

        That will kill the virus.

        • Yeah, I don't believe what I'm saying either but to be fair it is 80% alcohol vs 70%. Just want to make the point that 4 Pillar likely a slightly superior product.

  • +12

    Where do these guys get off with such rip off products?

    • +1

      The market price for 500ml is currently $30. Sadly this is our reality atm.

      It can only be as cheap as the ingredients it uses. Isopropyl is through the roof at the moment.

    • +3

      Actually, this is quite reasonable when you compare to the price being charged by the distilleries.

    • +1

      Chemist we get it at sells it for $39.95 for a 1 litre bottle

      • +2

        maybe you stop going back

    • I work on public transport. Show me where I can get it cheaper instead of chicken shit negs.

  • +7

    Back in the day you could get 5 litres of 99.99% isopropyl for $10 delivered!

    Equally as comforting in those days was the fact that most of us had no use for isopropyl.

  • +4

    I've purchased. Very happy.

    $10 off as first time user.

    $55 delivered for 3L is a pretty solid deal compared to some of the face ripping that is going on these days! Thanks OP.

    solid find in the circumstances.

  • +1

    *Estimated shipping date: 5 May 2020 - so probably looking at like May 11th for it to be delivered if they are on schedule

    yeah, no thanks. Daresay other deals will come up and in May places will have stock..

  • -5

    Kills 99.9% of germs. Still short of 100% to kill coronavirus.

    • +1

      YES. I have approved C19 Killer.

      But in reality, you just need to break down the fat surrounding the GERM and it will die. So washing your hands, may not be instant, but it's cheap and it works.

      PS: Also keep your hands HEALTHY (Moisturised etc) as it cannot penetrate healthy skin.

  • +1

    I'm at the point that I'd rather risk getting sick than pay these stupid prices.

    • Then I thought if I survive I will make enough money 😂

  • Does this have any expiry date?

  • Thanks OP I have ordered some. Not a bad price in the current climate.

  • I smell interest free loan here.

  • -1

    why does it specifically say anti bacterial? I thought alcohol based sanitizer is supposed to be both anti bacterial and anti viral.

    • May be this product was launched before coronavirus

  • this is actually not a bad deal
    cheaper than what I paid the other day, $12 for a 500ml bottle

  • Hope website is genuine. Placed order 15 min ago, no email still.
    Has anyone purchased from this site before?

    • +1

      Check spam. I got email within a minute

      • Thanks. Thats where it was.

  • +1

    Thanks op. Given current situation. It’s not cheap
    But not too expensive. Looking forward to adding some of my 99% isopropyl alcohol to this when it arrives.

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