So, this is an unusual offer as far as OzBargain goes, so it may be deleted if it doesn't meet OzBargain requirements.
I have recently subscribed to a second VPN provider (Pure VPN) because of their $0.99/month offer, but I have no need for two VPN providers, so I decided to cancel my Vypr VPN subscription (I have been with them for ages at the full price of $9.95/month, and wanted to see if they would send me a cheaper offer when I cancelled their subscription anyway).
I found out sooner than I expected - as soon as I clicked the button to confirm the cancellation, I was redirected to a page offering me 50% off, if I re-subscribed with them "right now".
So I did, without closing the page with the 50% offer (just in case) but I forgot to copy the internet address of the page I was on, to share with OzBargainers.
I linked to the Vypr Account page where you can cancel your account, and see if you get the same offer.
Ps. Before you can cancel Vypr subscription you have to select a reason why you're leaving - I clicked on "Price".
Then, in the text field where you can add more information, I wrote that I don't need two VPNs, and that I have recently subscribed to Pure VPN for 0.99/month, and because the performance difference isn't big (but it is - Vypr is about twice as fast to Europe, has only 2ms jitter, and shorter ping times, etc) but the price difference is huge, I chose to go with the cheaper option.
Maybe that was the reason it triggered the discount offer.