• expired

$34.50 off $99.50 Spend @ Youfoodz

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Min spend $99.50 (before discount). $34.50 code valid for use online (not the YF App) until February 5, 2020, 11:59pm AEST. Single use only, one code per order. Discount based on 10x $9.95 meals.

Shields up for the racist comments…

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$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (172)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • -1
  • +4

    Always had a poor view on youfoodz just because I'm from W.A and our delivery fees suck. So meh.

    • Delivery to WA is a rip!
      Nearly always better off just getting them from Spud shed, 3 for $25 every day.

  • +12

    Righto I’ll start it off. RACISTTTTTT!

  • +4

    So how’s the weather?

  • +6

    Crap deal but also….. racism

  • +9

    Can’t support racism.

  • +1

    Terrible deal by beautiful looking people who are racist.

    • +1

      How are they beautiful?

      • They don’t need makeup kind of beautiful

  • +7

    Shit food 🥘 claim it’s healthy but high in fat

    • +3

      High in fat way better than high in sugar. I'm just saying.

  • +3

    Any affiliation worth the company OP? Six of your last seven posts have been youfoodz…

    Also uh yeah this mob are racist

    • +7

      Nah, no affilation

      I only post youfoodz because I get the emails. I work in IT.

      • -4

        so you happen to ONLY get emails from them, not any other retailers?

        and "Shields up for the racist comments…"?

        ha..well done…

      • Thanks op for some reason I don’t get the emails so really appreciate the posts for my weekly orders

  • +7

    I'm Asian and won't support a company owned and run by a racist CEO

  • +4

    Crap food.. extremely high in sodium and sugar

  • +2

    Stop posting these shit youfoodz deals. Nobody wants them only good thing bout them is reading the comment sections haha
    Plus need to post excluding W.A because of shit postage cost that doesn’t make it a deal in the west. Can buy them cheaper from the fridge at the gym.

    • +4

      I want them and I don’t live in WA so postage is great for me

    • +3

      Stop posting these shit comments and get over yourself.
      That goes for all you neg sheep.

    • +2

      Going by the votes, people do want them. Take your outrage back to Twitter.

  • +1

    Racism should never be tolerated and needs to be called out. Making a comment such as 'shields up for the racist comments' downplays the severity of the racist comments made and the impact racism has on its victims.

    • +2

      Yep, well said

    • +2

      Or maybe we just don’t care? Certainly wasn’t a huge deal to me, have to be pretty bad to want all their workers to lose their jobs over one person in the company being a bogan on a night out

      • @Japius would you say you didn't care or that it's not a huge deal if the video was sexist or homophobic?

        • +2

          Would Need to see the video, the one of them was just typical bogan cringe. And again not something I found so abhorrent that I’m going to get my panties in a bunch over and carry on about months later trying to ruin a company and cause hundreds of people to lose their jobs over. I’ve seen some very racist stuff this was nowhere near worthy of the faux outrage we see in all these deals by the hypocrites who remain silent on deals for companies with much worse practices

  • +6

    Can't we just ban youfoodz deals from ozb? Shouldn't be supporting racist companies

    • -1

      I hope you never get in Government.

    • +3

      Can’t we just ban self righteous assholes from commenting “Baaaa! Baaaaa! rAciStz! Baaaa!” on ozb? Shouldn’t be supporting neg trends.

  • +4


  • +3

    No thanks. I prefer my food with less white power.

  • -1

    Not interested. Won't support a rasict organization even if it was free.

  • +2

    Racist company should be banned.

  • Waiting for $5.50 each or lower not $6.50. Should get there .

  • +1

    This is an OK deal but I will wait for a better one. I gave it the green tick to help balance out the negativity. Who cares if they're not nice people. If downvoting causes them to lose business think about how you may be hurting their workers.

    But after all, I'm here for bargains and even give positive votes for Amazon deals at times. They and others like them are the ones screwing us.

  • -1

    I bet the only people who were offended by their actions were white people.
    Gotta show how superior the white race is by being the first race in the world to condemn racism.

    • +4

      Not at all, I'm a Eurasian and I was offended and I know many Asians who were deeply offended as well. When people with power, wealth and influence make racist comments and get away with it, even sometimes getting applauded for it by certain people (see Pauline Hanson), the victims feel unwelcome, unsupported and a sense that they don't belong in Australian society. Most of the time the victims are minority groups who don't have the power/influence to be heard in the public discourse or they don't speak up because they fear further vilification and abuse.

    • +4

      Looking at the comment history of many of the people who repeatedly come on here to push their faux outrage on youfoodz deals barely any of them appear to have actually been customers of youfoodz and even less bother pushing their virtue signalling on 7/11 posts or amazon etc so I don’t pay them much attention

    • Great argument to try and justify racism.

      • Literally every race is racist. I work with many different people from around the world and the things they say about other races is far worse than the youfoodz owner’s poor impersonation of Asian people.
        The constant “rAciSm” comments just make all the neg sheep appear jealous of how successful their company became.

  • Seems like they have lot of disgruntled employees nowadays, in the last two orders I received one less meal every time.

    • +3

      That’s enough reason to not do business with them if they can’t deliver what you ordered - It makes it less of a “bargain”.

  • +5

    Thanks op not the cheapest deal but I do an order almost every week and have never paid full price. Wish they’d bring back the meal kits too

    • +1

      The Sandwiches were so good too.. but Meal kits good almost forgot about them

      • +1

        Yes they were short lived I forgot about the sandwiches, that chicken Caesar one was great

  • +3

    Numerous reports of people not getting the right amount of meals ordered, and food is high in sodium and fat. Hence not healthy nor a good deal.

    Plus racist fks.

    • +1

      Totally agreed with sodium and fat . I bought other brands from woolies, coles and Aldi and I found those are much better in value, quality and health choices . Bye bye Youfoodz !!

    • +5

      I think over the past couple of years I’ve had maybe 4 orders that missed items and each and every time they immediately refunded the amount, the full amount of the item even if I’d used a code and got it cheaper. I really have no complaints about their customer service it’s always been flawless in my experience I’m surprised if your experience was any different.

      Never spoken with or met the ceo or his girlfriend can’t say I’ve seen anything racist from the employees I’ve dealt with, so can’t say I agree that the company is racist (and living in QLD I see that from people on the Gold Coast every week anyway it’s just meh some people are going to be bogans - hardly worth trying to ruin a company and make people lose their jobs over)

      Haven’t paid much attention to fat or sodium it’s not really a focus in my diet I find the food good easy and tasty, plus it’s delivered and as I said the customer service is excellent so no reason for me to boycott them or carry on with faux outrage online but each to their own

  • +1

    Despite the racist act, their food tastes horrible too salty and the meal size is too small.

  • Bad food worse owners

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