Last night I deposited my week's earnings into my local NAB deposit ATM. I had counted it as 26 $100 notes and had them neatly lined up all squared and facing the same way in my wallet. I pulled out the wad and inserted it into the receiver. The machine took a while to count it before displaying a total of $2,500. At that point I questioned myself but thankfully I tapped the button for returning the notes. My 26 $100 notes were returned and I instead reinserted them in bundles of 10, 10 and 6.
If I hadn't been diligent, it seems I would have lost $100. What if I have been short changed before but haven't noticed!? I'm sure others have lost due to these ATMs.
What recourse would I have if I didn't receive all my money back? Would I need proof of what I inserted? Videotaping each deposit would be quite a hassle! I'm really quite unhappy with the service.
So beware of depositing cash at deposit ATMs. I thought an Australian big four bank would maintain their equipment to a high standard. I was wrong. Don't trust the technology!
Has anyone had similar experiences? My search found this:
Good advice. Thanks for the warning.