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Facebook Check-In Deal: KFC


Check in via Facebook in a KFC store and you’ll get a voucher for a larger Krusher and regular chips for $4.95

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KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • -5

    More facebook crap…

  • +6

    Who goes to KFC just for a drink and chips ?

    • +3

      People who check-in on facebook?

      I think it's a 'hook, line and sinker' deal to get them to purchase a full priced burger or chicken at the same time…call me naive…

      • -3

        yummy chips though…

      • I agree

  • how much are they normally? is it even worth $4.95 ???

    • Think the drinks are about $3.95, and chips about $3

  • +4

    needs chicken

    • +5

      good deal for vegetarians though…

      • +10

        dont they use chicken salt on the chips?

        and baby seals in the drinks :P

        • baby seals in the drinks?

          Gives a new meaning to grabbing some KFC before going clubbing!

  • booo

  • Not when they used chicken salt on their chips.

    • +6

      That's just a bit of MSG coloured yellow…

  • Worth it for a snack.

  • I just checked-in to my local KFC from home.

    • +4

      Great, now I feel like KFC.

  • +1

    Not a fan of the Krusher. The milk tastes a bit over processed.

    • +1

      As a former employee of KFC, i know the milk used in crushers is UHT milk. What brand? Sorry i dont know.

  • +7

    Have to say $4.95 for a Krusher and chips is pretty expensive…

    Preferred it when they had 1/2 price Krushers - that made them $1.99 or something like that - the GF used to get through them and wicked wings a fair bit….

    No surprise she is now 62kg when she was 48kg in her pre-KFC days two years ago…

    • +19

      Wow! That's about 30% more girlfriend at no extra cost! You should post that deal here! :P

      • +4

        is there a Coupon Code for that ?

      • +3

        LOL best comment so far. Lets hope GreatWhiteHunter's gf doesnt use ozbargain…

      • +3

        It's even better when you have a girlfriend that's 50% off!

      • ahhaaahhaahaha <3 it!

    • Dude shes heavier than me!

  • http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/smartphone-apps/check-in-…

    Talked about it on newspaper.

    :( I don't have a smartphone

    • +2

      I don't have a smartphone

      No soup for you !!!

  • +2

    There is also these:
    KFC will give you a Krusher and regular chips for $4.95, 7-Eleven has a 450ML Coke for $1, Angus & Coote is offering 30 per cent of full-price jewellery, and Commonwealth Bank is doing a convoluted deal where you get free monthly movie passes for a year.


  • +1

    Whats with all these facebook checkin deals!? Sudden flood of them!

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