Pretty sure this is a price mistake
Sells for 3 times the price everywhere else.
Pretty sure this is a price mistake
Sells for 3 times the price everywhere else.
@try2bhelpful: I already said we view homosexuality as a sin. Just like any other sexual relationship/activity outside marriage between a man and a woman.
I made myself clear.
However, I'm not for oppressing them, discriminating against them, or whatever.
Just like they can't force me to do something which contradicts my worldview.
For example: If someone wants to be a pro-sodomite activist. It's his right and he has the freedom to do so.
@gto21: Let's remember that sodomy, apart from being the greatest musical number in meet the feebles, until very recently described all forms of sex outside of penetrative non/consensual penile vagina intercourse. And had very little to do with the sind of Sodom, which, (as per the bible) referred to some of the greatest sins in judean times - hostility against strangers.
@gto21: Scroll down. Only became used in the 1700s, and as a legal term at that.
But hey, a link for a link :)…
@TheRealCher: What's your point?
@gto21: That there are sins far greater than two men or two women loving each other, and that the way we understand sins, and their connection with the law, as well as the language and the times of those writings and laws, must be considered.
@TheRealCher: There is greater sin than homosexuality. I never said it's the greatest sin. Again what's your point?
@gto21: I've stated my point. It's OK. I'm not trying to dissuade you of your belief. I wish you peace.
(as per the bible) referred to some of the greatest sins in judean times - hostility against strangers.
Where does is say that?
Homosexuality isn't the greatest sin. Other sins like adultery and fornication which the church preaches against are also wrong, yet people get so angry when they talk about homosexuality.
@ozhunter: I agree
In Ezekiel 16:48–50, God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."
@TheRealCher: The Hebrew word translated "detestable" refers to something that is morally disgusting and is the exact same word used in Leviticus 18:22 that refers to homosexuality as an "abomination." Similarly, Jude 7 declares, "…Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion." So, again, while homosexuality was not the only sin in which the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah indulged, it does appear to be the primary reason for the destruction of the cities.
So give us your views on whether the Bible being against homosexuality are a misinterpretation of the original texts? This is also a contentious issue.
I'll give you my take, the classical Christian position is that there is nothing inherently wrong with being attracted to the same sex and it's not considered a sin. When the Bible condemns Homosexuals, it is referring to the act (in some translations, men who have sex with other men is used as opposed to homosexuals) similarly it's not a sin to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex, but it equally condemns fornicators (sex outside the context of marriage).
I'll give you my take, the classical Christian position is that there is nothing inherently wrong with being attracted to the same sex and it's not considered a sin.
If a person is gay, and attracted to other people of the same sex, then, of course, they will have gay sex. And gay sex is punishable by death according to the Bible.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.
@vikvance: All sins lead to death. Not just homosexuality.
If a person is gay, and attracted to other people of the same sex, then, of course, they will have gay sex.
No, sexual attraction is something we have no say over, having sex is a decision.
Leviticus 20:13
Have a read of this, it will help you too understand what Christians generally believe in regards to the old and new testament, and therefore why this point isn't really relevant.
@vikvance: Yes but so is eating shellfish while wearing polycotton and if you have glasses you can't enter the house of the lord. Orthodox Judaism is very different to many firm of contemporary Christianity who do not see booty rooting as an issue. Jesus came with a new law.
Now Paul… That's another issue. But again, a lot of the time it's about the temple whites, which was seen as a corruption of sacred space and the body, rather than anal per se.
@ozhunter: Yes. I'm not arguing against loving God or loving thy neighbour (which indeed can also be seen as the stranger cf the good Samaritan).
I'm saying that many link the new Testament with the old, which may not be a great thing to do, and that there are many arguments about what the sin of Sodom was, and indeed what is being referred to in the new t.
Jc's radical command was to love all - and as an agnostic atheist/atheistic agnostic, I still believe that command is our great call and our great challenge in life.
@gto21: But even taking it at face value it's her is lusting after lovers hung like donkeys, not actually donkeys.
Like vikvance conflating someone lusting after something as a "vivd description of sex".
It really seems like we are living in the post-truth era.
@tryagain: I am sure that you are aware of the references to beastiality, but if not here is the link:
Sex is commonplace in life and the arts.
However, beastiality is rare and extremely uncommon.
Not something I would like the children of Australia or elsewhere exposed to before they are ready and more experienced in life.
This is not an affront to your personal religious beliefs, just look it up in your religious text and you can confirm its actual reference.
@hugh: Yes, the bible references Beastiality as being a very bad thing, surely that's pretty uncontroversial and is not explicit or unnecessarily descriptive in its denouncements of it.
And no, just like sex, I don't think young children need to be exposed to the concept, but I don't think it is a bad thing that when they are old enough to learn about sex that they learn it's not something you do with animals.
Any implication though that the bible contains Beastiality is unfounded.
Don't forget God's mass global genocide in the flood story. He didn't like the way humans behaved so he decided to kill everyone. Every land animal, every child, every baby, and only warned one family about it who had to collect animals and build a rescue vessel.
And then Earth's population was rebuilt from eight people. I can almost hear the banjos playing in Alabama.
It never ceases to amaze me that the Noah's flood story is happily taught to children as a good thing, without mentioning the obvious horrific events surrounding the story.
Same guy who said that also did this -
You'd be hard pressed to find any millennial that would pick this up without being brain washed first.
Holy S%#t that's expensive
Well, that goat didn't escape. I'll keep looking for the scapegoat.
Still cheaper than 30 pieces of silver in today's market value.
its a strange read and a wild ride, that is for sure.
I thought it was a satanic bible at first with that black goatskin. Actually, I still do!
Get those heretical texts outta here.
Any deals on NJB bible?
I'm sure Jesus would approve of $350 bible vs charitable donation.
You can often pick these up used in great condition for free. Check your local church, it's that funny looking building with the lower case t on top.
Gone back up
Not a pricing mistake, it’s a miracle!!
That's a holy price. Amen.
The thing I love about Australia is that people can believe whatever they want to as it's a free country. People sitting on their high horse making jokes about people's beliefs makes us atheists look bad. It's almost summer now and it seems ozbargain turns into a trolling/joke website when deals like this pops up.
I actually think the best thing about Australia is you can rib your mates about our differences and nobody really gives a $h1t
To your last point, I find the jokes one of the most enjoyable things about OzBargain. I spent 10 minutes reading this thread and had several moments where a laugh escaped my lips. Each to their own I suppose…
Edit: With a name that starts with Flatulent, It kind of sets yourself up for making joke posts doesn't it? …
I agree, it's fun to rib on mates but on a public forum it's kinda odd IMO - I'm glad that you've found comedy through it though :)
Yeah, 100% admittedly I'm a toilet humour kind of guy myself but I don't really go there (must miss all the good dunny bargains)
All Ozbargainers are mates haha
Their faith will protect them
People sitting on their high horse making jokes about people's beliefs makes us atheists look bad.
How ironic that this is the funniest comment of them all.
God must have taken a break from ruining farmers lives and burning people alive to force this pricing error.
♫ It's alright. She moves works in mysterious ways. ♫
We gay were having brunch… We'll now return to your regular Armageddon… Next in the gay agenda: banning socks with sandals!
I think you'll find that the farmers and their ancestors who cut down all the trees and made deserts of our country are to blame.
This is one of the real and sad reasons for the bush fires. And the effects of climate change aren't going to help much especially with a goverment that doesn't recognise it.
Thats because its the new greenies propaganda.
Making Sense of the Old Testament God (Paul Copan). Is God a Moral Monster?
Is the Abrahamic God a Moral Monster?
- is more accurate.
I wrote the old testament. Obviously I'm referring to the "Abrahamic God".
The comments on here show the poor mentality of most people on this site.
Thrifty.. not poor..
It never fails to surprise me how it's open season on the Christians yet we can't make a single comment about Muslims here. Makes it hard to take people seriously.
Even those who criticize Christianity. Admits on another post that they don't criticize Islam the same way because they are scared. It's not entirely the fault of the moderators. We also have cowards who won't dare to do the same to another faith.
Yeah I have said before that I can understand why the moderators of a bargain website don't want to deal with this sort of thing. But if they are going to ban posts and topics that criticise one religion then they need to apply the exact same rules for all others as well. If not then it becomes a matter of discrimination no?
I don't believe they should ban posts or comments since we have freedom of religion and freedom of speech. However, if they ban criticism of Islam they should ban criticism of other worldviews as well.
@gto21: Personally I will criticise any belief system that feels they have the right to discriminate against others based purely on “their say so”. The problem is religions have a higher quotient of this because they’d had centuries of people just accepting their views as important and there is so little of it based on demonstrable facts. The fact that practitioners pick and choose what is important in their books, and what isn’t, is based on their particular prejudices and has changed over the centuries. The fundamentalist sects, of any belief system, are a dead set worry. If someone put up a bargain on a Koran half of us here would be making references like “An explosive read”, “72 virgins with every book”, “the burka; or what to do with old bed sheets”. Christianity has had the majority influence in Australia, including blocking things like same sex marriage for a long time, so people are wary of its influence. They are currently trying to get the right to discriminate against doctors and nurses in public hospitals; that is plain wrong. When religions stop discriminating against others then we can have a chat about discrimination.
@try2bhelpful: I don't have a problem with criticism. It's good to ask questions. However, we have a few trolls. The Quran does not say 72, the number is in the hadith. You probably need to study more before criticizing the Quran or another worldview. I'm also against discriminating against others. However, if anyone asks if any sexual activity outside the marriage between a man and a woman is a sin. Christians should be allowed to say Yes. Or you're discriminating against Christians and other worldviews. I don't understand why they get offended many of them don't believe in God or any religious text. Everyone have the right to be a pro-sodomite if they want and the right to express yourself.
@gto21: Thanks for the clarification; if the deal is on the Hadith then I know just what comment to make. The point I was making is that we are not just picking on Christianity, we would do the same to any product we find wanting. These books are full of discriminatory comments and the religious leaders expect them to be the tomes that people base their lives on. Christians are allowed to say that sex outside of marriage is a sin: but they are not allowed to stop people from doing so or from getting married because they have same sex partners. (However, I’m sure the Christian lobby will support his “religious freedom” if one of the major rugby stars starts quoting satanistic literature). Adulterers are still stoned in certain parts of the world, because of religious interpretation. Gay people are discriminated against, even killed, because of religious interpretation. Women are discriminated against, because of religious interpretation. personally I don’t give a “tinkers” what people’s personal beliefs are, even if I do find myself baffled at times, what I do care about is when these beliefs negatively affect others. Frankly, the sodomites can go at it like rabbits, why should I care what consenting adults do, but I do worry when religions use their power to shield paedophiles. I’m not offended by your belief in God, I just wish you would talk directly to the deity rather than letting the muddled middle men get in the way. Look deep inside and think about what is right and wrong. I’m pretty sure God has more pressing issues than what consenting adults do in bed. my objection is when religion becomes a weapon to beat people up with, and that is, certainly, happening.
@try2bhelpful: Lol yeah right. At least we have this thread for reference when there's a deal on the Koran or something similar. It'd be surprising if you said those things in that thread and not have it removed.
Discrimination isn't necessarily a bad thing. Schools for example, discriminate on age and some on gender. Gyms, sports, and even ride-sharing services.
@ozhunter: If I see one I promise I will put them up and, I’m willing to bet, they won’t be taken down. Discrimination is only a “good thing” if it is trying to deal with an existing bad thing. Like the Gyms and ride shares that discriminate. However, I am completely baffled by why discrimination against gay people would be considered a positive thing. If it is about procreation, well the churches do seem to have eased off on the ban on barren people marrying, so they can change. People’s personal beliefs are not my issue, but when they negatively affect others then they can’t be given a free pass. Religion has its benefits, but it causes a lot of damage. The Religious Tomes are written by men, they are not infallible, they should not be accepted as “ultimate truth”. Too often they are used as a weapon.
@try2bhelpful: The last I checked LGBT people can go to church, and they can get married any day of the week by a secular celebrant. Putting a gun to the head of a priest to perform SSM is not just discrimination against religious beliefs, but tyrannical.
@try2bhelpful: Depends what you mean "discrimination against gay people".
With the cake baker incident, he wasn't discriminating against gay people, it was against homosexuality. Two different things.
@ozhunter: Correct. There is a rather insidious school of thought becoming more common, which is discrimination is now merely the act of failure to approve of a particular lifestyle. Christianity disapproves of a myriad of lifestyles and choices.
@ozhunter: There was a case were the homosexuals went to a baker that they knew will refuse. Since he went to court before for the same reason. So that they can sue him again. In that case, it was just wicked. They could just go to another baker. In some cases, the homosexuals are obsessed with Christians. They approach Christians street preacher to argue. Just keep walking no one force you to listen to the preacher.
The Trans are destroying women sport. Breaking all records. And kick women butt in every sport. You have trans in martial arts. Who literally kick the butt of the women. A woman can work hard all her life. And have no chance against a "dude" who claim to be a woman.
A guy did an experiment identify himself as a woman and broke a couple of records for weight lifting in the women division. He is not even a pro, he admits he is not that fit.
In some cases, you have the LGBT who oppress others and then claim to be the victim.
@gto21: You might say we are living in a clown world. However, some on here will say that is nazi secret code (not joking), which ironically is further proof we are.
Honestly feel awful that you feel this way.
I for one would wish all the best to all religious believers and wish that you all get to your heaven, nirvana or paradise that you aspire to and that it will be exactly what you had expected.
It's generally accepted that it's open season on Christians and their beliefs, but if you make one snide comment about Islam be prepared for the PC police to haul you away.
If we're being honest it's because the Christians won't fight back. They're generally ok with being criticised these days. Very few other groups will turn the cheek.
Accepting criticism can mean you don't mind getting questions on your faith. As long as its not like hate speech. I don't believe Christians should fight people asking questions or criticizing them. It's their right. It actually gives us an opportunity to clarify some misunderstandings. However, I won't waste my time with someone arguing just for the sake of arguing. However, if it's a physical attack. I do believe Christians can defend themselves if they are under attack. By using a reasonable force.
We might have another crusade on our hands if they do.
@Jugganautx: Why a crusade? Muslims are going to take Christians lands and Christians will have to defend it again?
*open season on fiddlers
Do they stock the old testament? I feel like reading about the man who was stoned to death for collecting firewood on the Sabbath.
Sounds like a hit!
52 + Votes, but only 2 of the 52 voters have commented. Very unusual.
Maybe we're all bots :D
I think the +'s are more of a pro-LBJ vote, and less about the deal itself.
Remember the Sabbath
The Moral Argument
Even at that price it's still very expensive for a fairy tale compilation book which has caused untold amounts of evil and human suffering. Every bible should be bound in human flesh.
No different than the Muslims are doing now.
As should every Quran and every Torah in my view.
Perhaps we all need to chip in and provide holy books to the environmental doomsday extremists so they can worship and have faith in a true God not the nonsense driven by hypocrisy and fear.
Suffering and Evil: The Logical Problem
Suffering and Evil: The Probability Version
Did God create Man, or did Man really create God?
The latter
Didn't God create Man and Man identified Him?
Does the Bible Support Slavery?
It was the Christians that ended slavery in the West mate. Slavery is still alive and well around the world but nobody seems to talk about it when it's not in western countries.
Except they didn't end it. Check yr amendments in the us constitution.
@TheRealCher: So you're arguing that black and white (majority black) people were made to work during prison sentences and somehow the Christians were to blame for this? You haven't even acknowledged the link I sent to you. Your argument is terrible to be honest.
@OBEY YOUR MASTERS: No. I'm saying that Christians haven't ended slavery in the west, and that slavery via the school to prison pipeline in the USA is a despicable system. Putting words in other people's mouths is something I try to avoid, and blaming a large group of people carte blanche is also something I don't do. If you don't like my point about the continuation of slavery, that's OK. But slavery hasn't ended.
@TheRealCher: Ok so I think I'm beginning to understand this…
So you're saying that the Christians got 99% of the way there but they didn't get the full way there.
If they manage to eliminate the final 1% (roughly speaking) of work that prisoners are doing whilst serving out their sentences then slavery will finally be abolished?
If you watch the video, it's actually showing how the people misinterpret the bible. To be fair most of them are not familiar with biblical language.
Who Created God? (William Lane Craig, PhD)
Which god are you talking about? In the history of humankind, there are about 63,000 gods…
@gto21: So give us your views on whether the Bible being against homosexuality are a misinterpretation of the original texts? This is also a contentious issue.