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Large Value Pizza $3.95 Pick up @ Domino’s Pizza (till 5pm Local Time)


Today’s app offer. A nice healthy lunch to start the week.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Very healthy indeed

  • $3.95 it's insane. How can dominos do it!

    • I remember when Pizza Hut did similar and many store managers complained. Forcing some stores to close because they couldn't afford to pay staff etc. My local has been vacant and closed for the past few years.

      • Why no one stand up? I heard underpay issue @7eleven but not @Domino's

        • similar to supermarket pizzas though right? They are about 4 bucks but not everyone buys cheap, other people load up with toppings and not worry about bargains

        • +1

          Note that it's before 5pm so it's not during the dinner rush at least.
          Their thinking is probably that lots of stores are more "idle" during that time so this can boost business as people buy drinks/garlic bread etc.

          • @videlity: Can't you just pre-order before 5pm, for during the dinner rush?

            • @z z: No it doesn't work like that.

    • With their tiny arse pizzas and low quality and quantity of toppings.

      • .. at a micro arse price .. :-) .. !!

  • Buy heaps, freeze the extras, more cheap meals later (there's a lot more to eat in a deep pan), pizza freezes and thaws quite well, BTDT .. :-) .. !

    • +1

      But I eat all at once 😭

  • This offer is not showing up in my app.

  • App wasn't working well so I uninstalled it out of anger.

    Gonna eat elsewhere out of spite too.

    • Code is working on online site outside app, I'be placed an order thus .. :-) .. !!

  • Every Monday of the second weak of the forth week this deal usually goes, what date that is who knows.

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