Comes with a wire whisk, a flat beater, and a dough hook.
As far as I can see, this is the best price ever for this unit. Don't forget cashback to further sweeten the deal. Updated, cheers dealbot.
Comes with a wire whisk, a flat beater, and a dough hook.
As far as I can see, this is the best price ever for this unit. Don't forget cashback to further sweeten the deal. Updated, cheers dealbot.
Still the cheapest even without the cashback.
My receipt says nothing about a promo code…
Wow, a great deal! I spent 350 2 weeks ago for this :(
good mixer?
Ah well, I bought it for my in-laws coz they wanted it so I wouldn't know. But I bought another one for my parents this time too :) But this is definitely a crazy good price given that 350 was the best price I could find at that time.
It’s not as big as the others but yes, it’s a good mixer and will be good for the occasional baker. Whether gifting or keeping you’ll be happy.
Nice! It will be a very impressive (& generous) gift come Xmas day!
However, I'll keep this one for myself!
Depends on how often/what size batches you are going to be making.
I gave the 45 a miss and jumped to the 160 for a couple of hundred more than this just because the 45 would just be way too small for anything practical.
Great mixers though.
These are really good mixers. Plenty of commercial kitchens use these. They get worked really hard and keep going.
Thanks - a bit of a departure from our Empire Red collection - but for the savings well worth it - another Kitchen Aid present this year :)
I think this is even better than the KSM Mini option last time as the additional spiralizer attachment on that deal was basically superfluous.
almost too good to be true. amazing price!
Just learned this on my one, the slotted screw at the top of the stand where the head lifts up isn't meant to be tight.
it adjusts the level of the head so that the attachment doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl.
bit off topic, but im curious to where there are third party accessories that work with the mixer?
by third party, I more meant made by brands other than kitchenaid?
I don't think so. Up until recently Kitchenaid was more like Apple and didn't even have sales really, so there's definitely no third party attachments for them.
The metal pasta maker attachment is good. I picked up one second hand.
The plastic thing to make shapes however - NO.
There absolutely is, but most will need to be bought from the USA I'd think.
I got this, works a treat.
Noob question.. Is there much difference in the end product (e.g. Cake) if you were to use one of these kitchenaid mixers or just your normal standalone hand mixer (e.g. A cheap one from kmart)?
I'm about to move out of home and am trying to justify why I might need one of these since the price is so good.
I'm pretty sure the answer is no - might just take longer. Same with doing it by hand. Kneading pizza dough might take 5 or 6 mins in the mixer versus 15 minutes of kneading by hand.
If you are baking regularly at this price it's well worth it. We've had ours for over 10 years and still going strong.
Hey, got a follow-up noob question. So this mixer is good for mixing pizza-like-texture dough? Indian here and we usually make rotis at home and I have been thinking about getting a stand mixer from sometime now for my wife. Takes a bit of effort for making wheat flour dough. I guess it is slightly tougher than flour used for pizza dough. Thanks in advance
Make pizza dough all the time with this mixer- its so easy with the dough hook.
@shiningstars: So wheat flour is pretty similar I assume? May a less soft than pizza dough. Sorry I have never made pizza dough at home
@Dr-StrangeLove: You need bread flour as it has more gluten in it. i buy Lighthouse brand which has measured flour and yeast and all u add is 300mls of warm water and mix for 5 mins. Instructions are very clear on box and always successful.…
@shiningstars: Hey sorry I guess I wasn't clear. Not asking about how to make pizza dough :)
What I meant to ask was if pizza dough texture was similar to dough made using wheat flour? And if yes, this kitchen aid stand mixer would be used for making dough from wheat flour as well regularly.
Hey bud, just a note that I make Fijian style roti (little different but similar) with a normal hand mixer quite often. I imagine any stand mixer would take care of it much easier even, it's on my list sometime.
Kenwood mixers are good too, accessories are cheaper if that's a consideration.
@OpenHand: Cheers, this is what I was looking for. I have heard good reviews about Kitchen Aid mixers for it's sturdiness and longevity. Hoping to get a really good one and not compromise on money as we are planning to use it like 4-5 times a week. Are Kenwood of same quality as Kitchen Aid? Thanks again!
@Dr-StrangeLove: I think the higher-end Kenwood and KitchenAid are pretty comparable in most ways, from all the research I've done. It's hard to compare them directly as, spec-wise, they measure some things differently. E.g. Kenwood are specced with much higher wattage motors which in theory should handle heavy loads better, but I think they are quite similar and they just use a slightly different mechanism / measurements.
KitchenAids are apparently quieter which is one reason so many Youtube channels and cooking shows use them.
If I was going to buy one I'd probably go one of the Chef Elite XL Kenwood systems if they came up on special, because it seems to do some things slightly better, and some attachments I really want like the sausage maker are much cheaper than the KitchenAid alternatives (and apparently pretty much the same quality).
That said I would be happy with either.
I would just check to see if this model can handle bread decently as it is one of the smaller ones. I reckon for weeknight Roti making it'd be fine.
The modern mixers tend to use some plastic parts in the mechanism, which are worse in some ways because they wear quicker, but better in others because your whole mixer doesn't catastrophically destroy itself if there's an issue so it can be repaired / serviced. But it does mean the older ones have a better reputation for longevity in some ways.
@strawberrybug: I've got a Cuisinart one that comes with dough hooks, pretty handy.
When I started out making normal loaves I used it for that, although now I prefer to hand mix.
However when I do Roti I prefer to use the hand mixer as the style I make requires you to mix in almost boiling water with the flour, hard to do with hands!
Supposedly both this and the artisan not as good for bread due to how dryit is and may burn out the motors
Yes this mixer should be fine for roti dough. I use a bench mixer to do the initial kneading when I make bread. I find I get a better result if I do the final kneading by hand (before any proving), but the machine still saves a fair bit of kneading at the start.
I moved out not long ago and didn't want to clutter my kitchen with a heap of gadgets eg mixer/food processor, blender etc. I opted for a Braun multiquick… as it does most tasks. Found it to be fantastic so far- even made crushed ice in the part the other week and was very impressed. My MIL has a kitchen aid and doesn't use it much just looks pretty on her bench, probably more suited to people who are heavy bakers or making lots of dough for bread and pizza
Only if you're a full on baker. They are heavy too so end up as decoration on your bench.
Just outa home, get the Braun that wiilson13 recommends below. Way more useful.
Looks like it may not be suitable for bread (Pizza dough)…
What a weird review. Obviously my someone who doesnt bake very much. A medium sized vienna loaf uses about 300g flour and hence a much larger 600g loaf much bigger (if you have a large family). The good thing about making smaller sized loaves is that you get to enjoy fresh bread more often.
If your dough is that stiff that it cant be mixed by a standard mixer - it will likely not taste very good (ie too hard). I use a Kitchenaid hand mixer with dough hookers to bake bread and get good results. Temperature and double proofing are far more important than the mixing, that is not to say mixing isnt important.
Yes, I tend to agree. It seems to make very simplistic assumptions.
Wattage of the motor is only one determing factor of the torque offered for mixing in the bowl. The way the motor is geared is far more important.
Short answer: No.
Think of it as a labour saving device, not as an outcome changing device. If you bake a lot, e.g. you make a cake batter or bread dough a couple of times a week, then kneading by hand or holding bowls and hand mixers for several minutes each time can really get boring, so folks opt for a bench mixer which makes their life easier. Baking is usually for fun, after all. But if you're not a frequent baker you can easily live without one, I reckon.
Bought one and now looking for reasons to use it lol
Let me when you think of something, I'm in the same boat.
wedding gift
Pizza my man, pizza!
Kid's bake sales and impressing grandma at church.
I'm yet to cross the path of paternity, and grandparents are long departed. Any other ideas?
Find people who take 'in kind' payment. ;)
Is there anything particular about the code? Have tried a couple items and keep getting "this code cannot be applied to your order". All I've got in the cart is the KitchenAid.
I'm getting a different error "This item isn't available in the requested quantity. It may have been purchased already, or the listing has expired."
Click and collect seems to give that error, delivery works though
Try a different store, I got the same message on 3 stores, ended up with one 35KM away - still worth the drive I think.
I also got the same error.. Not working for me
Make sure there is no space after the code if you are cut and pasting it in.
Managed to get it working by checking out as a guest. Not sure why but it works.
$849 for those who prefer to buy direct from Kitchen Aid. As a sweetener, postage is free.…
Cheers OP, got one for a Christmas present!
Just collected mine. Staff at the store were surprised about the price also, as it was already on sale down from $549 to $299 apparently.
Cheapest i have seen this and just in time for Christmas. Thanks.
Thanks op great price. I ended up getting the ksm160 for 399 which is cheapest I've seen for that model. More powerful motor and two bowls for those considering…
Was 320 previously
Have you got a link for the KSM160 at $320? Can't find any record on a quick ozbargain search…
Edit: Best I found was $369 but that was for refurbished…
3 bowls. Free ice cream bowl via redemption if you didnt know.
How does this compare with the artisan?
I have the same question, would it be worth spending an extra $160 to get this one?…
I know it has an extra bowl, and is a better colour for the mother-in-law's kitchen, but I don't know much apart from that.
Edit: Also the main bowl (4.8L) that comes with the artisan has a handle, whereas the classic (4.3L) doesn't. The artisan is 300W and the classic is 275W. Hopefully that helps others too.
I ended up cancelling my KSM45 order in favour of the KSM160 after reading this:…
Basically the KSM45 isn't recommended for bread.
Thanks Xmas present for the Mrs sorted.
Ditto. Hopefully a different Mrs… else she'll have 2.
Have a thermomix, wondering if I need one of these or not, I’m guessing no
Depends what you're going to do. Anything that just needs to be 'mixed' can be done in a food processor (which is what the thermomix essentially is). Bread and pasta dough, cake mixes, whipping cream, this can all be done in a thermomix or similar.
I'm guessing that if you don't know why you need this then you probably don't need it.
Partner has always wanted one but seems pointless besides for making sponge cakes
I use it for cookies, though that's easier in a food processor I heard. I've got a hand mixer for sponges, unless you're starting a bakery you don't need one just for sponges. Though I do want one myself, but on the other hand this machine sure doesn't encourage salad making!
Out of stock:(
For those of you that did manage to get it, Amazon has the ice cream bowl attachment for $98 with free expedited international delivery for prime members. I think that's near the cheapest it's been.
Unfortunately the ice-cream bowl isn't compatible with this model though?
Unless its some kind of weird international model numbering where it's KSM45 here, but just K45 there?
The listing says "Fits all Household Stand Mixers 4.5 Quart and larger" and the ksm45 is 4.5 quarts. I saw the kitchenaid listing too and I think that's a typo because the k45 is just a glass bowl (not actually a stand mixer, just the bowl) so I think they confused the model number there.
If nothing else, the Amazon listing is clear on the 4.5 quarts thing so if it doesn't fit I'll return it since the listing would be wrong.
No more
Hope it comes back in stock. 😩
Thanks OP got the 3rd last one - makes up for that stupid edifier order through catch..
Cheers OP, bought and collected from Blacktown/Propsect. There were quite a few on the bench ready for pick up.
One of them must be mine :)
I bought a Kitchenaid mixer, a model with the wind up handle for the bowl ( the body does not tilt ) It took a while to get used to it and getting the beater and bowl in and out.
Got it on Catch for $500, and I love it. Its bigish, sturdy, heavy, made in USA. Heavy cast metal construction ( spare parts Are available if ever needed ) Its the type of device that stays/handed down in a family for years. Gave my cheap chinese one away. All those tv shows and youtube channels with cooking have Kitchenaids. There is a reason - quality and durability.
I received a used second hand with full of scratches from TheBadGuys delivered. I ended up got a refund after I took it back to the store. They blame it on Auspost who damaged it during transit and that was a bunch of BSssss. No more buying from TBG ever.
Ineligible for cashback if a promo code is used unfortunately.