Xbox One X 1 TB Console Bundle $399.20 Delivered @ Microsoft eBay
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Xbox One X 1 TB Console Bundle $399.20 Delivered @ Microsoft eBay
see main link
Cheapest historical price?
sure is, by about $12
Awesome! I'm a PS guy but good deal for Xbox fans :D The Jedi Fallen Order bundle is good
Must have missed the $428 xbox one x - minus 20% off cashback shopback 1 day deal (max $50), plus zip pay 10% back in account deal (max $50). Brought the xbox one x down to $335.20 during black friday sales on amazon. That was a sweet deal.
Great price! Best console I've had this gen by far. Don't forget your Game pass.
I have the X Gears Limited Edition and to be sincere, I haven't notice thaaaaaaaat much difference between X and the S
Okay that playing COD MW the details are more detailed but that is all about it.
It gets hotter than the S that is for sure. I have it on top of a 5 fan laptop cooling system so you can play for hours without killing it —- electronics and heat doesn't go along —- and with S the console would stays cold even after playing for hours.
With X, the console still gets very little warm but the wall where the hot air hits, h0ly m0ly.
Not sure if it is because of my Samsung 4K QLED that I don't see much difference. I only upgraded coz it is becoming harder to sell S and make a great deal without losing money. Next year, you will still be able to make a great private deal prior to upgrade to Series X.
It's night and day. It's more a difference when you go from 4k back to 1080p. Then you notice the difference. Not to mention the graphical improvements too, not just the resolution.
It is the only thing I can think. Before the upgrade I heard a lot of "such a huge difference and blablabla"
Yeah nahhhh, not really. If you already had a premium TV with both consoles, both in 4K Ultra HD, HDR10+ and so on, you won't notice much difference that justify the upgrade. I did to avoid selling my S for free next year, but that is my opinion :)
Why get downvoted for an opinion?
@flashi007 Because this is the "Nutella Generation"
If you tell something that hurt their feelings, they are gonna hate you lol
It is just like society rule: If you don't get married even if you are sad, if you don't have kids, a great job, a great payslip before your 30, you are a loser and society hates you.
Since I don't give a damn for this at all, I always say what I have to say. Downvoted is nothing :)
there are some VERY fragile egos down here in the comments.
It's easier to just downvote something you disagree with than actually contribute a meaningful response or rebuttal.
Disappointing though because it just ends up discouraging people from contributing. Nothing that guy said deserved to make his post be hidden from view, it was just his experience with the products.
What you need to understand you are not dealing with rational people here so there is no rational explanation for the down votes. So no point in worrying, it's meaningless.
The difference is huge on enhanced games for me.
I downvoted purely because what you are saying makes no sense. It's not a matter of opinion whether the X is much better than the S, it's a fact.
Of course if you aren't playing games that are graphically intense you won't notice much of a difference unless you are playing them side by side, the developers have to specifically optimise the game for the 'pro' consoles like the PS4 Pro and One X.
It gets hotter because it is a more power hungry machine as the performance is much greater, thus emitting more heat, and it's actually smaller than the S. However I have had it playing for an entire day in my room on a really hot day with no aircon and it may get loud but it never has had an issue.
Your Samsung 4k has nothing to do with the graphics it receives so the quality of the screen has no bearing when talking about graphic performance of the consoles, unless you were to have anything less than a 4k TV which would make sense. I recommend checking to make sure you have it plugged into the 4k HDMI port on your TV and checking the settings on your xbox and running a test on your TV to check that the xbox is outputting 4k. When I bought mine originally I had to update the firmware of my Hisense to allow my Xbox to run 4k, even though the tv is 4k capable
Your Xbox one s is not 4k capable, and can run max 1080p at 30fps with some games needing to run at 720p 30. The Xbox one X is capable of 4k at 30fps or 1080 at 60fps. If you were to play a game like Jedi Fallen Order or The Witcher 3, which are graphically very demanding, you would notice a huge difference in picture quality, or the frame rate depending on which you set it to favour.
had it playing for an entire day in my room on a really hot day with no aircon and it may get loud but it never has had an issue.
Electronics and heat does not go along. Yeah, it will work but also the same heat will reduce the components life. Do yourself a favor, study about the subject rather than having only your personal understanding!
Your Samsung 4k has nothing to do with the graphics it receives so the quality of the screen has no bearing when talking about graphic performance of the consoles
WoW, I am impressed with your expertise. Compare the same Samsung with a Kogan, ALDI, or any other TV brand, then, come back to tell me that TV does not interfere with the graphics.
I recommend checking to make sure you have it plugged into the 4k HDMI
Anyone that has a 4K TV + console knows that you have to check the settings. Yes, my Xbox shows all the options ticked, and One X when turning on for the first time it did by itself "A 4K TV has been detected and blablabla do you wanna apply its settings? "
Your Xbox one s is not 4k capable, and can run max 1080p at 30fps with some games needing to run at 720p 30 …… If you were to play a game like Jedi Fallen Order or The Witcher 3, which are graphically very demanding
You are wrong. One S is capable and will upscale games from 1080p to 4K, it is not like a native 4K but it's better than 1080p.
My main games are restricted with Tomb Raider, Gears collection, COD collection, Battlefield collection, now Forza.
The last big releases like COD WW2 and Modern Warfare, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Battlefield 5, Forza 4, Gears 5 running on my sold One S, I've never seen such contrast, graphic, and quality before. So many times I didn't know which part was game and which part was a movie.
Yeah yeah yeah One X runs a native 4K, more powerful, and blablabla but for me the upgrade didn't impressed at all
If it wasn't for the money, I would still damn happy with One S
I will still receiving down votes and it won't stop me for sharing my opinion hahaha
Ok question. I currently have two Xbox Ones. One is the old original first generation black model and the other is the white Xbox S.
The black model one lives in my media room where all consoles are black so I never wanted to put the white one in there as the white colour would have just annoyed me! Always wished they made a black Xbox S
Anyway, to the point, the Xbox S which I use in another living area of the house seems so much smoother and quicker as regards the user interface and more enjoyable to use than the original black Xbox One so I've been thinking for a while maybe I should update my media room console to the black Xbox X. I only have a 1080P projector there though (might change one day) so I am not going to get any benefit from the 4K but just wondering if updating it would be worth it for the improved processor power etc? (And yes I know by this time next year I will probably want the new Xbox X Series!)
Guess I just find the old original Xbox One annoyingly sluggish…. just not sure if it is worth the upgrade.
Do you game on your S? If so, I'd replace that with the X (assuming it's connected to a 4k tv), and somehow hide the white s in the media room, placing it out of sight or blocking it.
But personally I'd just wait if I was to get the Series X
Unfortunately I don't have a 4K tv yet…. the one where the S is attached to is a reasonably good 50" 1080 TV that although getting old has not given me any problems or reason to replace it. And unfortunately the way my media room is set up there is just no hiding a white console when every other console, amplifier, speaker and PVR in there is grey/black.
If only there was a black Xbox S! As tempting as the X is I feel I am probably paying the premium just to get black rather than white! Yes, I may get a better projector in there one day that may make the 4k worth it but by that time I will probably have the Xbox Series X in there which gazump the Xbox Ones anyway…
Guess I'll resist the ozbargain urge and try and sit this one out.
Keep in mind the X offers benefits for 1080p gaming - there's plenty of reviews/analysis around the "performance modes" in various games which basically use the increased power to provide a smoother framerate/better graphics.
@Wuggle: In all honesty though, unless you're really dead set on sticking with this generation, I don't think it's worth buying the X this late into the console cycle. If you have money to burn then sure, but it sounds like you're doing my typical OzBargain approach of trying to find a problem to justify your solution ;)
Sure games load faster, you get better graphics/performance out of existing titles, there's plenty of good games in this generation, etc… but $400 could still go towards the next gen console which will presumably still be able to fulfill the same role as both a games console and media center device.
Maybe at least check what games you play and see if they have Xbox One X enhanced patches available for them (or if they're already optimised for One X). But again I really think if I was in your position, I'd put the money towards something else whether it be a NAS to store your media, or save it for next generation console, or even to put it towards buying a nice large 75" 4K TV!
@jace88: Ok, you got me at "it sounds like you're doing my typical OzBargain approach of trying to find a problem to justify your solution ;)"
Maybe I should resist my thoughts at upgrading the PS4 to the PS4 Pro too (even though admittedly I do play the PS4 more than the Xbox!)
@Wuggle: Get a cheap digital One S or normal One S (white probably) & a skin/case cover - they're Really cheap & you can choose one that matches your decor. Without the need for 4k it's the cheapest option.
Actually just thought - buy 2 skins, one white for old xb and black for One S & swap over - but won't have fancier xb in other room though.
Agree with dotMonkey, put the money towards an Xbox Series X next year. It's supposed to be back compat no?
I personally didn't find the menu much different, for a 1080p display it will maintain higher frame rates but while many would appreciate that, many wouldn't care less enough to upgrade.
Often Xbox Live can dictate how responsive the console feels in the menu too.
Pretty fair assesment. If you have a 1080p TV it is not worth replacing a one X (S) if you already have one (wait for the next gen Series X next year), but if you don't have an Xbox at all the One X is the better buy now (better even at 1080p and more 4K future proof)
The truth is One and One S owners will lose more and more as close as we get to Series X
That is the only reason I sold my One S to grab One X, and since I have a 4K TV in my opinion there is no thaaaaat much difference mroe than X gets much hotter. I only don't fry it coz it stays on top of a 5 fan laptop cooling system.
If you are not willing to sell them next year "for free". You should consider upgrading.
Next year while a great number will upgrade to Series X, a lot of One S will be looking forward to upgrade to One X as it will be cheaper.
I'm glad it's not just me who finds the X1X gets ridiculously hot. Glad I don't live in Singapore anymore otherwise it would melt without AC on.
Right @jace88!?
It is ridiculous and I don't even wanna know how hot it gets without that 5 fan laptop cooling system below it hahahaha
One S would stays literary cold after playing for hours.
@ratoloko: I was contemplating getting a cooling fan for it as I used to use an "Intercooler" for my Xbox One (before I bought the X) in Singapore. I know there have been mixed reviews over the years but I do wonder if the X actually needs external cooling!
@jace88: I did for accident @jace88 lol
I bought the cooling system for a gaming laptop that never happened.
Since the life cycle of any electronic goes to space if there is too much heat even if "within the manufacturer conditions", I wouldn't play for hours with One X without "doing something about it".
The logic would be that the loss is proportional to the amount invested in ever seperseded technology. I'd suggest less loss on the current value of a used One than a new One X.
Nahhh it depends. How trustable is an used console??
I was reading a post another day here where players were selling their consoles with HDMI ports being faulty and so on.
That is why I will never buy second hand consoles, they don't take care of their consoles the same way as I do. My One S after 1y, you wouldn't tell.
I will not even talk about those who dropped the consoles and the HDD will die slowly.
You might buy second hand cheap but end by having a huge headache. Again, it depends!
@ratoloko: You said,
"One and One S owners will lose more and more as close as we get to Series X".
One X owners will lose even more.
The notion of upgrading is in reference to your pre-owned One, immaculate as it may be.
Nice. Snagged one thanks was going to wait for boxing day but can't really see it being any significantly less than this.
I'd only want this for a blu-ray player. Does it come with a normal remote?
Already have a PS4.
Nope, they don't cost alot though.
Was about to add, if you really just want bluray get a Panasonic 420, around $200-250. It'll feel nicer for that. They are a better player too.
@giventofly: I got both the 420 and 820, you are right though it rarely goes on sale….
I think the only difference worth mentioning is DV though. Possibly better HDR tweaking on the 820, don't think the 420 has that…. having said that, I really didn't think it was all that big a deal on a quick muck around.
@scuderiarmani: It is better to get the xbox console for bluray playing
there is no point wasting $200-250 for just a bluray player..considering how much it cost for just this player
if they were selling for like $50 like DVD players then sure get it..
but I would not waste that much money on just a bluray player..
also I think bluray player market aren't gonna be as big as dvd players and will eventually die out
since most people are just streaming nowadays
so the xbox console can do streaming as well..
or just get them cheap android media box to play most of the streaming and local network contents..
If you just want it for bluray, why not just grab a One S?
yeah can trade in console to pay off next xbox
If you are patient enough, better save your money for next year's Series X release.
It's been confirmed to be fully backward compatible with all/most 360/OneX games.
I sold my X for that very reason already. It's great how MS is treating it as a single ecosystem now.
Series X is still a year away, will be priced significantly higher initially and will likely have very few "series x exclusives" that don't work on the previous gen in one form or another for the first year or so.
Yes it's not gonna be cheap, but while One X is considered more affordable now, I don't think it's money wisely spent on a machine that costs $400 and will be worth half the money in 1 year's time due to the upcoming Series X.
The "Series X" is rumoured to cost between $500-600 USD meaning it will likely launch here for $750-800 minimum here. I get where you're coming from but the "smart" move for mine is an one X for $400 now to tide me over until the first rounds of price cuts on the series one in 2021 when the PS 5 launches.
Just my 2 cents though.
+1 I need to clear my pile of shame anyway
It depends.
If your One S is well conserved, boxes, cables, etc, it is the best time to sell it and grab One X
It is becoming harder to make private deals without losing too much.
That is the only reason I got the Gears 5 Limited Edition so I can have a great private deal while upgrading.
I managed to sell my One S for $280 with 2 controls + batteries and charger + boxes + original cables + well conserved + 2y warranty.
If you wait to sell it next year, you will have to sell it for almost nothing.
I just told a Gears X, their resale is unfortunately dropping quicker than I'd expected thanks to some great new prices. While it's obviously better than standard, it's not great. I also wouldn't prefer to sell on ebay given risks involved, so I had it higher priced their accordingly.
Also, here is where the condition and features make all the difference. One S then PS4 then One S again, I was able to get a great deal coz their band new + warranty condition.
When I sold my PS4 God of War Limited Edition after one year with 2y warranty left, I got almost the same I spent on it.
Limited editions consoles have 2y warranty, next year while I will be among a sh1t ton of One X upgrading to Series X, I am counting with 2 matching controls, stand, everything genuine + 1y warranty left against the standards one without warranty.
I might be wrong but you cannot win always right?! lol
@ratoloko: I dont understand how main consoles get in bad condition, they legit just sit there, not like phones or handheld console. If selling preowned tech you have to hope for a dummy to come along to buy that shit for a premium.
@Top G: @McCree I make myself the same question!
Look at the consoles on Gumtree, Facebook Marketplace, full of dust, scratches, things glued on it.
Controls? Looks like it was the dogs toy hahahaha
The guy that bought my One S, you know, family, kids, etc, he probably didn't have enough to buy a brand new but was looking for something that wouldn't give him headache. This is the main profiles out there, wanna a second hand but worthy.
Mine wasn't just brand new looking, controls, batteries, 2y warranty left with the receipt that will be worth $379 at JB-HIFI if the console has problems. He paid much less than that.
We bought won :)
Or if you want to play now, but it now, enjoy a year's worth of gaming at the very best on console, and sell it whenever you decide to upgrade. Life is too short.
Sure, tell that to my PS4/PC/Switch backlog :P
I have a PS4 from last year's Black Friday sales along with about 10 games that I have yet to even open, so yeah, I feel the pain. I was so close to pulling the trigger on the Switch bundle, but I'd just be making things worse.
X plus gamepass is best thing that happened this generation.
My pro gathers dust waiting for the next PS exclusive worth playing.
Did you deem Death Stranding to be worth playing?
@Matictac my gf almost bought a PS4 just because of this game. She uses to watch me playing or watching walkthrough. We watched theRadBrad playing the entire bloody Resident Evil 7 hahahaha
Thanks God she didn't!
PS4s will hate me but Death Stranding you are nothing less than an Uber Driver!
Pick a box from point A to point B, fight with some enemies from time to time and that is it. No real action.
Cool I just bought a PS4 got a huge backlist of exclusives should have held out from beginning never really played my Xbox besides MCC and halo 5
I bought a PS4 along with about 10 exclusives last year during the Black Friday sales. I haven't even opened the thing yet. I'll kick myself if it turns out be a lemon, but I just have too many games to play on Xbox that I haven't gotten around to playing with the thing.
You should hop to it, the PS4 exclusives are insanely good.
I've been gaming for 30yrs and consider the Ps4 my favourite console ever for games because of their amazing exclusives.
Don't let it pass you by, you'll regret it.
The only exclusives worth mentioning are GOW, Horizon, Uncharted 4.
I had such a joy playing them when I sold my One S to buy a PS4 just because GOW and ended by selling the PS4 to buy an One S again coz I was so damn sad with nothing else to play and such a terrible user interface.
Other than that, when someone tells me about PS4 I only see:
Now, things only get better with the crossover between Xbox and Microsoft Windows players.
I've been playing COD MW since it was released and it is insane. Not mentioning Game Pass. I have it as it was $1 but I don't use. Who does, love playing amazing games such as Gears for free.
I know I will receive a down vote lol
@ratoloko: Fair enough, I thought COD was cross-play for all consoles?
A few of the previous PS exclusives seem to be filtering to Xbox or PC anyway.
Yakuza, Nier: Automata, Nioh etc.
Bloodborne is worth a try though and Spiderman is excellent.
@putshan: @putshan I am not so sure about all consoles.
When playing you can see and tell the computer players which shows Xbox icon following a compute icon. Also, the ones using control or keyboard and mouse.
I guess it should show PSN icon for PlayStation players, not sure hahaha lol
tossing up getting this for a 4k blu-ray player. got an xbox one S but a toddler stuffed the drive with playing cards and it won't open anymore…
Microsoft has you covered…. Xbox One S all-digital edition. No drive = toddler safe! Always wondered who would buy these digital only consoles….
No drive = no 4K Blu-Ray player which is what the OP was after!
An all-digital console would appeal to a whole bunch of people, myself included who make use of GamePass or only have digital games and no physical media. The issue is the price vs a regular console with the disc drive included.
My daughter did the same with the CD player in the car with a 50 cent piece.
Sounds like she's a fan of 50 cent
My kids did this with both my PS4 AND Xbox One S. little shits haha.
I opened up PS4 and removed the coins. At the time, I couldn't find instructions for opening Xbox One S (only regular Xbox), so ended up selling it with the issue mentioned, and bought a replacement Xbox One S when they had that $175 mindcraft console deal. I ended up profiting actually lol.
i tried opening it but they really made it hard to open so i gave up.
that's a good idea selling it as a disc free version, didn't think of that
Is this the new one?
No, the Series X comes out next year.
Waste of money really, considering the series X will be out this time next year and probably for not a great deal more. Just save the money.
Not a great deal more? I’ll think we’ll be looking at at least $250 more than this price and EB usually offers decent trade-in upgrades on previous gen consoles to new consoles so either way, I think it’s a good buy if you actually want an X1X.
~$900 launch price for PS5 and Xbox Sex…
It could also be said that it's a waste of money to buy consoles at launch when within a year they cost significantly less.
The XBX will hold up well for several years, then make the upgrade to next-gen when there are several 'generation only' games available to choose from.
Great price on the One X.
I've got a shitty TV though and don't really need the upgrade from the One S.
One S is very outdated performance/specs wise. it just cant handle most modern games at a reasonable frame rate
What price should we expect for the boxing day? Maybe 380?
Bought one. Thanks OP
Would EB games price match this?
Got one, thanks 😁
The next generation - confusingly called "Xbox Series X" - has just been announced. To my eyes the box is ugly but I've never bought a console for the aesthetic.
spent $3500+ on my gaming PC early last year and now i dont even use it and think i want an xbox. decisions….
I bought one as a streaming device.
I'm in the same boat. My PC is connected to my 4k TV and I use a wireless keyboard/mouse setup and Xbox controller to game at 1440p/4K.
I also can watch all my movies/tv shows straight off the PC. I'm definitely liking this price but use your PC it's way more powerful and has more utility.
Get the Xbox if you really wanna play their Exclusives. But saying that personally I'll be getting another Switch for cheap shortly as my console.
May be not available anymore.
Yeah, I've accidentally cancelled my order which seemed to be the last one left and somebody else took it while I tried to repurchase :( I can't believe MS only has a few items listed on eBay :(
Gears 5 and Jedi bundles are live in Limited quantity.
hehe nice. I've bought one finally! the forza 4 bundle's come back too by the way.
Surprisingly fast postage - mine is awaiting collection at a DHL locker. :D
seriously ? wow. that's super fast… when did you place your order ?
Osnap crazy price!