• expired

[VIC] Extra Premium U95 Fuel $1.299 Per Litre @ 7-Eleven Tarneit VIC


Seems the best price for U95 in the last 2 months

Location: -37.853316, 144.667786

For those that would like to receive Push notification directly for the 7-Eleven Fuel discount, I have created a simply Android App Eleven Me. img1 img2

Play Store iOS

The app also allow you to copy the geocode of the fuel station (by swiping left of the row).

Price info credit to projectzerothree and its founder.

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Bernard Kung
Bernard Kung

closed Comments

  • +1

    Your play store link goes somewhere else. I found it anyway and inatalled.


    • Fixed, thanks :)

      • -1

        You are a legend brother!
        I encourage everyone to pay / donate for this app if you can!

    • +1

      Better to install the modded app. If you have Android.

      • The play store link is for Eleven Me not the 7-11 app. It's an app that tells you the current lowest prices and let's you easily copy the gps coordinates for it so you can paste into your fake GPS app.

        • +1

          Shows how much attention I pay haha.

        • You need to keep up brudda. Read page 95. Freighter has delivered a NY present.

  • -1

    Locked, cheers. Will grab your app too while I'm at it!

  • +1

    Note, this is U95. Regular unleaded is 124.9 at my local in Sydney at the moment and I haven't shopped around at all.
    I just downloaded your app, and I can see that's just 0.2c above the cheapest (slightly cheaper at 123.9 at a nearby Caltex with NRMA discount), so have locked in, in case cycle moves against me before I need to fill.

    • 95 at seven-11s is usually about 11c per litre more than 91, at least Round me in Melbourne metro. So even your $1.25 place would be $1.36 for 95 (assuming they stock it). 95 for under $1.30 is a deal.

  • -5

    How to set location if I’m in nsw? Thanks

    • +2

      Why not donate that to projectzerothree instead?

      • Por qué no los dos?

      • -3

        Can do that also.

        The app is a cool tool that @kunbernard put together for the community to utilise.

        His time and effort should be compensated.

        • +4

          Could have saved his time by using a bookmark.

          • @askbargain: Bookmarks don't give push notifications when the price drops to a set level though.

      • +3

        Why does it always have to be one or the other, I'm sick of that mentality.

        • +2

          One app is basically piggybacking off someone’s project.

        • +2

          For the record, I have donated to both.

          At the end of the day, I have saved a crapload thanks to the time and effort they have spent creating the tools.

          • @COVID-19: Effort?

            The app can literally be made in a day. He doesn’t even follow Apple guidelines. I give him credit for adding push notifications, but even projectzerothree has instructions on how to receive emails for price drops.

            • +3

              @askbargain: The intention of the app is to that helps everyone like me that always missed these deals
              As stated in the app, all credits of the price info to projectzerothree and the founder
              The remove ad in the app is totally optional and I have set to the lowest price possible (iOS is $1.49 minimal so I align with android)
              The app itself will always be free and I give full functionality without paying any

              Sorry if this has make you discomfort :(

              • -5

                @[Deactivated]: If it’s piggy backing off another service like that, why not make your app free to the community?

                • +7

                  @cnut: The app is free

                • +7

                  @cnut: Because project zero three has an API to explicitly allow this kind of use.

                  Don't tell app developers to release their stuff for free. I don't know what you do for a job, but how would you feel if someone suggested that you do it for free? Probably pretty offended.

                  I doubt kunbernard is a millionaire chomping on his cigar. He's just made a free app to try to be helpful. If you don't think its worth the money, don't pay.

              • -4

                @[Deactivated]: I feel that many in the community would be a lot more comfortable if you reached out (or have proof that you have done previously) to master131 regarding using the content from projectthreezero.info discussing either 1) splitting some degree of your monetary benefits (be it from ads or the iap for removing such ads, or 2) having thier endorsement allowing you to use the app for your monentary gain for nothing in return.

                After all, master131 has stated it is self-sufficient at the moment (not sure how since I don't see ads anymore) and that they are not taking donations. It would be a good gesture, and one I'm sure would be appreciated from this community.

                I understand that writing your own app, including the geocode features (something projectthreezero lacks), and notifications takes time and yes you should be reimbursed for your time, but your app litearlly piggy backs from projectthreezero, and giving nothing back in return (apart from one line saying "credits to them"). It makes me deeply uncomfortable knowing you're monetising something that others have given out for free to this community.

                To put it in perspective, it would be like someone making an OzBargain app, adding iOS/Android notifications and including their own monetised ads in it, or asking to pay $1.49 to remove such ads. This is of course, as we understand it, similar to your app without any payment to the OzBargain team for thier content, servers, moderation etc. and taking away from the ads that would be otherwise displayed on OzBargain.

                • +7

                  @diazepam: I'm not kungbernard but I am an app developer so I will respond to some of your points. This is despite me promising myself I'd never get into an internet argument. Ah well.

                  I feel that many in the community would be a lot more comfortable

                  You don't speak for the community…

                  Project Zero Three has an API to explicitly allow this kind of use. You can see it here: https://projectzerothree.info/api.html. If it wasn't supposed to be used, it wouldn't exist.

                  After all, master131 has stated it is self-sufficient at the moment (not sure how since I don't see ads anymore) and that they are not taking donations. It would be a good gesture, and one I'm sure would be appreciated from this community.

                  So he's happy as is, and you are suggesting that somehow kungbernard find a way to pay him anyhow. Logically that doesn't stack up.

                  I understand that writing your own app, including the geocode features (something projectthreezero lacks), and notifications takes time and yes you should be reimbursed for your time, but your app litearlly piggy backs from projectthreezero, and giving nothing back in return (apart from one line saying "credits to them"). It makes me deeply uncomfortable knowing you're monetising something that others have given out for free to this community.

                  If you are "deeply uncomfortable" you shouldn't use it. App developers don't make things for your comfort. There are bound to be other apps on the store that make you deeply uncomfortable. Your feelings don't come into this, how uncomfortable you are is besides the point. His app does use project zero three as a data source but it's a specious argument. Any price aggregator you use, like price hipster, uses online catalogues to aggregate its pricing. Do you feel that sites like that are piggy backing as well? Also, are you an app developer? If you are not, how could you understand the time involved in making an app? If you are not an app developer, you couldn't understand the time it takes, the late nights, etc.

                  To put it in perspective, it would be like someone making an OzBargain app, adding iOS/Android notifications and including their own monetised ads in it, or asking to pay $1.49 to remove such ads. This is of course, as we understand it, similar to your app without any payment to the OzBargain team for thier content, servers, moderation etc. and taking away from the ads that would be otherwise displayed on OzBargain.

                  Wrong. OzBargain does not expose an API. Project zero three does. It is a completely different premise, your argument is invalid.

                  TL;DR lay off KungBernard. If master131 asked him to stop, I'm sure he would. If Master131 wanted to take his API down, he would. If project zero three/master131 had a problem with it, he would secure the API or take it down entirely. We don't need internet knights to come and fight over an issue that is nonexistant.

                  EDIT: I'm not trying to rattle anyone or insult anyone, for the absence of doubt. As a developer, I've had people say things like "I could make that in a day" when they have zero apps on the store and don't know how long it takes to make a quality app. App developers owe you nothing, and if that's not enough for you, and you feel uncomfortable, the strongest and only rebuke you can give is to not use the app. Not to tell them to release it for free or prove anything, sigh.

                  • -5


                    Project Zero Three has an API to explicitly allow this kind of use.

                    Does he mention if the API should be used commercially?

                    App developers don't make things for your comfort.

                    Then don't publish it on the App Store.

                    Any price aggregator you use, like price hipster, uses online catalogues to aggregate its pricing.

                    If this app were to query 7/11 servers. Fine.

                    you couldn't understand the time it takes, the late nights, etc.

                    Have you even see the app OP made.

                    We don't need internet knights to come and fight over an issue that is nonexistant.

                    I initially replied to someone who said to pay to remove ads because it's an investment to save fuel. Why should we support someone who simply made an mspaint style front end with no additional features? You should support the people who actually put in the late nights to make all these information available for free without ads or prompting for payment(e.g. master, freighter).

                    • +1

                      @askbargain: Hi @gorillainwild! I can reply to those points. Thanks for not just being like "you're a weenie", you make good points.

                      Does he mention if the API should be used commercially?

                      No, but to be precise, a license is not specified for the use of the service. When I wrote my app that leveraged their API, I had to implement something to work-around CORS. Master131 made a change to the API so I would not have to do this work-around. If he was dead set against its used in a commercial setting, it's unlikely he would have made this change. My app offers a free version on the web, and also a paid iOS/Android app.

                      Then don't publish it on the App Store.

                      Because it might make some people uncomfortable? That seems unreasonable, don't you think? I could be misinterpreting the point you are trying to make.

                      If this app were to query 7/11 servers. Fine.

                      This is based on your thought process that master131 has a problem with this usage, or that they are dipping out there. You are free to assume this, but I'd think about it before trying to coerce someone else to do something/not do something based on what are solely your assumptions.

                      Have you even see the app OP made.

                      Yeah, it looks like a fairly straightforward Cordova app. But setting up firebase for push notifications is a huge pain. I imagine it to be the same for iOS. Putting an app together for "hello world" and getting it on the stores, while working full time, would take about a week.

                      I initially replied to someone who said to pay to remove ads because it's an investment to save fuel. Why should we support someone who simply made an mspaint style front end with no additional features? You should support the people who actually put in the late nights to make all these information available for free without ads or prompting for payment(e.g. master, freighter).

                      You're right but we can't. Someone already said that master131 isn't accepting donations at the moment. If the appropriate people want to set up a paypal.me link or have some other way of donating then I'm sure people would do just so. But it's poor form to attempt to rap someone over the knuckles for an app they made based on assumptions on how other people, like master131 may or may not feel. How would they feel if they knew the OzBargain community was trying to take down another member for an app they made? They'd probably like for that not to happen.

                      If you feel strongly about it, you are welcome to make another app that replicates the elevenme's functionality and release it free or paid, and donate all proceeds to who you feel should receive it. Whoever you decided to give the money to would be nobody elses business. That's the same case here.

                    • +1

                      @askbargain: What a boring discussion here… I've supported master131 and kungbernard and I am happy with that.

                      If kungbernard's app was "simply made an mspaint style front end with no additional features" I wouldn't be paying for that. He's benefiting from master131 data but also from the fact that he created an app with notifications. I am benefiting from new resources offered by the app (notifications). He can make it free without ads, free with ads, or paid… It's his app and no one is being forced to use it.

                      The app is free with ads and if you think there is nothing good about the app, don't use it.

                      This is a discussion that should only happen between master131 and kungbernard, hopefully while they drink some wine and laugh…

                      • @someone else: I know :( people arguing on the internet, roll up, roll up, get your tickets here.

                        I hope they get a good deal on that wine :)

  • +2

    Good deal, but make sure your local has 95. You can use the 7/11 app to check prices and fuels near you.

    • Yeah, mine only has 91 and 98 so locking 95 no good.

  • +1

    I think the offer is finished :(

  • Werribee has it at this price currently. Just locked normal way.

  • +1

    Eleven Me app is broke…. The settings don't work to updates under my limit just pops up with any price above my limit

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