$2 off from the marked price. I guess its a good stuff to store during this period.
Membership required.
Other offers : https://www.costco.com.au/medias/sys_master/h79/h94/27995530…
Thanks AG1304x for the update
$2 off from the marked price. I guess its a good stuff to store during this period.
Membership required.
Other offers : https://www.costco.com.au/medias/sys_master/h79/h94/27995530…
Thanks AG1304x for the update
Well I'm not an expert to make it
Great time to learn!
A great alternative for TP!
Hope you enjoy eating TP… Meanwhile, I will enjoy eating roti parantha.
if you want a buttered arse
Nice! Love a good freshly pan fried prata to go with my big pot of curry
You need to cook it before you eat it.
And remove the plastic layers before cooking
You posted link of news.com.au from 8th March. Are you okay?
yah JV is just entering 2020 as we speak
so how many toilet paper rolls did you buy while you were at costco?
These are best prepared in a flat sandwich press and no oil needed. They turn out nice a flaky, I used to make these in a frypan :)
Great idea! I'll try it
None at costco epping. Don't bother coming. Also. No flour, rice, sugar, salt,muesli, bread of any kind including dinner rolls and bagels
I'm thinking of going into docklands store tomorrow morning. Hope i dont regret it.
Hmmm I was thinking of going tomorrow. Was there any meat? :/
This is what people need their 144 rolls of toilet paper for…
I've never seen a Costco catalogue before.. Wow.
Saw a guy leaving Casula with a literal trolley full of this on Thurs - none left in the store. Dunno if it's been restocked since
These are great in a sandwich toaster! They have been on special for the first two weeks of March already. I chose not to buy one then because one roti is about 200 calories and I already filled my freezer with other stuff…
These are a great alternative to TP . (Not sure if they are flushable )
Thanks OP
Store? You'll have time to make fresh!