1Password can create strong, unique passwords for you, remember them, and restore them, all directly in your web browser.
Additional discounts can be made by using the Education Store at https://agilebits.com/store/educational
1Password can create strong, unique passwords for you, remember them, and restore them, all directly in your web browser.
Additional discounts can be made by using the Education Store at https://agilebits.com/store/educational
KeePass is free, open source and local. Another words it won't be hacked, unlike Last Pass.
Last Pass has been hacked?
There was one potential attack reported in May, where they noticed more data going out than being requested. It may or may not have been something to worry about.
The worst case scenario was that someone got access to some of the encrypted data - a situation equivalent to someone getting their hands on your KeePass file.
If your password was insecure to begin with (i.e. 123, hello, password etc) there's the potential that a brute force attack could compromise it.
However if your password was something actually secure and long then the whole reason of using encryption comes into play and all is good.
Unlike KeePass though, LastPass supports two factor authentication with yubi key making it incredibly secure if you need to use it on computers of unknown security (client's computers/net cafe etc).
Chrome can also sync all your passwords (plus favourites, etc) to a gmail account.
So can firefox
Great idea - get all your sensitive passwords and store them on your computer.
DOH - these types of apps are the dumbest security idea EVER!
i agree, i use my brain. in time you'll remember it no matter how long and complicated it is
That's great if you only need to remember 5-10 different passwords and you don't need to change them too often.
Thanks for the negs LOL
Storing your passwords ON the computer is the equivalent to storing the key to your safe in a locked box that sits on the top.
There is no point having "safe passwords" if you store them in an insecure manner.
Do you need an EDU email for the edu purchase?
Last Pass is free, cross platform, cross browser.