Just saw them at Adelaide Store
Would perhaps be Australia Wide.
Hisense Hybrid Chest Freezer RRP $349 - $100 Discount = $249 at Costco
145L (HRCF146)
Just in case you are looking for one…
Just saw them at Adelaide Store
Would perhaps be Australia Wide.
Hisense Hybrid Chest Freezer RRP $349 - $100 Discount = $249 at Costco
145L (HRCF146)
Just in case you are looking for one…
switch between Fridge and Freezer mode.
Fridge/Freezer. It's actually a great idea for something like a drinks' fridge.
Is it difficult to switch modes? Wouldn’t want to lose a freezer of produce because of an inadvertent change (kids, bumped, etc.).
What’s hybrid about it?
Use as fridge or freezer
It works as either a refrigerator or a freezer. You choose.
Have no clue TBH..
That is what it says on the price board.
Wish I could attach multiple photos here somehow.
Attention Moderators: If there's any way to include two photos or if I could include one additional photos in comments somehow??
If you click My Account > Files, you can use this to upload photos to OzB. Then you just need to attach the link to the uploaded file.
It shows a fridge or freezer button, assuming it can be set as one or the other.
Hybrid means it can be used as a fridge or a freezer. Would appreciate any intel on whether this is also available in Queensland.
In time for the next pandemic!
Touch wood.
Hope not as this is no good for toilet paper …
The sensible way to do it isn't with two touch buttons and a temperature display down at ground level, it is with a physical switch that you can see which position it is in - fridge or freezer - and know that it will/has come back to that setting after a power outage.
If anyone is unaware chest freezers are the most energy efficient fridges and freezers. A fridge with a door on the front loses all the cold air in it whenever you open the door. The denser cold air falls out and the replacement warmer air has to be cooled down. Whereas a chest freezer doesn't lose any of the denser cold air in it when it lid is opened.
And for the same reason, that a new fridge full of most air doesn't rush in every time you open them, chest freezers don't need to be defrosted nearly as often.
Chest can double up as an ice bath in summer too.
I have a chest freezer, and honestly, it’s a nightmare to deal with. My wife keeps adding more and more stuff, stacking it like a game of frozen Jenga. Every time I need something, I have to go on an excavation mission, digging through layers of mystery meat and forgotten leftovers. It’s a never-ending cycle of ‘buy more, pile more, lose more. Wish I had an upright freezer instead.
Upright would be $600+ and only half as energy efficient. your choice.
Measure your freezer internals and go buy baskets.
I have a Hisense one and these plastic baskets with lids from Kmart fit PERFECTLY. 2 on one side. 3 on the other.
Numbered so I can track the contents.
Literal worst case scenario on the left side is pulling two baskets out to get to the stuff on the bottom.
Interesting! But I feel like its kinda the same thing? You still gotta dig through stuff vertically.
@mrvaluepack: It's 2 tubs to pull out man. "Digging through stuff" is not an accurate description at all.
@timps: omg lol, you pull them out completely each time? those baskets will weigh at least 10 kg each. gg my back.
@mrvaluepack: you are also exercising! Next step, seal your car doors and get in an out from the car sunroof
I kind of agree with you - it's completely manageable with one user (as you vaguely know where stuff is) but as soon as someone else gets involved it's a disaster, with all my most-used items getting tossed into the depths…
assuming its the same as the box to the left in the photo
Bunnings (Glendale NSW) had some similar as well. Only remember walking past it now that I saw this deal
Could it have been this one? I saw it at Frankston last month
SA residents can get a $210 rebate on this.
I looked it up and was only able to see a $50 rebate.
Both are right
$50 or $210
Basically deepening on if you are lazzy as Centrelink employed low income earner/rent of less than $400 a week or you are earning own income with modest survivable salary.
@TheFIREnanceGuy: na there are some other ways also of getting into the priority group.
but yea easiest one is centrelink's low income health care card or like pension card.
Otherwise I am also genuinely wondering how to get into this category without having to make so little money (where i cannot even feed myself).
I am guessing going on energy bill retailer's payment plan could be other option ? IDK how that affects credit history for loans etc. tho
@USER DC: Surprisingly it shows only $160 for me as rebate when u ticked the priority group under mactrade services and not $210. Am I missing something or is I because Mac trade services and yess have different rebate rates for it?
I just had a quick look on both YESS and Mac Trade and can't see anything - can you please explain?
it is on YESS
check on Freezer section (not fridge section) for rebates on appliances.
https://www.costco.com.au/Appliances/Fridges-Freezers/Freeze… is this the one? $289 shipped(NSW) not bad
NVM out of stock online
Finally a hybrid I can afford!
I own this and works good. Bought it with good guys price beat on Costco a year ago and paid $239ish pickup.
wow, 6 energy stars
That's if your storing dry goods.
Also available at Harvey Norman and Betta for $299.
Anyone had any luck with a price match?
Love that energy rating…
$259 at the good guys.
Comes up as $326 for me @ Good Guys Commercial
And is $399 at Good Guys…
Use the price beat button, brings it down to $259
looking for a freezer. How is this compared to the Essatto 142L Hybrid for $244 and Free delivery?