• expired

Electrolux EWF1408B1WA 14kg Large Front Load Washing Machine $1299 + Delivery @ JB Hi-Fi


~24% discount off the regular price.

Cheapest historical price was $1375 @ Harvey Norman.

Appears to be delivery only (delivery seems to cost $55 to most of the postcodes that I've tried).

Trying to find something to compare this to but can't actually find any other 14kg front load washing machines - don't know if that's a good thing?

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  • 14KG??? that's crazy. First time I see this kinda thing.
    I thought 9 was alot :o

    • I had a 14kg top loader. You could wash anything in it. I only did laundry once a week (we are 3 at the house) and you can for almost everything in a single wash.

      • That's crazy, when I thought my 7kg was a luxury…

  • +4

    Trying to find something to compare this to but can't actually find any other 14kg front load washing machines

    15kg capacity washing machines have been around since 2015.

    There's at least several more models out there, but you get the idea.

    Capacity is a largely irrelevant metric to judge washers by anyway (unless you have 6 children or something). Look for a washing machines capable of doing 90C/100C cycles (which are actually not that common and not well-advertised, at least in Australia); that's really all that matters from a hygiene point of view, unless you like using bleach regularly, which you really should avoid for anything that will be in contact with your skin.

    • Thanks for the info. What are your thoughts on front vs top loader?

      • +1

        Front loader is far superior always in my opinion. Much less water, better washing results and much more gentle on clothes. Better spin results too.

        Once most people try front loaders they would never go back to a top loader.

        Only downside is slightly longer cycle time but not like you have to stand and watch it. Most front loaders can be opened if you've forgotten an item too.

        • +1

          I find FRONT loaders to be worse on clothes as far as lifespan, for me anyway.

          I have the BOSCH and even on the slowest spin cycle and the shortest time, is sucks so much moisture out of things, that when you hang them out to dry, especially towels. They end up like they have been on the clothes line for 2 years through rain and sun.

          • @askme69: that's weird, I've been using front loaders for over 20 years and never experienced this?

        • Front loader is better for sure, but "slightly longer" cycle time is putting it way too kindly.
          The real cycle time is way longer than a top loader.
          You can run usually some kind of quick cycle, but then you're not going to get the better results.

          • +1

            @coxymla: Not so. Depending on the model they have a Cottons cycle which goes around 2 hours, but I find this far too intense for everyday (barely soiled) clothes. My one has a Daily Wash cycle which goes around an hour. I think that's acceptable.

            Washes for around 25 minutes, then 3x rinses with spin in between them all to extract as much soap.

            I also have a quick 15 minute cycle option for emergencies, but I agree, this shouldn't be used regularly.

            • @placard: So what is the brand of your front loader?

              • +1

                @sky blu: Samsung - 1752WPC. It's about 6 years old now, been flawless from day one.

                I actually like the Daily Wash cycle, and one of the reasons I chose it. I think from memory when I was looking at LG models they didn't have a similar cycle - either it was the long one, or Quick wash 15 minute. Some offer quicker washes too, but at reduced capacity, whereas for the Daily Wash cycle in the Samsung, it still allows the full 7.5kg.

                • @placard: Thank you for your input. I'm not in a rush so I will just wait for a deal to show up on Ozb/TGG/feeBay

    • Thanks for taking the time to collate that and share your thoughts. While I agree with you that capacity is an irrelevant metric when it comes to evaluating how effective a washer is, I believe it is still an important metric to consider when purchasing a washer, e.g. I am a family of only 3 with a 7kg washer and we end up having to do a cycle every second day.

      Also, if you are line-drying your clothes, the ultraviolet rays from the sun will kill most bacteria and other microorganisms (a fact that the article conveniently fails to mention) and it is also more gentle on the fabric than a 90/100C wash. Also, that article smells strongly of an ad, i.e. on numerous occasions, the article references a product that they are selling that supposedly kills germs.

  • -3

    Kidding me. the $1300+ washing machine is not a combo.

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