Probably similar to what you can get at Dealextreme
$0.99 delivered isn't bad.
Probably similar to what you can get at Dealextreme
$0.99 delivered isn't bad.
No - credit card only.
I've bought 5 because the cables tend to break or get lost over time and there are 6 ipods in the house…
I wonder if this cable will cause the iDevice to say "This accessory is not optimise for this device and may cause interference.. etc etc"
I've got a belkin charger with the iphone/ipod cable and it takes 3-4 times longer to charge my iphone 4 and ipad and does decrease the signal strength.. especially when receiving data over 3G.
Either way, very good deal!!
99c delivered is a fairly standard price on eBay so I do not think this is much of a deal.
I bought 5 for $2.99 delivered from eBay the other day. Everyone at work keeps borrowing mine so I am just going to give them one and keep some spares.
Do you have a link to that, even just the expired auction?
I'm having trouble finding a pack of 5 for less than $5.95 on eBay.
Nice. Thanks.
Good deal. I've now got 10 cables on the way - 5 from EBAY and 5 from Offerme - I'll compare the two - probably out of the same factory.
I just bought 10 from Ebay, thanks heaps!
Even if you bulk order 6 from DealExtreme it's still about $1.17 each, or just a single one is ~$1.41, so the price is good as far as those sites go. TinyDeal and Focalprice were both more expensive than DX.
I bought one on ebay for the same price, it's been thrown out already since it wasn't syncing properly.
your buying a 99c non genuine for a 500-1000 dollar device i think it can talk for it self :D
Do you also buy monster cables for your TV?
The 1s and 0s coming out of an expensive cable are clearly better quality. Would you feed your expensive device poor quality bits?
I think this iphone cable debate is slightly different to the cheap vs expensive HDMI debate in that the cheap iphone cables actually don't work half the time (in my experience).
apple ones arnt really that great either, non branded ones actually last longer and costs 10 times less
Copper is copper
I saw $1.99 last time on ebay. good price
bUGGER missed spotting you also get $1 back via Moneybackco before I bought these!!
Usually these cables give an error or keep connecting/disconnecting while connected via laptop. :(
Good deal, but if you are sick and stuck at home with nothing better to do - bid on some on eBay. I got a few for under 40 cents.
Good deal G.W.H, yes they are cheaper from eBay but considering it's from australia it's a good deal. Let me know on what you find on the comparison
Some websites such as eBay provide the same price. Is it really a coupon? Doubt it.
Sold out.
Sold Out - Get one here for $1.95 with free delivery…
Better offer here with better seller rating:…
(originally posted earlier by marcusv.)
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