• expired

[ACT, NSW, VIC] Woolworths Basics Box $80 Delivered @ Woolworths

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These are testing times for all Australians, especially for the most vulnerable in our communities.

Which is why we’ve developed the Woolworths Basics Box, to help provide essential products to customers who are currently unable to visit our stores - the elderly, people with a disability, those with compromised immunity and people in mandatory isolation. To make sure all Woolworths Basics Boxes make their way to people who need them most, you’ll need to be able to show that you fall into one of these groups to order one. We will not be profiting from providing this service.

Update 9 April 2020:

We have now extended the Woolworths Basics Box so it’s available to anyone in need, either for themselves or for delivery to others in the community.

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closed Comments

  • +39

    What is included?

    Household Essentials
    - Flour
    - Sugar
    - Toilet paper
    - Soap (or other hygiene products)

    - Longlife milk (or a dairy substitute)
    - Fruit juice
    - Weetbix, oats (or breakfast cereal)
    - Crackers (or similar)
    - Spread (jam, vegemite, honey or peanut butter)

    Lunch & Dinner
    - Pasta (or rice, lentils, noodles, quinoa, couscous)
    - Pasta sauce (or similar)
    - Canned tuna (or other canned meat)
    - Canned items - soup, vegetables & fruit
    - Baked beans (or similar)
    - Tortilla bread (or similar)

    - Tea
    - Biscuits (or chocolate wafers, sweet snacks)
    - Muesli bars (or dried fruits)

      • +65

        You're missing the point.

        customers who are currently unable to visit our stores

        We will not be profiting from providing this service

          • +27

            @em: ugh - there's no standard delivery. It's been discontinued. You could spend $10000 and wouldn't get anything delivered.

            • +26

              @bargainshooter: That's not my point. If you are in the group that is eligible for priority access and can still order online, you need to weigh up the costs involved since you can still order other products. And my point still stands about whether or not there is a cost for delivery.

              And if I was in that group, yes I could get something delivered.

              • +10

                @em: You are absolutely right, and seem to know what you are talking about.

                The same group of people eligible for this box is also eligible to buy their items of choice delivered.

              • +1

                @em: Our first delivery was fee free, our latest follows the usual woolworths delivery cost.

              • +10

                @em: The cost of delivery ($15.00) is applied and then rebated within the order indicating that it is a line item in the order process and that Woolworth's is absorbing this cost (within whatever arrangement they have with DHL and AusPost).

                For the conspiracy theorists & other cynics, there is nothing sneaky going on here.

                Think about it. The major supermarkets have possibly shifted about 18 months worth of shelf product over the last month and these companies are some of the few whose shares are showing green on the stock market leaderboards. My guess is that they have all been asked to make a solution available. This is definitely one way of making a contribution to the community in view of the fact that there are many in the same said community who are ill, infirmed (disability or otherwise) or aged and therefor unable to engage in the 'Mixed Martial Arts' fighting over T.P. etc we have witnessed inside some of our supermarkets. Not all of those eligible were able to make it to the supermarket on the selected days at 7:00am.

                We are all in this together. If you are fit and able, don't buy this offer if it may mean that someone who needs it, misses out altogether. Instead, go volunteer or something useful.

                Peace out. Wash your hands, keep your distance and give your neighbour a nice :)


                P.S. Not associated with either Woolworths, DHL or AusPost.

              • @em: IMO:
                What we need (especially, in states Not
                covered by this Deal), are some New,
                nonprofit "social-enterprises" set up,
                to make-up & deliver more flexibly-
                configured boxes (from buyers' request,
                from eMailed lists).

                ('could even cater to vegetarians or
                folks who don't eat, eg, fish xor beef

                This would depend on WHICH popular, but
                modestly-priced, food stocks could be re-
                liably allocated to your local enterprise)

                Maybe a Coles or a nearby (well-stocked)
                Food-Bank could be persuaded to allocate
                reasonable quantities of foods, if supply
                isn't an issue, that could affect their
                walk-in buyers, who wouldn't be eligible

                Walk-ins shouldn't be affected, as elderly
                & disabled would simply be access;g their
                share of foods at the Coles or Food Bank.

                (Frankly, the Social Benefit of Delivery

                • Oldies & Disabled wouldn't need to
                  Risk getting COVID' by riding in a taxi,
                  etc. that may have been contaminated,
                  unknowingly, by a previous rider.)

                Local &/or State gov't should get behind
                such a plan, to help "Flatten the Curve"

                FWIW: My issues w/ Woolies' deal:

                1. They choose the Brand, even if you would
                  have gone "generic" to save $$

                (So, no 1 Kg (or is it 1L) of crushed Garlic,
                from your local Indian shop; instead, maybe
                small bottles, with higher price by wt or vol)

                1. How small are (eg, its sugar or flour)
                  container sizes? (A few 1-cup sugar bags,
                  to last a fortnight?)

                It's a deal for well-healed, or anyone, who
                normally buy [more Co$tly] Branded goods, or
                is prepared to pay more for small-size bottles
                & bags, ie, judging from photo of opened box.

                • @IVI: That said, one could use p/o their
                  (is it still 1-Off) $ 750 payment,
                  from C'th govt, to pay the extra
                  cost for small containers.

                  OK, so it's CA$ 2,000 / month,
                  last I checked, for (at least)
                  four (4) months, at this stage

                  And, employees get 75% of their wages
                  (paid by Canada's govt) if their co.
                  lost at least 30% of their revenues,
                  due to Lock-Downs.

                  Eg, even hair salon employees win here

                  (My Pro-Nuclear leanings make me
                  think that CA is -able- to do this

                  …even after buying a HUGE
                  multi-Billion-$ pipeline project,
                  a few years ago…

                  in part, 'cause they sell Lotsa
                  Nuclear-made Electricity to USA
                  "at the highest rates in World"
                  according to Kutsch, in his NPS
                  talk (Find it on NPS.edu)

                  Of course, CA will have a HUGE
                  bill to pay, when COVID' finally
                  goes away, may if be soon!

            • -1

              @bargainshooter: You can't spend $10,000. I believe it is only one box per household.

        • +3

          I think you are…

          Without knowing the products and quantity it could very well be cheaper to pick your own items and pay for delivery, which would be via a refrigerated Woolworths truck.

          Meanwhile 'profit' is a very broad term. Woolworths are most likely packaging bulk items that are difficult to ship or they overstocked/can't sell into this box and having AusPost ship it, which'll further reduce cost/'loss'.

          • +7

            @TogTogTogTog: my mother put in an order and didn't get half the stuff she ordered.. even though she was in the vulnerable bracket. So at least this way guarantees you get some sugar, pasta, etc.

            they better include more than 1L milk though

            • @gringo: That's terrible to hear, can't believe you can even order items they don't have.

              My friend has lupus and lives rurally so she's considering it but it's interesting to think how much you may get. Clearly AusPost would set a weight limit, I know when I order coffee they reduce the bag by like 5g to stay under 2kg and flat-rate is 5kg, so I'm figuring that'd be the weight limit?

              Curious to see how it pans out anyway.

            • +3

              @gringo: I put an order in and it was fantastic, everything I ordered arrived. Was given a time frame for delivery and received a text message telling me that I was next in line for delivery. Couldn't fault it, better than when I've done normal delivery.

            • @gringo: You can buy 2 boxes a week if she's desperate. I mean, you can live without milk.

            • +9

              @gringo: @gringo

              From what I heard from the news today, the logistics management of the 'Basics Box' is being managed directly by DHL and AusPost from within their own warehouses. It is a highly automated picking and packing process with the finished basic box almost identical at the end of the line. Where certain lines run out they are substituted with a similar product (i.e. pasta vs rice). This is what keeps the costs down.

              This offer should NOT be confused with Woolworth's regular Online Shopping Service. The regular Online Shopping (well for me in regional NSW) is picked and processed within my nearest Woolworths supermarket. Their contracted drivers then deliver to my home. Items that may or may not have been in stock and on shelves during the order process may also not be available when the order is picked, and are removed from the order. This has always been the case with Woolworths Online shopping. The only difference is that now is that due to unprecedented consumer demand, a greater proportion of stock has been stripped from shelves. The shelves can only be restocked as fast as the transport logistics allow which are operating at near capacity.

              The 'Basic Box' is just a lateral process created to assist a less able section of our community.

              A big thumbs up to all involved in the process. (from check-out chicks, pickers, and truckies etc)

              Peace out :)


        • +6

          highly doubt they won't be profiting from this. The fact the get rid of weekly special speaks for itself, also there is less than 20 items in the list and they are mostly home brand so it has to be at least around $4 each.. now not to mention if those people have so sort allergy or intolerant..

          • +2

            @Dotherightthing: I was thinking about the specials being removed and it occured to me that the reason they have specials in normal times is to motivate people to go to their shop.

            These not being normal times, possibly they don't want to encourage people, at this point, to be in their shops.

            I assume the supply chain is also under intense stress at the moment, and trucks that might usually carry the extra stock they'd get in for the weekly specials are now instead being used to replenish the bare shelves.

            All of this is conjecture on my part though.

            • @kale chips suck: That's a reasonable possibility. I did a shop yesterday at woolies going down most aisles and noticed the only specials were the easter eggs.

      • it says that they don't profit from this so id say no

      • ouch harsh voting on a totally reasonable question lol

        I came here to find out whether this is good value, or whether I'd do better choosing items myself to send, or just avoid, but according to the voting on this and the first reply, Woolworths saids it is good value and they are not to be questioned. WOW!

    • +18

      About 3 items in the basket that I would consider useful or nutritious. The rest is pure rubbish

      • +3

        I think they're still focused more on shortages than the nature of forced isolation due to viral concerns.

        I would prefer fresh/frozen meat/seafood, fresh dairy (since there are no shortages), fresh/frozen fruit and fresh/frozen vegetables, delivered in smaller quantities more frequently.

        From their lackadaisical hygiene protocols it's clear that supermarkets either aren't receiving or have not yet implemented professional scientific advice.

        One possibility is that they're waiting for compensation from the government to restructure their business into a delivery/click-and-collect service.

      • +18

        Where the fresh fruit and veg? Protein?

        This is essentially a "tea and toast" diet and leaves the elderly vulnerable to various nutrient deficiencies

      • This the first legit criticism I've heard.

    • Tortilla bread but no meat or salad?

      • +1

        Canned tuna (or other canned meat)

  • +27

    Sounds expensive unless there's large quantities of each…

    • +12

      The Age suggests Woolworths are selling the items at cost price (good on them for doing so), however, the $80 likely factors in shipping costs as well. But I definitely agree, $80 sounds like a lot for the listed items.

      • +10

        We don't know the quantities, so it's impossible to say… It might be enough to last a family of four people for a month, for all we know.

        • +2

          Unlikely. Says you can order Up to 2 per fortnight. That suggests its a week's worth.

        • +4

          Anyone in these vuln categories would be on a very tight budget meaning they’d be well served to know quantities and brands too (most people’d prefer to direct an extra buck at a jam they’ll eat as against a brand they’ll leave on the shelf).

          I like the idea but execution is ragged.

          • @0jay: I know multi millionaires who are considered vulnerable. They get priority delivery. I don’t know about the strike rate on actual receipt.

            • @voteoften: Vulnerable’s a broad category, in this context it’s pretty clear.

        • Excellent point

      • Selling at RRP more likely…

        Edit: Well maybe not

        The $80 price includes contactless doorstep delivery by Australia Post and Woolworths has said it won't be making an profit from the service.


        • +18

          'profit from the service' - so they can profit from the goods but not the service.

          • +1

            @Kanjus: Good call

          • +1

            @Kanjus: And the service is being delivered by AusPost not Woolies anyway. They're basically just covering the cost to load bulk items from the factory into boxes at cost. Even if Woolies made no profit, just moving product is good.

      • +5

        Based on this list above, its RRP on most items (not cost price as reported)
        This is a box of standard items at RRP

        • +1

          Agree..This is a news item and not a bargain !

      • -1

        Ignoring the fact that it's junk food, with no listed quantities it is UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE to make declarations of value or the lack thereof.

        • +10

          flour, milk, oats, fruit juice, pasta, pasta sauce, baked beans, soup…

          How on Earth do you call that "junk food"?

          • +11


            "junk food"?

            White flour is processed; ideally wholemeal flour but whole grains better. Likewise pasta.

            Fruit juice no fibre; don't know how much sugar added.

            Salt/sugar added to soup.

            Key is the absence of fresh veg and fruits.

            If have time and access, which the people ordering this won't have, get as much fresh, whole, plant based.

            • +2

              @ihbh: I guess your definition of junk food is different to CarbonTwelve and mine.

              I would say crisps, ice cream, fried food, chocolate, lollies, and the like, are junk food to me.

            • +8

              @ihbh: "Woolworths - The Processed Food People"

            • +3

              @ihbh: Highly perishable items are obviously not included because of the logistics involved in shipping a huge number of these boxes.

          • +6

            @CarbonTwelve: Flour, fruit juice and pasta are junk food.

      • Anyone from the supermarket industry knows you can still make millions selling things at "cost price".

        Metcash sells all of there stock to IGA stores at cost price.

      • Will these boxes shipping cost effectively be subsidising deliveries of regular shopping for other people then.

    • +2

      If there are large quantities do the delivery folks drop it off inside on the kitchen table? I can’t imagine Nanna lifting a 25kg box up off the front lawn once the driver is safely back in their truck.

      • +3

        I doubt it’ll be over 9 kg and I doubt Australia post would consider going inside the house. If it’s a problem, the recipient will need to open and bring items in individually.

        • +1

          I'm considered to be an oldie (75+) and I live in a gated village. All the houses are at ground level. Auspost will not ever deliver to our door. They will only deliver to a common point. I'm OK with that but some of the people are 400m away. If push comes to shove I'm sure we could manage to move the stuff around in the village but Auspost is a bit bloody minded about this. It's also likely that they would just leave a card to do a post office pickup.

    • Especially if it's Woolworths branded products.

  • +6

    Can't imagine it wouldn't be more efficient to buy what you actually want - Woolies won't be taking much of a margin hit providing all these things, especially when they can sneak some high margin SKUs in there.

    • +2

      Are you always this cynical when companies try do some good for the community?

      • +35

        History suggests he's right to be cynical. Once a business has shareholders then it is all about profit. They try all sorts of different ways to look caring and full of good will, but dig a little and it's all to do with sales. This is good business. For example, how many of these potential customers would normally shop at coles? They are taking sales from their opposition at the same time. And they have a huge potentially captive market here - these are the most vulnerable people in Australia right now. This is a massive smart business move. I expect to see coles do the same thing soon, so as not to lose their existing customers.

        • It's about what shareholders want.

          You might find that, for the first time in modern history, shareholders give a crap about something other than profit.

          So many people are at risk or have a parent/etc who is. Health, economic collapse and job loss is more important than share value. It's a perspective changer.

      • +5

        Where woolworths is concerned i would be cynical as well, having quite a few friends who work quite high up in woolworths, the stories i hear about woolworths and their morals….

        • +10

          Anecdotes are the best forms of evidence.

          • +3

            @OzBrogains: Even worse is when you talk to suppliers that have to deal with the supermarkets and the inside information some of them learn on the junkets / conferences they all have to attend.

          • +3

            @OzBrogains: I got a few friends who work quite high up in Woolworths, they tell me the view is amazing.

            • @fivespice: Hey they might be my friends as well. They always complain about the long wait while in the lift.

      • +5

        Generally not actually - but doing something good in this case would be donating goods. I just can't trust a supermarket to do the right thing, because there is no incentive, they will always do the things that looks best. My favourite example is the 'Drought Relief Milk' - I don't trust a supermarket to efficiently pass on the additional money paid for milk.

        • +1

          I agree, Talk to people who actually work in the marketing or sales section of the supermarkets and / or the people who work in those departments for brands that have to deal with the supermarkets. Then you really hear the truth about some of these supermarkets and the way they function.

          • +3

            @lonewolf: I've worked with an auditor working on supermarket projects, specifically looking at their trading relationships with vendors - they're happy to use their market power liberally.

      • +8

        when companies try do some good for the community?

        Its 2020 not 1950. There is no 'community', only shareholders and profit.

      • life is pink, isn't it?

    • +7

      No idea why you're even commenting because it's obvious this service is not for you. It's for people who are struggling and can't get what you want. People don't always have a choice.

  • Have to point out this is sent by Australia Post.
    If your postie cards your parcels/issues with parcels it’ll end up at the post office

    • +2

      These will not be carded

      • +2

        Auspost has different methods everywhere.
        I’ve lived in suburbs where auspost was all subcontractors. Every street that had front fences “blocked access to the door” didn’t matter if you were home with the gate open, the delivery van didn’t actually come by just the postie bike with your collection card in with the rest of your mail.

        Broome doesn’t have street delivery (last i was there) and I’m sure there’s other examples.

        It has to be pointed out that aus post is the delivery method not Woolworths

        • +1

          This is only for metro areas of VIC, NSW and ACT. Your example is not valid.

          • @bargain ben: 20 years living in metro Nsw and never had a parcel delivered via aus post till we moved.

            People have issues with auspost everyday everywhere.

    • If home of not, will be left in front porch.

  • +5

    They are gonna send the box via Auspost, good luck actually receiving it!

    • -1

      A lotta posties will be lovin' it. Free food.

  • +5

    Indeed 80$ sounds expensive. If anyone has more details, could you please share quanitites with us? How about delivery as well?

    • Link states the price includes delivery

    • +1

      A limit of 2 boxes per customer, per fortnight applies.

      I wonder if this implies that there is enough for 1 person for a week?

    • +20

      Beans and lentils are fantastic sources of iron and protein especially for vegetarians, vegans and other people on medically limited diets (my son is allergic to dairy and eggs, so we eat quite a lot of lentils and beans).

    • +4


    • really? ..

    • I eat both. Love both of them

  • +3

    Only if you're a fan of Woolworths Homebrand products.

  • +33

    Some ridiculous comments here. This is for people who can't and must not go to the shops. It includes delivery, which Woolworths no longer provides unless you are a vulnerable person.

    • +9

      Not to mention takes the worry out of finding certain products like toilet paper etc. I’d happily send one of these to my grandparents and parents once available in WA.

    • +6

      This! People need to understand this isn't a "Bargain box" for the average shopper to gawk at and judge on value. This is Woolworths doing their best to keep the vulnerable with the essentials in a crisis when its very hard to find staple items. God forbid a company try and keep people alive and well.

      • So this post is a PSA rather than a Bargain…

        • +1

          Yes, just like the yearly PPSR dealwhich is not a 'bargain', and people appreciate it a lot.

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