• expired

[ACT, NSW, VIC] Woolworths Basics Box $80 Delivered @ Woolworths


Copy pasting..

These are testing times for all Australians, especially for the most vulnerable in our communities.

Which is why we’ve developed the Woolworths Basics Box, to help provide essential products to customers who are currently unable to visit our stores - the elderly, people with a disability, those with compromised immunity and people in mandatory isolation. To make sure all Woolworths Basics Boxes make their way to people who need them most, you’ll need to be able to show that you fall into one of these groups to order one. We will not be profiting from providing this service.

Update 9 April 2020:

We have now extended the Woolworths Basics Box so it’s available to anyone in need, either for themselves or for delivery to others in the community.

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closed Comments

          • -2

            @Kill Joy: $2 isn't much, that sounds like a long running Bargain.

            $80 of groceries delivered for $80 doesn't sound like a bargain. I'll reserve my neg if we find out how many groceries are in this mystery box.

            • +2

              @sween64: You're not making sense. Just because the costs are different they both are the same in that they are not aiming to profit but to provide an essential service. There are probably hundreds of employees working on this initiative - you dont think one would blow the whistle if they felt woolies was trying to profit from the crisis?

              To reiterate this is not a bargain, it is an essential service for the vulnerable who literally cannot get things they need to lvie. Don't be a dick about it.

    • This is not a deal yet very helpful for Elderly and The Compromised people. Based on ozb terms, this should be in forum. That is why people question if this deal or not. Good thing this is selling at RRP else some of Ozb would snag it by faking it.

    • dont we have forum for that sort of stuff? if this isnt a bargain then it shouldnt be here.

  • -7

    Screw that… all of that barely registers as 'essential' for myself. (I have a disability)

  • -1

    Good for Woolworths, but this is no bargain.

  • +2

    Sounds like rations… But good on them for innovating.

    • That is literally the point.

  • +1

    so no home delivery from coles and Woolworths these days?
    isn't this the perfect time that they should be doing home deliveries?

    • +3

      They're overloaded so they only deliver to the vulnerable at the moment

      • But the minimum order and delivery fee conditions still apply to the vulnerable at the moment*

        • Basics Box has a $15.00 delivery fee which is immediately discounted 100% at checkout. This is a 'line item' for accounting purposes that they no doubt would claim back at tax time.

          • @et tu brute: Not talking about Basics Box in particular, but talking about other items in general*

    • +3

      100% agreed, but Australia is so behind other countries for logistics.

    • +2

      @baldour Except the standard online orders (not to be confused with the Basics Box which is processed by 3rd parties) are processed by the nearest Woolies/Coles Supermarket. They are processed instore alongside normal everyday consumers. When the shelves were cleared of product and the transport logistics couldn't keep up, then they had no choice but to stop online orders altogether. They have have only restarted again on a very limited basis for the elderly and the infirmed who cannot get to the supermarkets on designated days at 7.00am.

      They will no doubt resume when the hoarders move on to depleting other things.

  • +9

    Is there a BWS basics equivalent too?

    • +1

      I hope the Ice doesn't melt in transit.

      • +1

        If your ice melts you are going to the wrong dealer

    • Yep, Carton of Foster or West End.

      • I read Carlton or Foster and thought “yes very basic indeed”.

    • No, but Dan Murphys delivers (where available)

  • +7

    They should make it possible for people to pay for one of these but for it to be sent to someone in need. I would be more than happy to prepay for one to be sent to the next Elderly person that needs one.

    • +1

      Mondo butchers in wa are providing this service. They have meat hampers with other food items for $80, valued at $120. Doing this through lifeline.


  • +20

    For ONCE, can we please stop just constantly s#*ting on anything a big corporation does to try help. Yes many have often done questionable things in the past and you can even question the cost effectiveness of this in terms of the inclusions people might get for $80. Could you potentially get a better deal by just buying the things you want and not paying for some of the inclusions that you don't? Yes of course, but they are rolling these out at mass scale and to enable that, uniformity is important. Customisation would dramatically reduce the number of these they could roll out and the frequency.

    Also, this would still be great for some who can't get out to the shops or shouldn't do to their risk to Covid exposure. Its $80 delivered and gives you some basics that will keep you going for a while if you are running desperately short. I will be arranging for my Grandmothers who are both over 90 to have one of these each delivered to their homes.

    • +4

      This. People are very entitled, and no doubt ozbargainers are since everyones a tight ass by nature. But all this BS that supermarkets are jacking stuff up or whatever.

      Firstly less sales or promotions or none at all, makes sense, otherwise people think hey it's half price, i could do with stocking up on it regardless.

      Secondly, supply and demand, everyones who has cash or is in employed still won't be spending it on anything else, so there's going to be people with more cash than stock available, even if prices go up, it's just basic economics.

      Thirdly, even if toilet paper, and other panic bought items go up, it's neither price goughing, these factories that need to do overtime, logistics overtime, people who stock supermarkets overtime. It was never factored into the costs of these goods made and sold. Also the ramp up is temporary then they'll need to lay them off. Furthermore the overtime pay, who wears that?

      • +1


        Hey, this is way too logical for some of the OzBargain wingnuts who may need pictures to decipher your wonderful explanation.

        Cheers :)

    • +2

      No, it's about moral superiority. Idiots saying it's not a bargain, should be in the forums, etc. It's standard OzBargain morons, but exacerbated by being stuck at home.

    • +1

      People might have to visit multiple stores to get the contents of this box which would mean they are wasting time petrol and risk exposing themselves to the wuhan flu.

      It’s a bargain to avoid these things.

      • +2

        Calling it the "Wuhan Flu" makes you sound like a standard racist Trumpanzee. Well done.

        • It was actually the CCP who originally named it the Wuhan flu as a way of distancing and localising it from China. Later when the CCP managed to infiltrate and subvert the WHO (resulting in the death of tens of 1000s) under pressure they renamed it COVID19.

          Despite what wumaos here claim the west should never forget where the Wuhan flu came from and who is responsible for all these deaths - the Chinese communist party.

          • @Icecold5000: Thanks for proving the point.

          • @Icecold5000: really a ccp virus? do show sources would love to read about it.

            • +3

              @mudguppy1: They have this thing called the internet. After hearing about how CCP backed companies in Australia drained our country of medical supplies to ship back to China its clear Australia should trust the US a lot more than China.

        • Aussie virus. Better?
          People are dying and you are still after being a social justice warrior and politically correct. You guys are more dangerous than "Chinese virus"

          • @baldur: Great point you make - "I was saving all this energy that I was devoting towards solving the pandemic, but then some bastard insisted I use a less-racist term and then I had no time or energy left to solve the issue." That's really valid.

            • @mickeyjuiceman: So far we’ve had SARS, the bird flu and Wuhan flu ALL originating from China within the last 20 years.

              But hey let’s forget about all this because it’s racist.

              • @Icecold5000: Point-missing, OzBargain-level

                • @mickeyjuiceman: The point that you’re too precious to recognise the real issue.

                  Enjoy unemployment then.

                  • @Icecold5000: oh dear the hate that comes from you is just not right. this virus is affecting humans…

                    • +2

                      @mudguppy1: In 2003 SARS took hold in China most likely jumping from species in wildlife markets. CCP tried to cover it up and hundred died as it spread globally with USD40 billion price tag.The CCP promised to regulated the wildlife consumption trade to prevent a reoccurrence.
                      2013 a bird flu epidemic again originating from China again in unhygienic wet markets jumping species. AGAIN the CCP tried to cover up the scale of the epidemic while the costs run into the billions. AGAIN the CCP promises to control poultry and wet markets.

                      So no we have the 3rd installment of the trilogy with cause being unhygienic wetmarkets where a disgusting trade in wildlife is carried out which the CCP lied out controlling once again. Now it’s going to crater the Australian economy for the next few years.

                      Apparently its hate to point out where it comes from and to hold those responsible to account because that would be racist when It would be cowardly not to do so.

                      Looks like these folks in Wuhan havent learned their lesson either.


                      Maybe the ban on people who have spent time in The PRC should go on for a couple of years to safeguard Australian citizens

  • +1

    Yeah this is probably not for OzBargain tbh. I think it's a great initiative from Woolies. Those in the category they are catering towards still have to opportunity to do a specific Woolies shop, this is just an added offering to that. They may have received feedback from their customers (especially elderly) who might not be very computer litterate, so they are offering a simplified box which takes out quite a few steps in the whole process. It looks like it could also be ordered over the phone too, which makes it even more accessible.

    • +1

      While not targeted to ozbargainers, it helps get the messaging out to families who will help their vulnerable signup up.

  • +2

    This is not a deal
    its a $80 full of items sold at RRP

  • A limit of 2 boxes per customer, per fortnight applies.

    Does this imply that the box will have enough food for a week?

  • +1

    Otherwise can order what you want online if you are in the target group… (requires appropriate ID)

    Looking to order specific products instead?
    If you’d prefer to order specific products or items, we recommend you apply to receive Priority Assistance by completing the form here to access the Woolworths Online range, as well as priority access to delivery windows.

    Maybe offer assistance to those unused to online ordering. Or offer to shop for them.

    Don't forget services like Meals on Wheels who can deliver meals & check in on the vulnerable at the same time.
    MonW were delivering toilet paper supplied by Woolies to counter panic buying shortages.

  • Harris Farm also have a $250 food box (no toilet paper or household essentials though) that feeds a family of 4 for five days
    It's not the best value but may help those who don't want to go out in public to buy produce

  • +2

    1 of everything in list would be around $40 at aldi/when on sale but if it needs to last a week there shod be more than 1 of everything.

    Edit: image show 2x tuna and 2x pasta sause rest looks like 1 only and all woolworths brand so this is aroud double what I would expect to pay. Probably $40 for food and $40 for DHL delivery.

    • I wouldn't put in any weight in to that picture…

  • +1

    Does it let you pick options or does it give you one at random - i.e sending peanut butter to someone that is allergic

    • No options. They are trying to get as many out as possible.

  • +3


  • +9

    It's definitely a good measure by Woolies.. but the list of items looks more like Doomsday prepper lists of long life / canned / preserved everything. To me, the elderly should get some fresh veges and fruits as well in the package.. More healthier..

    • +2

      I guess it needs to be long life stuff as its delivered by AusPost not by their regular trucks

    • Plenty of fresh veg and fruit at the supermarket. But what's not at the supermarket are the Dooms day sundries. This box is supposed to address that issue.

    • Register for online deliveries of fresh foods & other items

      This is just the basics that many elderly would want. But with changing diets & cultural backgrounds - flour & tea may not be what some would want.

      Unfortunately many elderly eat little & are found malnourished in research assessments. The current conditions will likely worsen that condition.

  • +2

    Good initiative from Woolies. However all supermarkets should be ramping up online deliveries to support the social distancing cause - it seems all of them are looking at profiteering by forcing people into supermarkets & fight for toilet paper & other items. It's much easier to manage this pandemic by moving grocery shopping online - govt has dropped the ball.

    • +2

      Online shopping of groceries is a very small part of the industry, the infrastructure does not support that volume. Stores are built to support this volume. Yes we should aim to move to a delivery based model, but it will take time to do so. This is a first step.

    • Putting infrastructure in place for things like mass home deliveries takes a lot more than just making an OzBargain post about it, unfortunately. And, for some, surprisingly.

      • +1

        Hopefully once it happens more jobs for everyone.

  • +1

    Cracks me up how passionate some people are about being backseat moderators on this site.

    'According to article 5, subsection 3 of the Ozbargain by-laws, this technically does not meet criteria 1, 4 and 8 of being an official OzBargain bargain and therefore should be IMMEDIATELY removed. I have been an active member of this community for 3 months and I'm deeply offended and impacted by this flagrant flaunting of the rules. ACCC have been notified and I will be telling mum when she gets home. Yours sincerely, Carl69erz'

  • +3

    Are they trying to kill their customers ? this biz is a diabetics worst enemy

    • Since when did they care about people's dietary choices?

    • +1

      They're trying that every day, it's not like they've setup a special "foodalike" category just for this. The majority of their shops are filled with this junk.

      • mmm - baked beans … in a can … (urp - phht!)

  • +2

    Who would have thought of woolies getting into the mystery boxes business, we probably have some new unboxing videos to watch soon.

    At the moment unboxing a rare Tp would be more exciting than a themed car airfreshener.

  • -6

    Price gouging and profiteering.

  • Nothing fresh or frozen?
    Like I get nothing there needs refrigeration/freezing but still - just because someone is elderly, isolated or has a higher risk doesn't mean they should miss out on fresh produce.

    Woolworths the fresh canned food people.

    • 'Woolworths the fresh canned food people.'

      LOL - thanks for the chuckle

      yeah but those cans have been freshly handled - with fresh coronavirus on each can ! (swipe!)

      and you've got to give them credit for being can do people … ! ;-)

      • Whenever I hear fresh food people, it reminds me of people are fresh food. On the other hand, when all this is over, they know people will be just as they were and everything will go back to the same old. They will never run out of fresh customers.

    • There’s nothing fresh - only non perishable - because it’s being sent through Australia Post. Since it’s targeted to “priority assistance” as is home delivery, I’m not sure what the benefit is, but there’s a clear reason why no salad, meat or frozen goods.

  • +3

    Woolworths have taken a leadership role in this crisis. Coles seem to be struggling to catch up.

    • +3


  • +1

    Eligible people can order the basic box by phone and that's what makes it a great initiative - it's available to vulnerable populations, some of whom don't have the internet or don't have a computer access and many don't have the knowledge or skills to place an online order.

    • Impossible to cater for every person and every siuation but that should not stop some attempt being made to help out. Elderly usually have comp savvy relos or friends that help out with such things anyway.
      Many young ones are computer illiterate.

  • -2

    My leg was compromised by my dog, do I qualify?

  • +1

    without seeing the retail prices or quantities I'm guesstimating about $60 worth of stuff in that essentials list - $80 delivered looks like $20 delivery fee - not charity - just a regular deal for oldies not wanting to fight over toilet rolls - 'rolling in the aisles'

  • +4

    What a crappy deal. If I was in the vulnerable category, and I logged in and had a choice of this box or doing a normal shop where I can buy the specials and stuff I actually will use or eat then I know which one I would choose

  • +2

    I don't get why we expect supermarkets to be charitable for our communities whenever there's a crisis. Yet we don't ever put any pressure on big profitable companies like Amazon or Google to lift a single finger.

  • -3

    Bought 250 at $80 a piece. Hello Gumtree! I'm joking! Don't hurt me. Got only 100. I'm not an ahole.

  • Seems really expensive. I wonder if it would be cheaper to find someone on gumtree.

    It's because it's an online feature, so thus any elderly person who is able to login to woolworths should technically be able to login to gumtree too.

    Wait, I'm wrong it's doable over the phone too. Guess that gives it a thumbs up from me.

  • +1

    Why is it so difficult for them to list the entire contents with sizes ?
    Surely TA’s in the category they are targeting would like to know.

  • Hunger V's DIY Ozbargin way

    Tough call….

  • +1

    I'm under 14 day mandatory isolation after returning from New Zealand, this seems like a great idea but they want supporting documentation, what will that be? I didn't get anywhen I returned, unless you count my boarding pass. I don't have any perishable food as I didn't buy any before my trip. I'd really like some fresh milk or even some sausages would be nice.

    • You should be able to get fresh milk off uber eats (service stations) or other contactless delivery services.

    • +1

      Try Jim Fresh delivery. Check my other posts.

  • +1

    Trying to set up an account for my old man with no luck. It says they will get back to confirm within 3 days but it’s been longer than that.

    • Try again, they've just changed the way you apply…
      I've tried numerous times since last monday for my parents. I did it yet again tonight, and received a sms within 1hr. Although no times slots are available still…

      • I tried again tonight the form looks the same and no SMS. It just said 3 days to verify it.

  • +2

    My dad received his box and it has half the items that it's meant to have. No substitutes provided either. Toilet paper, soap, long life milk, bread, biscuits, pasta sauce, crackers were all missing.

    It's a great idea, but I don't think Woolworths have delivered much value here given that it was $80

    • Not much better than their regular delivery then. This is garbage and dangerous… especially when vulnerable people might be relying on it (and might be forced to go down to the shops).

    • They are shipping in 2 separate boxes.
      Hopefully he’s recieved the second box.

      The list doesn’t look that big dunno why they didn’t use 1 box
      Ok works out to be about 10kg hence 2 boxes but they need to notify people

      • No 2nd box was received…

  • I'm here waiting for some photos of the actual box 'full' of stuff.

  • Not sure why anyone would buy this.

    You have no choice, so they can send you junk that you don't need.

  • +7

    Woolworths have published the listing of the contents:

    Household Essentials
    • Flour 1kg
    • Sugar 1kg
    • Toilet paper 8 pack
    • Soap (or other hygiene products) 1 bar
    • Longlife milk (or a dairy substitute) 2lt
    • Fruit juice 2lt
    • Weetbix, oats (or breakfast cereal) 375g
    • Spread (jam, vegemite, honey or peanut butter) 150g
    Lunch & Dinner
    • Pasta (or rice, lentils, noodles, quinoa, couscous) 500g
    • Pasta sauce (or similar) 500g
    • Canned tuna (or other canned meat) 4 x 95g
    • Canned items - 4 x soup, 1 x vegetables & 1 x fruit - approx 400g each
    • Baked beans (or similar) 420g
    • Tortilla bread (or similar) 8 pack
    • Tea 50 bags
    • Biscuits (or chocolate wafers, sweet snacks) 175g
    • Muesli bars (or dried fruits) 5 pack
    • Crackers (or similar) 185g

    It's not worth it all. It probably contains less than $50 worth of goods. Even if you add $15 shipping to do a normal Woolworths Online order, it's still a lot cheaper to buy these things individually than pay $80. The people eligible for this box are the same people who are still eligible for online delivery through their website. It would make more sense to actually order what you need, rather than get a bunch of random stuff…

    Example shopping cart I made up using the Woolworths Online website
    Item Price Quantity
    Essentials Plain Flour 2kg $1.80 1
    Csr Caster Sugar 1kg $2.50 1
    Balnea Soap Coconut And Lime 4x100g $1.90 1
    Woolworths Uht Full Cream Milk 1l $2.50 2
    Golden Circle Tropical Fruit Juice 2l $3.00 1
    Sanitarium Weet-bix Kids Breakfast Cereal 375g $3.20 1
    Ixl Jam Reduced Sugar Raspberry 240g $2.00 1
    Essentials Pasta Spirals 500g $0.90 1
    Raguletto Pasta Sauce Napolitana 500g $1.70 1
    Woolworths Tuna In Springwater 95g $1.80 2
    Woolworths Tuna Massaman Curry 95g $1.80 2
    Woolworths Tomato Soup 420g $1.60 2
    Campbell's Canned Soup Cream Of Chicken 420g $3.40 2
    Woolworths Red Kidney Beans No Added Salt 420g $0.80 1
    Woolworths Mango Slices In Syrup 425g $1.55 1
    Spc Baked Beans Tomato Sauce 425g $1.15 1
    Woolworths Tortillas 10 pack $3.00 1
    Essentials Black Tea Bags 100 pack $1.90 1
    Woolworths Custard Cream Biscuits 150g $0.75 1
    Woolworths Muesli Bar Choc Chip 8 pack $1.90 1
    Woolworths Snapz Original 250g $1.50 1
    Subtotal (SEE NOTE BELOW) $40.65
    Reusable Bags $1
    Delivery Fee $15
    Total (Incl. GST) $56.65

    NOTE: this price does NOT include toilet paper because I couldn't find that on the website
    edit: made some corrections to the sample cart for some wrong sized products I originally picked

  • No eggs

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