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[Kindle] The Witcher: The Last Wish $2.99 @ Amazon AU

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The first book of the Witcher series is today's Daily Kindle Deal at Amazon Australia. It seems like it's normally around $12.

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    • +10

      Considering the cover highlights the Netflix series I think they are going for people who have seen the show and want more.

      • True. I didn’t even notice the cover. Anyway, The Last Wish is basically about 6 short stories and the movie covers probably about 4 of them. If people wanted more they should consider the sequels.

        • +2

          $3 seems OK for 2 extra stories. Y U dissin this deal?

          • @cnut: When have I dissed the deal? Just giving people options of different media to use.

        • The show "covered" them in a loosest sense of the word, most of the short stories were cut back so far that reading the original will give you so much more context

          • @Pacify: I mean, I wasn’t really telling people not to read the book or buy it. Hell, I bought it ages ago at full price. All I said was the tv show mostly covers the book. If people were buying this expecting new content or a peek into season 2 of the tv show then they would be better off also getting the other books.

    • +11

      There are merits to going with the book first. The show has like 3 different stories going on at the same time. The Last Wish just focuses on Geralt and only Geralt but doesn't cut away from the story (its a different story once you get into the main Saga)

      • Was Yennefer's background story made up for the show?

        • +4

          I can't remember i only read Last Wish and Blood of Elves but i don't think the background is made up. One of the main points for the shows script is it is meant to be true to the books than than the liberties the games made (eg. Geralt keeping his silver sword with Roach rather than 2 swords on him, Geralts Witcher's medallion been different, Triss been a more minor character)

          • @[Deactivated]: Pfft, Miss Merigold holds The Witcher 3's story on her shoulders through the middle section.

            • +1

              @King Steuart: Except the games aren’t canon and happen after the books. The game gives Triss more importance than she really has.

        • I think the background is fairly accurate, but I don't remember the details being covered by the books.
          So, I think they may have expanded on what the books mention.. & turned Yennefer's background into a full story.

          The stories obviously have a lot more detail than the Netflix series.
          (But the Netflix series is definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it)

        • +1

          Tennis background is only very briefly mentioned in The Last Wish. Geralt sees through her enchantments and notices the hunchback. The proper background stuff isn’t until much much later(one of the last two from memory) but the show definitely expanded it.

        • Essentially yes. I read the first two books recently and from what I've also read series 1 is based on only those. I did watch an interview with the Creator of the Netflix show and she said they used some creative license there as they wanted people to understand why Yen is the way she is.

      • Yep, as someone who hadn't read any of the books, the Netflix series is confusing at first until you realize that they are jumping around in time.

    • +1

      There is so much more detail in the books though. I also really enjoy the way they're written. I'd recommend both reading the story and watching the show (and of course playing the games which is what made the story famous in the Western world).

      • +1

        Defintely agree. Episode 1 of the show is considered one of the weakest episodes but the short story it's based on is one of my personal favourites from the book.

    • -1

      yea most of it. they added black people into the show even though they were disliked hardcore in the book.

      • -1

        black people were disliked in the book? We must have read different books then. One of the major themes in the series was showing how gross racism is.

  • +2
  • It says third Witcher book?

    • +1

      Its technically the 2nd Witcher book but the first to be released in English. The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny are short story books but are really good for setting up the world. Then you have a 5 book main saga. A new standalone book was released last year and is set in between two short story books.

      • Are there as many books and short stories as there are quests in the game? I can't get my head around what order they need to be read in, how they tie into the games and the series.

        • +22

          Short story books (Can be read in any order)

          Sword of Destiny
          The Last Wish

          Main Saga (focuses on Geralt and Ciri)

          Blood of Elves (Book 1)
          Time of Contempt (Book 2)
          Baptism of Fire (Book 3)
          The Tower of the Swallow (Book 4)
          The Lady of the Lake (Book 5)

          Standalone book (doesn't require previous reading material)

          Season of Storms

          The way i have listed them is also the release order.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Sword of Destiny goes after the Last Wish. The Last wish was originally in a different volume called the Wiedzmin and published before Sword of Destiny. In particular a lot of the stories were in fantasy magazines as stand alones. Then he released Sword of Destiny then rereleased Wiedzmin now as the Last wish and added two more stories to it. But reading order is Last Wish then Sword of Destiny. In particular because of him meeting Yenn/Dandelion and the start of the Ciri stories are in The Last Wish.

  • Wow, I was literally looking at this on the Kindle store yesterday. Glad I didn't buy it then!

  • Thanks. Any deals on the main saga?

  • Very impressive price.
    Thanks OP.

  • +15

    Toss a coin to your Witcher

    • +1

      Toss a coin to Jeff Bezos

  • -1

    I found Blood of Elves alone to be inconclusive, where all 5 books had to be read to get the full story. It felt like it just stopped abruptly.

    Or maybe that’s just me.

    • +1

      That is generally how 5 books series work, is it not?

    • +1

      Well yeah, its a uh series. There aren't many series where you can read 1 book and it wouldn't feel inconclusive, its a series after all

  • +1

    Looks like old mate Andrzej is finally getting in on the big money of his creation too. He thought videogames were stupid and sold the rights for the game for a flat fee instead of percentage. He seems to have fully embraced the show though, not going to miss out on a second shot.…

  • Darn it, I paid $12 for this in November

  • I literally bought this two days ago for 12

    • Me too! It’s ok, I’ll pay that much to be able to say “huh, the book does this story better” repeatedly to my wife.

    • +1

      Needs more trolls for your likening?

    • +1

      Compared with what? The mandalorian?

  • Is The Witcher as good as Dungeons & Dragons?

    • +3

      The dialogue is really well written between the characters, this is evident through the netflix show, the game and the books.

  • +2

    How good is the show on Netflix honestly? I'm a big fan of breaking bad, not really into GOT though

    • +7

      If you are asking whether it is any good, then it’s fine. It’s not as massive of a political fantasy as GOT and doesn’t have any high school chemistry teachers that become a drug dealer.

      It is it’s own thing. Entertaining fantasy show to watch. Definitely leaves you at a cliffhanger at the end making you wait for the second season.

      • +2

        I have not read any of the Witcher books or played any of the games before which means that this series was my introduction into the Witcher world and I have to say that I am definitely very entertained and invested in the story so far. It's not perfect, but I think that they have done a really good job with many aspects of the show.

        Some things I liked about the show:

        • Henry Cavill as Geralt - he really sold me with his character
        • Many of the characters were well introduced and developed, though there are times especially towards the last few episodes where I was lost as to who was who, and what their significance were
        • Action scenes were great and very dynamic - see this fight from the first episode
        • Costumes and set designs were very detailed and well-done
        • Multiple storylines told in a non-linear fashion gets you thinking and filling in the gaps about the whole story as the series went on
        • Very binge-able and worthy of rewatch

        Note that there are quite a bit of nude scenes as well as scenes which are rather disturbing and gory with elements of horror (the 3rd episode gave me nightmares).

    • Abs love the show. After watching superman I didn't have expectations but Henry C is just awesome. The episodes were a bit difficult to follow as they cut between past and present but overall it's a great series. Very 'bingeable'.

    • It's nice. 8/10

  • -1

    The Bitcher.

  • -1

    The TV show does not do this book series justice at all (much to my frustration). Highly recommended, so much more depth and character development compared to a abridged, vague TV series which is trying to appeal to the masses of former GoT fans!

    • +3

      It wasn't a terrible adaptation, but it wasn't a great one either. Most of the short stories were cut back brutally, and some of the changes were very weird. But it was still a fun watch

      • -4

        GoT was the best TV series ever made so there can be no shame in 'the masses' of fans

    • One is a book which can spend as long as it wants developing characters and storyline.
      One is a show which has a limited time and has to grab people's attentions almost straight away, so some parts get cut out.

      The Last Wish comes in at over 10 hours in an audiobook, so good luck trying to convince Netflix to allow a direct conversion from the book.

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