Looks to be the best price for this handset currently.
There's also the 64GB version for $445.23
Pretty amazing price for a phone with the Snapdragon 855 SOC and 5G.
Looks to be the best price for this handset currently.
There's also the 64GB version for $445.23
Pretty amazing price for a phone with the Snapdragon 855 SOC and 5G.
I ordered one yesterday and they have already shipped it. Should be quick.
My friend's mi a3 arrived in 3 days after placing order.
Dual sim?
I would totally buy this if I didn't know 5G is a weapon designed for population control. Do your research on 5G first, people, before research on phones.
Higher price :) - it showed $489 for the 6/128Gb model for me
Also SD845, as opposed to SD855 on the 5G.
Yea, however, the non 5G is lighter and has wireless charging. It's also cheaper ($474) once you apply the discount.
Happy to read the peer reviewed scientific journals/papers that I missed where they talk about 5G's relation to population control
If you could link them for everyone to read that would be great
For those who can't be bothered doing the research, here's the rundown.
The US military made a weapon using energy waves at 95Ghz. The reason for this specific wavelength is it'll pass through the top layer of skin and be absorbed by fat/water just below it, heating it up. Because the weapon pumps out a whole lot of energy it burns like bajebus but probably won't kill you, thus is a weapon for population control. The reason they don't use microwaves is it'd cook you from the inside out and why they don't use thermal radiation is because that's generally known as a laser and will simply put a big hole in you (with enough power). Get into some of the scarier sounding energy waves like uv rays and x rays and gamma rays and you have a wavelength so small it can damage a cell and will either make all your cells asplode (lot of power), or just give you cancer (a lot less power. Might also get a tan).
Why this matters is 5G uses 6Ghz to 100Ghz. So it crosses over the scary military laser range of 95Ghz! SCARY! But this ignores the actual amount of power being put out. It's not just the wavelength that matters, it's how much energy is behind it. Thus why you can get radiation therapy without too many issues but can't eat the dirt at Chernobyl without dying.
That pesky little thing on a power pole that's a 5G tower isn't likely to be able to pump out enough energy to mildly warm your coffee, let alone put anyone in disabling pain. It's also why we know cell phones aren't killing us all, if there was enough energy to hurt us your head would literally feel like it's on fire. As it's non-ionising it's not getting into cells and having a jolly good time reorganising things either like the pesky sun does to us.
Cheers!Love these kind of explanations ( ***** for using asplode )
Good read, most worthy upvote this month
What if the 5G tower got lighting striked?
It will create Telstraman, the world's worst superhero. Halfway through helping he'll transfer you to another superhero who then won't show up.
Paints quite a picture :-D Any references mate?
Hard to find sources on the lunatic side, because they all vary, but here's an awesome one - https://smombiegate.org/military-active-denial-system-and-co… (it's awesome solely for the MSPaint picture of a truck).
As per your link even if 5G could be used as a weapon current Telstra 5G uses current wavelengths, future ones will be 26ghz. No one will be using 95Ghz anytime soon (the fact that it can barely pierce skin makes it useless through a wall).
Weapon system is this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System - requires somewhere between 30 kW and 100 kW of power. Interestingly, mmWave towers will need somewhere up to 20 kW in the future - https://www.lightreading.com/asia-pacific/operators-starting… - however the problem there is that a. they still need to work as actual cell towers and thus can't be focused on a specific target and b. range is still an issue. To use it for crowd control the police have to ask very nicely for everyone to move to the nearest tower, not stand behind a wall and let themselves be blasted to make them hurt for a bit until it turns off again.
Ionising radiation is something everyone should learn about. It'll make it clear why your microwave won't give you cancer but hurt like hell, and while the sun will give you cancer without you even noticing - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionizing_radiation
I don't have a reference for not being able to eat the dirt near Chernobyl. If anyone would like to test this, please let me know.
Tin foil hat will stop the waves
Population control has existed since the dawn of time. We're not slowing down. 5G mobile receptions won't slow us down.
Please tell us you are joking.
Wish to let everyone know their support is useless.
Had bad experiences with tobydeals. Advertised as in stock, not in stock.
I'd avoid as they are just a Chinese dropship resellerand the warranty/returns would be a nightmare
Does this support B28?
you'd assume tobydeals "in stock" banner would have australian stock but they're just a middle man for chinese stock. i feel like its a bit misleading because you expect the phone within the week rather than waiting nearly 2 for your device.