• expired

Open an Activate, Zip or Everyday Account (+ $2 M’Ship Fee) and Get a Bonus $50 after 3 Card Transactions @ People's Choice CU


Zip Account

  • 25-54 Year Olds
  • $6 Monthly Account Fee (Waived if you credit $2,000 per month to the account or a People's Choice Home Loan or Personal Loan and have not opted to receive paper statements)

Activate Account

  • 13-24 Year Olds
  • $0 Monthly Account Fee

Everyday Account

  • $6.50 Monthly Account Fee (Waived if you have 3 Qualifying Products with People’s Choice Credit Union)

A $2 Membership Fee Applies Credit to bonz

The $2 Membership Fee Is Refundable When Closing The Account Credit to TheFatCat

Terms and conditions

1 - The ‘get $50’ offer is only open to members who (‘eligible members’):

a) Open an Activate, Everyday or Zip account between 12.01am ACDT on 1 October 2019 and 11.59pm ACDT on 29 February 2020 (‘the offer period’); and,

b) As at 30 September 2019, did not hold a transaction account with People’s Choice Credit Union.

Note: For the purpose of this competition the existing transaction accounts are considered as Activate, Everyday, Zip, Club 55, Offset, Expenses, Line of Credit (inc Package), Cash Manager*, Essentials Pension*, My Account*. *Not available for new business.

2 - ‘Eligible members’ who open their transaction account prior to February 2020, will get $50, if during ‘the offer period’ they perform three (3) or more rediCARD or Visa purchases on their new eligible transaction account prior to 29 February 2020.

3 - ‘Eligible members’ who open their transaction account during February 2020 will have until 20 March 2020 to make the three eligible purchases to qualify for the ‘get $50 payment’.

4 - The following limits apply:

  • Each account may only receive a maximum of one (1) single payment of $50 irrespective of the number of accountholders;

  • If an account with multiple accountholders receives the ‘get $50’ payment, all accountholders are considered to have received the ‘get $50’ payment;

  • Each individual person may only receive a maximum of one (1) single payment of $50 irrespective of the number of accounts opened; and

  • An account is not eligible for the ‘get $50’ payment if one or more accountholders are not ‘eligible members’ or have already received the ‘get $50’ payment.

5 - The ‘get $50’ payment will be credited to the new account within 10 business days of the third purchase transaction. If the Account has been closed before the payment is made, no payment will be made.

6 - Our employees are ineligible for this offer.

7 - This offer is open to ‘eligible members’ aged 13 years and over at the time of account opening. Visa Debit Card access is allowed from the age of 16.

8 - Please note that all our usual terms and conditions that apply to People’s Choice Credit Union accounts and all associated access facilities will apply. See our website for more details. You should consider whether an account is appropriate for you before making any decision about whether to acquire it.

9 - This promotion may be removed at any time for new accounts, if this occurs, ‘eligible members’ that had opened an account prior to the removal, will continue to have the opportunity to qualify to get $50 deposited into their new transaction account within the original ‘offer period’.

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People's Choice Credit Union
People's Choice Credit Union

closed Comments

  • So who are ‘eligible members’, OP?

    • +1

      a) Open an Activate, Everyday or Zip account between 12.01am ACDT on 1 October 2019 and 11.59pm ACDT on 29 February 2020 (‘the offer period’); and,

      b) As at 30 September 2019, did not hold a transaction account with People’s Choice Credit Union.

      Note: For the purpose of this competition the existing transaction accounts are considered as Activate, Everyday, Zip, Club 55, Offset, Expenses, Line of Credit (inc Package), Cash Manager*, Essentials Pension*, My Account*. *Not available for new business.

    • +2

      When you open an account with us you sign up to become a member and like most memberships, you even pay a $2 share to make it official

      • +1


        • +1

          Check out the 2nd paragraph from here

          Here at People’s Choice we’re different to the major banks. But what is a Credit Union?  Well our members are not just our customers, they’re our owners, which makes them pretty special in our eyes. When you open an account with us you sign up to become a member and like most memberships, you even pay a $2 share to make it official. Because we’re member owned we reinvest our profits into creating better products and providing great service and advice, rather than giving returns to shareholders like the banks.

          • +1

            @bonz: Yeah, so you need to sign up to be a member first (pay the membership fee) and then apply for an account.

            OP - you should probably make this clear for people in the description. Ie its a members only offer.

            Wonder if the $2 fee is refundable if they describe it as a “share”?

          • +2

            @bonz: …can I sell my share back when I close my account?

          • +1

            @bonz: Thanks, Fixed OP.

  • Interested

    • I’m signing up next week when I get back from my holiday. Have to go to a branch as all I had was a Australian Passport and Medicare Card which for some reason only filled 75% of the Online ID Verification bar unfortunately.

      • Just signed up and passport only worked fine for me.

      • +5

        I signed up without entering any ID and was 100% verified.

        • +2

          Same. If you can provide your name, DOB and address > 3 years and it matches the credit file info it makes for a very smooth application process

  • +2

    "To make your application easier, make sure you have the follwong identification handy:"


  • +6

    What is with all this ageism

  • +2

    Must be confusing having a Zip account and ZipPay

  • +2

    point 5 - The ‘get $50’ payment will be credited to the new account within 10 business days of the third purchase transaction.
    very good no need to wait for weeks or months like other banks promo

    point 6 - Our employees are ineligible for this offer.
    very bad… where is your appreciation to your own people????

    • I agree, but hopefully they are all already ineligible due to clause 1B so it’s a moot point :-)

    • +1

      What kind of fool thinks banks care about their employees lmao.

    • Staff have already benefits from a range of products if they choose to use, I think it is called greedy if staff members even ask to be eligible for this deal :)

  • +1

    The Activate account is for 13-24 years old OP. I've applied, cheers.

  • OP. please edit, for zip account:
    No monthly fee for many transaction types when you have $2,000 per month credited to your account, or have a home loan or personal loan with People’s Choice, and have not opted to receive paper statements^

  • Ageist.

    • “ other options are available to you, including you attending any one of People’s Choice’s branches or an Australia Post outlet to be verified in person. ”

  • +1

    How do we close the account?

    Can it be down online or over the phone?

  • -8

    Another garbage private sector bank offering what the Commonwealth Bank offered for free before retards voted to privatise it. Seeing as people have trouble making basic connections that's you if you voted Labor or Liberal.

    • +1

      Hahaha, this is so far winning fur the stupidest comment on OzB…

      • Hahaha, this is so far winning fur the stupidest comment on OzB…


    • wut

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Opened up a couple of accounts. Here’s waiting for $100. That will go nicely towards an annual fee of a credit card to get 120k FF points.

    • One per person - Each individual person may only receive a maximum of one (1) single payment of $50 irrespective of the number of accounts opened

  • Too complicated to understand …. I am moving on

    • +1

      Username checks out

  • +3

    May be worth checking to see if they still charge garbage fees.

    Given they are a credit union, it wouldn't surprise me if they did still.

  • So technically $41.50 profit to be made? Do they have PayID or Osko?

    • Why $41.50? Are you over 24?

    • Nope… it’s a $2 fee for $50 return = $48… and you need to wash $2k through from another account and make 3 transactions.

      It’s unclear whether you get your $2 back or not… can’t see anything on their website about selling the share, but I assume it can be refunded, which may make it $50 profit.

      • Can confirm you get your $2 back when you close your account. So full $50 profit per person.

        • +1

          This is from the email they sent me.

          As part of your membership application you were required to purchase a membership share of $2. To make this easy for you to do online we have already debited the first account listed above by $2. All you need to do to complete the membership process is make a deposit of $2 or more into this account to pay your share and your account will be ready for use!

          We hope you never leave us, but if you do close your membership, this $2 membership share will be refunded to you.

  • -1

    Wonderful bank.

  • Thanks OP, going to open an account for myself and one for the other half.

    Does anyone know the process of closing an account?

    • +1

      In my experience it requires either a call to the bank or going to a branch. (Just make sure the account balance is $0 before closing it.)

  • I thought Credit Unions were fee free such as CUA?


  • Have they implemented Osoko (instant) payments yet?

  • +6

    I signed up to their previous promotion last year. I completed this form to close my account and they sent a $2 cheque in the mail. Will be doing the same this year.

    • +1

      Thanks for the info.

    • +5

      $2 cheque lol

    • +2

      Just reading the t’s and c’s, looks like you can do it again every year since they only check in September?

    • Can you just email that form in?

  • "$6 Monthly Account Fee"
    "$6.50 Monthly Account Fee"
    yeah, nah!
    Monthly Account Fees are not a thing anymore. There are so many options available elsewhere without Monthly Account Fees.
    such as, in no particular order; CUA, Ubank, ING, Up, ME, Macquarie, BOQ, Suncorp, Citibank, TransferWise, 86400 …

    • +6

      Sure, but which one of those banks is giving you $50 for free? Easy to avoid paying for the fee

  • +1

    no transaction minimum for the 3 transactions?
    Also do they include online transactions made with the card?

    • +2

      Coles split payments of $0.01 for a potato… or at least that’s my plan 🥔

  • Anyone else get a call from the bank inquiring as to why they signed up with PCCU?

      • +5

        No tell them because you heard good things about the bank, it's customer service and quality.

        • And because you're sick of the big 4!

  • -1

    Has anyone received their $50 yet for joining? I joined last week, received my Visa debit card and did 3 eftposes yesterday. They're showing up in my account. Maybe I'm being too impatient. I bought 3 x 15c bags at Woolies. I also met the deposit requirements for my account.

    • +1

      Can't be that fast mate…. Wait a month then you can start questions them.

    • +1

      5 - The ‘get $50’ payment will be credited to the new account within 10 business days of the third purchase transaction. If the Account has been closed before the payment is made, no payment will be made.

      • +1

        Thanks - I had a quick look today on their $50 page but couldn't see when they would pay it.

  • Any idea if they can charge monthly fee if you close the account before end of month?

    • -1

      Good question! I'm curious about this too…

    • I was told there is a period of 'grace' when it comes regarding being charged the monthly fee.

  • +1

    Received the $50. Now to try closing account with form above.

    • So fill in, sign and email the form? To?

      • I submitted it as a PDF attachment via "Member Account Enquiries" here https://www.peopleschoicecu.com.au/support/contact-us/, but I am not confident that will work

        • +1

          I did the same this morning and now I can no longer login so perhaps it worked. I'll just have to wait and see if I get a $2 cheque in the mail. Can you confirm whether the internet banking is still letting you login?

  • tried to apply twice via fire fox id accepted then when i press submit it says website temporarily available . anyone have the same issue?

  • +1

    I managed to close my account. Yesterday I received the $2 refund cheque for the membership fee. I filled in the pdf form last week and emailed it to [email protected] after ringing them up to find out how to close it. Got my $50!

    • How long did it take for them to process the form? I submitted a couple of days ago and haven’t seen anything yet. Hoping they don’t charge the $6 now it’s going into a new month.

  • +1

    Did anyone else get charged a $2 "monthly administration fee" that conveniently cancels out the $2 membership refund, despite having deposited the $2000 required for $6 fee to be waived?

    • I actually emailed them about this charge and this was their response:

      "If there was a monthly fee due on your account, the share amount may have been absorbed to pay this fee."

      $4 of the $6 monthly fee waived as I deposited $2000 that month. I know i should just drop it, but I'm pretty stubborn.

  • No. I withdrew all my money including the "free" $50 before closing it. I had the Zip account. I had the account for less than a month total.

  • How long did it took for the account to be opened?

    • I think I got my pin number in the mail in about a week.

  • i applied online on feb 28th got email saying account was only opened yesterday. will i still qualify if i make 3 transactions via the visa debit card once i receive it before march 20th? can you transfer $2000 from another family members zip account into yours to avoid the $6 fee or does it need to come from another financial institution?

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