Just Makeovers introduce amazing services by offering trial run.
Weight Loss Value at $400
Ultra Sonic Cavitation (Break down of the fat)
Lymphatic Drainage of Toxin & Fluid
Body Sculpting & Toning
Weight Loss Specials For Men and Women $99 Value $400 (VIC)

Last edited 19/08/2011 - 09:27
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closed Comments
I'm negging this because the rep hasn't responded to prove that this works and is not a waste of $99,
(they've had over an hour to reply)
Ultrasound cavitation is not dangerous as the settings are professionally adjusted. All machines are from Europe and are especially made for Just Makeovers. There is a limit to how long a recommended procedure should take per person (30 mins maximum).
Any proof that this works and it's not just voodoo ???
not just voodoo, there's B-S in there as well.
I'm no biochemist, but wouldn't the "Oxygen Blast" — assuming it could somehow, as described, successfully get free oxygen directly into your skin without killing you — serve only to rapidly increase the signs of aging and/or cause painful chemical burns?
The treatment definitely works, there had been research and studios conducted to prove this. The staff and manufacturer trials the machine on models and have reports of results. You would be looking to lose more centimetres than kgs. Results also vary between person to person as everyone have different diets and different rates of metabolism.
You may book in for a free consultation to discuss further with the beautician.http://www.justmakeovers.com.au/free-consultation.html
I also have large quantities of snake oil I am selling, good for anything you are self-conscious about, and going for obscene prices! (Marked down from even worse prices)
Who the heck is "DR. PHILL[sic]"? Sounds about as reputable as Today Tonight and Fox…
I am negging this because you buy the voucher and it is only valid for 30 days. Far out! Not safe IMO.
Also, the rep should put in the title that this is in Melbourne.
snake oil
snake oil is probably more likely to work than Ultra Sonic Cavitation…
I just negged. In my pants.
Also discriminatory because only one woman can be treated but lots of men can. :)
Wow !!!
Is it dangerous ???