Slightly cheaper than previous deal
Not sure whether it is national wide.
Slightly cheaper than previous deal
Not sure whether it is national wide.
Bought 1 today @ Coles today
Used 5% off eGC
Counted towards 4 weeks $50/week for 10k points
These are useless for hang overs, the generic coles ibuprofen works the best.
painkillers for the headache and some hydralyte to get your electrolytes and salts back up with how much alcohol dehydrates ya
Aspartame is great for hangovers
Apologies, I should have included a sarcasm tag on that comment. Aspartame is evil. it was actually banned in the early 80's then later approved after the then CEO of Searle, Donald Rumsfeld rigged the scientific commission. Rumsfeld later took a $12 million bonus when Searle was absorbed by Monsanto in 1985.
oh lol, thanks for the history lesson. That Rumsfield fella looks like pure evil
Short dated at Costco.
$11.40 @ Coles…