Bulls Eye Original Bbq Sauce 300ml
Bulls Eye Sweet Whiskey Glaze 300ml
Haha thanks, looks to be pure sugar almost. I will steer clear.
Crazy it's about half sugar…
…What were you expecting?
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I wasn't expecting it to be not full of sugar, only hoping. It is a rarity to find a BBQ/Tomato sauce with little sugar.
@MasterScythe: The unfortunate thing is not that tomatoes have 5% sugar, but all the sugar added to it.
Still better than all the syrup in the American version.
hmmmm whiskey glaze or smokey bacon for ribs…
Whiskey Glaze. Easily.
So this is the opposite of Birds Eye right?
Hmm woolies site doesn't have a picture of the reverse side to check contents. How is the sugar on these?