Appliance Central have dropped price of the Hisense 75R7 again!
Hisense 75R7 $1495 + Delivery (…)
Appliance Central have dropped price of the Hisense 75R7 again!
Hisense 75R7 $1495 + Delivery (…)
Someone in previous deal had a price match for a 65R8 from appliance central at the good guys.
I matched $1350 with JB then did a price claim the next day with credit card to get it down to $1196 and picked it up myself so no delivery
this or 65r8????
More like, this or 75R8?
I cant afford the 75r8
65r8 looks irresistible at this price point, last day today. Decisions decisions.
yeah i was waiting for today too just in case something else came along…. like this deal…
Stating the obvious - 65r8 at $1196 + shipping.…
@Scales82: Cool, it's for others then. :)
Just saw the other Hisense deals already posted here :
@diaz: I think ill wait till boxing day now for the 75R8, Havent seen a deal for it for Melbourne delivery :( :(
They have really poor customer service fyi.
i haven't had a problem, my 2016 75" 7 series developed a row of dead pixels (happened about 8 months ago but lazy me put the warranty claim in last week, about 2 weeks before the warranty ended), they got me to do a simple colour test, take photos and have informed me ill be receiving my new 2019 75r7 in 5-10 working days (actually found this thread whilst trying to get some reviews on the model)
Such a shame shipping is so expensive :/ has anyone had luck price matching these Ebay code offers at JB, GG or HN?