Available in 4 flavors for same price
Cookies & Cream
Peanut Butter Chocolate
Choc Mint
Other flavours are $99.
Available in 4 flavors for same price
Cookies & Cream
Peanut Butter Chocolate
Choc Mint
Other flavours are $99.
Link goes directly to the blackbelt site
Has anyone tried this WPC? Not sure if it's really worth saving the $9 for 5kg from BN
Yep but I’d never buy it again, was not a fan at all. I’d choose BN everyday of the week over this, in fact I’d choose nearly anything over BBP.
Didn't work or didn't like the taste?
The flavours were horrid.
I always thought the opposite, bulk nutrients flavours are weak and poor where as black belts flavours are amazing and usually spot on,
Just goes to show everyone has a preference
I’m also not a fan of BN but of the two, I’d prefer BN.
Found the BBP employee.
Shouldn't this be associated?
Definitely! Looks like OP has just created this account and isn't aware of the posting guidelines.
It's not whey protein isolate but it's still not a bad price with a lot of flavours to choose from
It's not a pair of K-Mart running shoes but it's still not a bad price with a lot of flavours to choose from
hahaha the kt26 of protein powders
I just wait for chemist warehouse to go half price which is pretty often and get 2.5kg for $30.
Which brand goes that cheap?
I've got musashi at the moment.
Sorry it's 2kg 100% whey, currently 64.99, it must have gone up, i got my last tub for $30 but check in every week they do half price on that sort of thing regularly.
I got my musashi 2kg wpc for $40 down 50% off from $80 on a recent chemist warehouse sale.
Not sure if its ever been cheaper
@Samsungnote10: Maybe I paid $40, maybe thats what i got. My bad. Its good stuff though, 2kg lasts ages, I wouldnt buy more than that.
@sirlothie: I just dragged out my reciept
ayment Method
Credit Card
Your Shipping Preference
Click & Collect
Order Inventory
Product Image
Musashi 100% Whey Chocolate 2kg
Order Summary
Sub-Total: $39.99
Shipping: N/A
Your Total: $39.99
the link takes me to here
which is the same as OP,
it was definitely 50% off
so if there is another 50% off sale it will be $32!
which is even more of a screaming bargain
but RRP is $80, so 50% off would be $40!
@Samsungnote10: So this deal is $18 a kg, the musashi deal is $20 a kg. I like the musashi and im getting gains with it so Ill stick with it, hopefully they do it again before I run out!
@Samsungnote10: Yeah but $7 shipping but musashi is 24g protein per serving, this is 30g. I'll consider it when I run out.
@jamestownfx: oh yeah good point. this stuff serving size is 40grams, musashi is 33 grams. so i guess it stretches further, and both have around the same protein. i guess 100% whey protein is 100% whey protein, it's just branding.
Send some free samples so people can compare.
$90 is a risk if it tastes crap and moat of the cheaper ones do. Bulk Nutrients just scrapes in as does Bulk Powders.
It cracks me up how all you snowflakes are so driven by flavours. What's your motivation for going to the gym? The last thing I care about is flavours like salted caramel and cookies & cream FFS. Just get the natural unflavoured stuff without all the shitty additives and HTFU.
<eagerly awaiting negs>
yeah i just shake it and chug it, don't care what it tastes like. it's not a milkshake.
Agree, ive tried about 8 flavours, if i recall 2 were amazing 5 were good, 1 was horrible (vanilla)
As long as its not horrible i dont care
1 scoop unflavoured
2 raw eggs
And some peanut butter is all the flavour you need :)
Errr, I'd rather something taste good than shit?
When the household goes through 1kg every 2 days. Taste a MATTERS.
If you're going through it at that rate you should be buying in bulk. $290 for 20kg of the cleanest WPC you can get: https://www.professionalwhey.com.au/aus-whey-protein-concent…
I buy 20kg at a time from either BN or Bulk Powders.
i may try the premium whey. Saves me over $100.
Gave my e mail address and details to this lot the last time they posted on oz bargain and in return didn't get any free sample that they promised. Not happy at all !!! I Wouldn't buy anything from any company who does not honor their promises.
"Manufactured in Australia" Does that mean that the ingredients are imported from the third world and packaged in Australia? Or is it 100% Australian made?
Plenty of spelling mistakes in the FAQ as well.
FAQ states that all their products are made in house but I don't believe it. Please show us photos of the cows.
Plus or including shipping?
OP, you've got the wrong link if it's shipped from Amazon AU.