This was posted 5 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

NBA Annual League Pass 2019-2020 Season $29.99 USD (~$46.27 AUD) @ (VPN Req.)


Got an email from NBA League Pass for 40% Off Annual Packages, bringing cost down to $29.99 USD ($46.27 AUD).

*Don't forget Cashrewards - May include 7% Cashback via Cashrewards - Currently in click history not confirmed

Deal expires December 2nd 11.59PM US ET Time (December 3rd 3.59PM AEST).

Use code SCORE40 at checkout.

As per previous posts on NBA League Pass use VPN

For those having problems with PayPal refer to this comment by @laffable…

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2019

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Worth it if only just to watch yesterday’s Clippers v Spurs game.

    • +4

      FYI that game was on SBS Viceland (and prob SBS On Demand right now). But yeah was a good game.

      • +3

        Interesting. But I like watching the Spurs feed so I get biased commentary. ;)

        • They had the Spurs feed, Fox Sports South West.

    • +1

      No, it was free on SBS :)

  • Honduras server required?

    • +2

      Speedify VPN or any other VPN and choose South Africa

      Then change the currency to USD.

  • Amazing!! Thanks OP

  • Great deal thanks OP!

  • Vpn required for signup only?

    • +1

      Yes, you can turn it off after signup.

      • NVM found it

  • +1

    Bugger I just used score30 a couple of days ago.

    • +3

      It's OK, tomorrow it will be score50

    • Did you get a 7 Day trial? You could cancel it and then use the 40% off.

  • +1

    Amazing price!

    Pefect for those to get in mid season!

    • +2

      It's not even quarter of the season in yet lol

  • +4

    Are the streams still a lousy 720p?

    • +4

      Yep and poor quality, I get games cutting out all the time.

      Waiting for someone to tell me I need better internet.

    • Quality and consistency on the streams are much better now. I believe they are now 1080p, without looking it up. Agreed though, previously it was very hit and miss

  • Thanks!

  • +1

    I made it to the payment screen then it shows this message. Anyone have advice on how to proceed?

    *** PLEASE NOTE *** There was an error processing payment using the payment option you supplied. If paying by PayPal, please try again at a later time. If paying by credit card, please check that the billing address you entered matches the address on your credit card account or use a different credit card and try again. If you need further help with your purchase, please contact customer support

    • Did you write Australia as location when using your credit card?

      • What should they put?

      • Yes, I've selected USD. And selected Australia. I only have the option to pay by card, I'm not sure how others can see a PayPal option?
        I've also tried a different card and that doesn't work either.

        • Had the same issues multiple times in the past. Not sure how to continue :(

          • @bakedbeans: When I signed up last season with Argentina VPN it worked fine. Maybe my account is flagged since I cancelled it to sign up for this one.. I think the only option left is to create a new account. Would like to try and pay by PayPal but the option doesn't even come up.

            • @dysfunktional: Yeh I selected Australia as location and used credit card (only option available to me) and it worked.

              Maybe it's your account, try a new email address?

            • @dysfunktional: Hi mate - thanks for the help. I tried again tonight and got it to work! Stoked!

            • @dysfunktional: NM - just saw the comments below and seems you're all good :)

        • Did you try the method outlined in the linked comment on the OP’s intro above?

    • Same thing happened me. Not sure what to do.

    • +6

      Guys Girls go here…

      Read the comment by laffable, follow every instruction. I followed this morning worked perfectly!

      Got to use PayPal though, not sure if CC works directly.

      • +2

        YOU FRIKKEN LEGEND. the PayPal link worked! Cheers bud!

    • Had same issue then I tried the paypal trick posted in the OP's post and worked great

      • +1

        To be clear, you have to use PayPass (and thus follow the link above to put in the URL that gives you the PayPal option) - normal credit card doesn't seem to work at all.

    • +1

      For noting should anyone else get the message posted above by dysfunktional (and snipped below for convenience):

      *** PLEASE NOTE *** There was an error processing payment using the payment option you supplied. If paying by PayPal, please try again at a later time. If paying by credit card… continues

      If you received a paypal payment notification (success), and still get this message (like I did), then check your access in the NBA app as could still be okay.

      I had this message pop up after I clicked through - after payment. Despite that, I'm fully signed up and have my annual pass activated.

      Moral of the story - be sure to check your subscription status before going to pay a second time!

  • Awesome deal. Just signed up last week for $60 AUD. You gotta grab this deal if you're keen on your bball

  • Guessing it can be shared (unofficially) as long as not using at the same time?

    • Yep can only be logged on to one device at a time.

      • +1

        I believe you can use Apple and Android concurrently

        • Woa really?? Did they change it as I think this wasn’t the case when we subscribed 3 years ago.

  • Playoffs included?

    • +1

      Annual League Pass includes Playoffs and Finals

  • I'm trying on an RSA VPN but not seeing the deal for the remaining season - only the full USD 229 league pass…

    • I am having the same issue using express VPN, this method worked earlier in the season.

      • I had the same problem via PC with chrome, switched to my mobile and suddenly I was in South Africa. No idea why but it worked for me.

  • Can these league passes be shared at different households?

    • Yep, can be logged into as many devices as you want I think. However you can only have 1 active stream at 1 time. So if you’re going to share it you’ll have to decide who gets to watch and what times :)

  • +1

    DAMNNN , i just paid $16 AUD for league pass via vpn india, however you have to vpn to india if you want to watch games, arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

    • U can start then cut the vpn (to improve the lag) if that helps

  • Am I missing something. I set my VPN to India and the price is only 15 USD…

    • With Indian sign up you’ll need the VPN on when accessing and using league pass. Other countries you don’t need to use the VPN post sign up.

  • I bought the $74 earlier in the season.
    $46 is a great deal!
    Paid via PayPal.

  • Noob here. Do I still need vpn after sign up and accessing the pass?

    • Read comments above. Nope you do not need VPN to access after signup. Only use VPN during signup process.

  • After I paid via paypal it took me back to the 'step 3 of 3' screen - with a submit button at the bottom - I'm worried that if I hit it again I may get charged a second time. My NBA streaming seems to be up and running again (from lapsed membership), but I haven't received a welcome email. Only have my Paypal receipt email. Do you need to click through that screen again to finalise the subscription?

    EDIT: League Pass is now showing in my 'subscriptions' so it must have been finalised. Thanks OP. Have had league pass for the past three years, but this year held off a little longer and this is a terrific price.

  • Nice, worked a charm. Paid via PayPal.

  • working for me! hope we don't get busted.

  • Thanks for the paypal link above. Has massive issues getting my regular credit card to work, would only give me a 7 day trial and then US$49.95. After I cancelled it wouldn't accept any of my cards. Paypal version went through without a hitch though.

  • Did anyone else manage to get Cashrewards on this?

    • Didn't attempt it for this - wanted minimal footprint to link the transaction back to Australia. Was stoked with the deal without cashback - cheapest I've paid for a league pass in the past three years :) Thanks again for the heads-up OP!

  • Thanks OP. Just drink 10 coffees less and entertainment for the next 6 months sorted!

  • After trying a 2nd VPN and a new account I finally got it to work, with no discount. Hopefully it's only $75 which is still reasonable and not the rediculous $400 Aus price.

    Royal PITA.

  • Using Algeria Proxy it comes down to under $31 USD. For those like me who couldn't find a honduran VPN

    • You can also use South Africa if having issue with the other locations - also ended up around AUD$46 with the coupon applied.

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