Cheapest price ever for a Hisense 55" OLED TV.
eBay price: $1,195.00 less PLATEAU 15% off code = $1,015.75
Cheapest price ever for a Hisense 55" OLED TV.
eBay price: $1,195.00 less PLATEAU 15% off code = $1,015.75
Got same TV yesterday for $1,100 at Good Guys. Maybe VideoPro may price match?
tell us about the tv mate, is it a smooth picture. any issues? laggy menu? anything in particular that you dont like or anything that could be better?
This TV was to replace parents existing Pioneer Plasma 50" TV.
We were tossing up between the Samsung UA65RU7100 $988 (JB HIFI) and the 65" Sony X7000G ($1095). Looking the room and tv viewing distance, because the TV resolution was the same (3840 x 2160) this would mean pictures may appear 'blurry' due to them being stretched. This is because the 65" TV use the same resolution but stretch it to achieve 65" screen size. There was another LG OLED for ~$1600 but for this price wasn't too bad to get along the OLED bandwagon.
Appears responsive for a $1,100 TV. I've got a Hisense 50N6 LED and the 55PX appears to be much more responsive when compared to that. The SD TV free to air channels are disappointing (quality wise). HD TV is where this TV shines. Parents predominately use this to watch streaming using EVPad and BossTV. Blacks appear to be much more rich.
When moving it around, because its a thin OLED glass screen care needs to be taken when installing and mounting, as the glass screen can flex a bit. Only complaint is there are only 2 USB ports that provide 0.5A and 1A power, wished there was a 2A USB port
Wow, great deal. Don't need a new TV, but what a great price
Opinions? Should I get this or wait for the LG B9 to go below $1500? I have a "high end" 47" led lcd from 10 years ago that is still doing a decent job.
This is an amazing price but the general consensus in the comments of other deals seems to be "just save for the LG".
Depends on the budget.
The price difference is $500 and are the differences worth it??
For some yes and for some no…
This is an excellent price though.
It's a big price difference, but this will probably be a long term TV so I don't mind spending $500 more if the LG is more future proof.
My main concern is longevity and image quality (contrast, colour balance, good up-scaling,? ?).
I don't care for smart features as I just feed stuff from my computer via HDMI and sound is through the PC too. I think LG now support G-sync and HDMI 2.1 which is cool but unsure if I'll have a use for them.
If you game, you have use for gsync
LG, Sony and Samusung (lagging a bit I'd say though) are definitely ahead of all the other brands atm.
Hisense is more like a "mid priced" TV that is still really good quality.
If the $500 difference isn't an issue for you and you'll probably end up using it for the next 5-10 years then I'd wait for a sub $1,500 deal (I think maybe March or so when they get ready for the next gen TVS is when you'll see a good deal for that TV).
Thanks, yeah I may just wait. Just realised that I can't get the Hisense shipped to SA from this particular deal anyway :(
Hisense is the only TV manufacturer giving 3 years warranty. All other top brands are 1 year. Isn't it reassuring? I also wonder whether that warranty covers 'OLED burn in'. If 'yes' then Hisense over other brands is a no-brainer.
I'm never really concerned with manufacturer's warranty when statutory warranty is a thing.
Panasonic agreed in court that they life expectancy of a TV is 8 years:…
This case has set precedence, you can pretty much claim warranty on Aus Consumer Law for 8 years with any manufacturer.
@massafiri: This is fascinating, thanks for sharing. Claiming is one thing, getting the agreement without dragging out to tribunal is another. I read that as the ruling is specific to that TV (it says "the", its all specific) but certainly it does add weight to reasonable expectation on a TVs life being well more than 1 year, which is just a joke. I've had a few dealings like this and noticed within 5 years i can usually talk them around with a mixture of sensible politeness and ACL jargon, but not fought anything longer than that (CBF). Kudos to this person for the time and effort to do so!
Can i sincerely ask why you think March for next gen?
Wife and I were going back and forth over 65PX vs 55PX or whether to wait altogether.
I got my LGB9 in the mancave a few years ago and it's never gone lower than the current sales. (Approx 1750)
I remember when I was looking for TVs, I researched a bit into this kind of stuff.
I found out March was usually the month where they announce the next gen TVs or when they come out (can't remember) so Late Jan-March that's usually when places like JBHiFi will have clearance sales for their TVs to make room for next TVs.
Also B9 55 inch has been lower than 1.5k this year so very likely it will be 1.5k again within the next 3 months or so
Any idea what the input lag for this tv is?
Why quote the RRP? Its misleading and no one will ever pay 3.5K for a Hisense!!
Bing lee and GG has this for 1195, just an indication price for people who are thinking of buying.
I saw this and did not want to post it because yeh the price is 1015 but delivery is 77 for a shipping time of 15 to 22 jan, I rather pay 20 dollars more and buy the one from jbhifi for 1110 if the dude from the other post uploads the receipt, that’s if I was gonna buy this specific tv which I’m not sure about atm
I would suggest having a look at the Hisense OLED picture quality along side one of the other major OLED brands.
When i saw a Hisense OLED along side LG and Sony OLEDs on standard TV, the difference was chalk and cheese… the Hisense OLED picture processing was awful.
So if OLED blacks are the only thing important to you, maybe the Hisense OLED will give you them, but if sharpness, clarity and motion smoothness are important, the bit extra for one of the leading brands is well worth it.
yeah but if you are using Fetch TV it will do the upscale for the TV Right? not sure how TVs process external signal tho.
If the fetch box can upscale and send 4K signal then yes i believe so. For instance, i use an nVidia Shield and VTV and send 4K signal to my TVs direct. TV still has to do some processing of course. But if Fetch cannot upscale and send 4K signal then the TV will have to do it. In any case, never judge a TV from a showroom unless YOU are adjusting the settings and bringing your own content. If you are not then you may as well be blind and pick randomly as showroom TVs are either setup by idiots or with manipulative intent.
yeah totally, I have tried a bunch of times and they always never have any other content than the default video which doesn't help at all lol. but yeah thanks for the info. wasn't too sure about this one
Thanks for the idea of using the nvidia shield. How much of an improvement would you estimate it makes compared to the native hisense processor for motion and upscaling? 20% improvement? Thanks
@Centant2: I wouldn't say it makes any difference in of itself other than that it can do auto refresh rate matching now. First thing on your TV is to turn off all the settings such as motion smoothing, noise reduction all those silly "smart" settings meant to improve picture but often cause other issues. See how it looks and tweak from there. I personally have motion smoothing always off, this is the fake higher refresh rate that gives that soap opera effect to movement (marketing nonsense when they say 200hz refresh rate etc, its a gimmick). Its ok to have on for a few select sporting content or maybe even documentary, but otherwise most savvy consumers find it terrible. But the flip side can depending on the TV and content there could be a little judder with panning movement especially in the background of image, if there is a lot of judder especially panning i'd say its due the content and refresh rate not matching or just the TV processor cannot handle it properly. My main TV struggles with panning shots without motion smoothing even with refresh rates matched but its usually tolerable and the lesser of 2 evils imo.
But yeah back to the nVidia Shield…. it will not help for free to air, unless accessing it via the shield itself such as streaming IPTV and/or Kodi plugin for free 2 air channels but what it does is gives you more freedom to tweak and have the shield do the bulk of the processing for your streaming apps. If your TV built in Apps are problematic it may help to offload the bulk of that work to a standalone media box like the nVidia shield, especially if your accessing local content as well. If your use is very simple mostly for streaming normal stuff online (netflix, stan, youtube etc) then probably an AppleTV 4K is the easiest route as android boxes like the shield do require more time and effort to utilize their potential.
yehh i dont think anyone is cross shopping this with an oled from LG or panasonic mate, there is a huge price difference, this is more like a: should i get a Samsung led with a higher chance of survival or should i take my chances with a the cheapest oled tv on the market from hisense. because both are in the same ballpark as far as price goes
Hi mate,
For the $1k mark (I need to get a TV in the next few days) would you say the 55PX is better than getting an entry level 65" Samsung RU7100 or Sony X700G?
I'm going to head out to the shops and have a look but when I looked a few days ago OLED did look a lot better. My couch is 3.5m from where the TV would be though so I'm really stuck. I would really like HDR content because I know once I buy this TV I probably won't upgrade for a while and I've never seen HDR content either so I don't know what I'm missing.. Then there's the conundrum of do I go with better clarity at 55" or 65" for immersion.
Ahhh decisions!
The question is how will you use it? What content? Much sports? Mostly streaming? Gaming etc? Do you want a bigger screen or heart set on OLED for this set? Then narrow down your options. I personally would not get the current Hisense OLED without fully reading up from users on Whirlpool on its pros and cons, options to tweak it etc. Of our 5 TVs still none are OLED, the bang for buck and compromises (until the latest LG series anyway) have just made them poor value in my eyes. Even my next TV im on the fence as i want 75", pretty much ruling OLED out. Hisense do make some very decent bang for buck LED TVs, in particular the R6 and R7 range if getting a larger TV was important you should take a look there.
Retravision has the Sony 55X8000G for $895 and 55X8500G for $1195
One good thing is Sony runs android TV and there are so many native apps without having to buy a Chromecast. Prime amazon works, which I don't think works on the Hisense. Chromecasting Prime to the Hisense looks horrible
Using an Android TV box i'd argue is better than both those options and more powerful. I have amazon prime on both my nvidia shield and vodafone tv, works fine, along with a whole heap of other apps.
My cousin has a Sony Android TV and hates it - says it’s buggy. It is an older model though. Perhaps the newer ones are better?
Where you find Sony 55X8000G for $895? Can't find it on their website.
@syswong: Think sold out now. Tried to get price match at Myers but they refused yesterday, saying below costs
i am in the same boat and i think im leaning towards the ru7100 (some down sides i see with that tv is no bluetooth (hisense does not have bluetooth neither, and cant confirm if it has dual band (for netflix 4k streaming faster connection, hisense does).
both dont have android tv, they have their own software, a workaround is to buy an android tv box. but thats just an extra device and extra remote.
the included remotes are both probably on the lower side of remotes, (for example lg gives you that immersive wii like remote for super easy fluid controls and it has the best UI out of all tvs) cant say the same thing for the samsung or hisense. i am also concered for laggy navigation and menu on both tvs as thats what ive read in reviews
im concered about hd/fullhd to 4k upscalling
its really hard to compare unless i take a usb stick with a 720 ripped movie and as k the store to play it on both tvs, again even if the store guy agrees to play it that is really hard to compare since the 2 models are most likely not sitting side by side for a comparison. so as far as picture quality goes i cant really find a comparision online and i guess your best bet is to go in-store and compare and let us know!
i am also concerned about motion flow and smoothness capabilities on both and how they compare.
I guess it depends what apps you want.
I have a Samsung and for a while I was just using the TV without any external media box (I now use Apple TV)
All the apps I needed are available on the Samsung platform and the OS worked well enough.
I would go the Hisense. The scaling is acceptable and if you are really concerned run it through another box to do it for you
Once adjustments are made it is brilliant
My research on this TV led me to believe avoid. Apparently, it has horrible ghosting. The colours aren't that great (nothing like the best OLEDs you see on display), the apps suck, the software sucks, it's slow to boot, and it's super reflective so can only be used properly in a fully dark room.
Mine has no ghosting and the colours are incredible. Fast to boot - you can even turn off the logos and boot straight into content in around 2 seconds. Currently on in a bright room and the reflections aren't getting in the way - no worse than a MacBook's screen.
Agreed. It’s an excellent set
price has now gone up to $1100.75 + delivery after PLATEAU discount
Videopro had always been quite good on Ebay sale pricing. Wonder what make them change the price?
May be too many people asking price match in JB and GG. Then those morons complaint to product manage in Hisense.
and now back to original deal :o
Deal is back!
Thanks. I have removed the expiry.
Make no mistake this is an excellent tv. Take the 15 minutes to adjust it to remove all picture processing. When you don’t have another set next to it to compare to you will be immersed as to how good it is
Agreed. One thing that blew me away was loading up the 4K HDR OLED YouTube footage that is on in a lot of the stores - seeing that playing back in my lounge was really fantastic.
Excellent price.
Hoping for the Oled to go below $1000 soon…………