Dodo's website is advertising $39.90 Unlimited ADSL2+ in Selected Areas only on 24mth contract.
No Bundling Required
Beats TPG's offer of $59.99 by quite a bit!
Dodo's website is advertising $39.90 Unlimited ADSL2+ in Selected Areas only on 24mth contract.
No Bundling Required
Beats TPG's offer of $59.99 by quite a bit!
The quality is quite good, im currently getting this speed which is pretty good.
been with them for 7 years, good value.
Yay TPG will release a new plan soon then and i will just change to that! There is a reason why they are called Dodo
dreaming, i m still stuck with my 60gb plan more than 6 months now. nothing has been change. tpg wants people join their $60 bundle
I'm waiting for their $39 UNLIMITED electricity plan. Betting there will be restrictions on how much power I get to use during peak times tho :S
And when someone else in your suburb turns on a light, everyone elses dims just a little.
you should get some big batteries ready for charging in the offpeak hours.
DODO fail! will wait for TPG….
What .. is there people actually still using Dodo ??
A lot. It astounds me how many cheapskates there are out there that'll put themselves through 2 years of hell just to save $10-20/month.
And it is hell, I can say from experience.
TPG has been awesome I wouldn't switch to any other ISP let alone for 20 dollars less.
some1 tell me when i can neg this deal. cuz i dont want to be the first one. no offence to the OP but its DODO. surprised they havent gotten extinct
do you have statistic about how many dodo customer that got issue with them? in every business you always got unsatisfied customer.
tpg they got it
telstra they got it
you name it, which company that have 100% satisfied customer?
it is easy people to remember bad thing, how many dodo customer that happy will report in here or on the other forum? do you care or do you read when they post positive thing about dodo? no.
because it is your nature that you prefer reading bad thing about this company rather than the positive side. no offence, but you might need to change your point of view.
If you use Vodafone for your mobile you should be happy with Dodo for your internet….
Wondering what TPG will do?
Can't wait to see new adsl and mobile plans from TPG.
I just hope they will match it $39.9 unlimited and I am paying $59.9
same here. i have a phoneline that has never been used from day 1, just for the unlimited adsl2+ bundle.
Friends don't let friends join Dodo. Would not go back to them at any price.
"go back"???? I should neg you because you even went there.
fat chicks, mopeds & Dodo
maaate…fat chicks can be fun
DODO FAIL! also gone are the days of 24months contracts…no one sane enough will sign up for a 24month contract!
Dodo is a nono.
Thanks for posting i'm already with DoDo so will be saving $10 from next bill as their bundled plan has dropped by $10 for "ADSL2+ Unlimited" to "ADSL2+ Unlimited METRO (new plan)" …which from memory matches the TPG bundled plan
…i stayed with dodo to avoid setup fee / transfer time wait / further lock-in …they are all the same to me once you're connected
care to share your experience with Dodo ???
I think is internet has probably dropped out jv.
sure, the setup a couple years ago optus missed two appointments to connect my phone and then wired things incorrectly (as i think it is optus lines at my place). ended up they had to give me a payment for each day they had not connected my phone …i can't remember how much i got in the end …possibly $600 cheque
after connected the phone/internet run fine no problems …sometimes they call me too much to crosssell voIP but otherwise no issues and happy with the late setup due to compensation ;)
google dodo complaints
I HAD been with Dodo for 24 months (no contract, just pay-as-I-go).
Dodo's ADSL service, ping and speed were solid.
If you want technical help or you wan to leave Dodo and go across to someone else seamlessly.
God Help You.
In a way Dodo helped me by having useless technical assistance. They 'enabled' me to stand on my two feet and diagnose, research and LEARN about the issues myself (Google / forums / friends).
Dodo? /ignore…
Dodo…dodo! INTERNET WITH FLIES (Because it's a lump of S**T)
TPG's 60$ plan including line rental,
and DODO's plan come with no line rental, so basically have to add 20$ line rental (dont know whether it is available now, telstra has this price before), equals to 60$ a month.
I have used both provider before for my adsl service, technically didn't have any problems with them. but DODO is really dodge to marketing you for calls from India every week.
Why are people upvoting this? Dodo is a dud.
Absolutely awful, steer clear. Their advertising alone guarantee that they will never see a cent of my money.
Would be interesting to know how many neggers have actually ever been Dodo customers!?
I was a Dodo customer in the early 2000's when there weren't a great number of competitively priced ISP's out there. Likened to tsunamisurfer, Dodo "enabled" me to become a technical expert because of their lack of being one. I found that when it worked it worked great but when it didn't it took some sorting out where the average user would become unstuck and completely frustrated as can be read on many review sites.
All in all, I am all for Dodo coming out with such deals because it keeps the market competitive and will in turn cause my ISP, TPG, to better their current unlimited deal.
Dodo, Dodo, internet that flies flat on their face maybe! However, I will positive vote the deal all the way because in the end, we the consumers of other ISP's will benefit from Dodo's price cutting!
I am a dodo customer right now, have been for almost a year, only recently has it been bad (during peak hours, bad pings)
I wonder if I will get charged the new price, hmm… have been thinking of churning away due to the bad pings during peak hours, but if I get charged the new price I will probably put up with it ;)
Only 5cents more than there 3tb plan. This only 19c when bundled than than TPG unlimited. But alot chepaer when unbundled without phone than alot of other providers. Especially other naked ADSL providers.
Is dodos service really as bad as most people say it is?
Steer clear! Dodo sucks. I was a customer, if anything goes wrong you report it to their help desk who will ring you back some time within 48 hours when you are supposed to be sitting at your PC at that exact moment for them to tell you to reset your power point. Never again.
Yeah, I'd be wary…I don't know a single happy or long-term Dodo customer! :o
cmoravin 2 hours 59 min ago
After reading all the -ve comments i feel like the odd coz i'm in my third year with DODO. When i was in Country WA the download speed was 1.3MB/s [yes MB] and currently in Perth i'm getting around 400 KB/s. I never checked with other providers but i thought this is a reasonable speed, any feedback on this.
I wasn't aware that I actually knew anybody named cmoravin? :p
You do realise that there is a significant difference between knowing someone and an anonymous username on a forum, don't you?
i know, but at least someone has declare that they are happy with dodo in the last 3 years. accept the fact, the fact someone somewhere still happy with dodo. as i said above not many satisfied dodo customer posting in the forum, only people that not happy that posting on the forum, if you can have valid statistic how many percentage of their customer that not happy, than you entitle your opinion that this isp is very bad. example if you have the statistic said 50% of their customer got very bad experience.
accept the fact, then you can be more fair person to speak your opinion.
As stated, I never attacked anyone. Please feel free to point out where in either comment that I was "attacking"???
Also, please identify yourself if you're going to summarily remove my comments & questions so I know who I'm addressing…it's the decent thing to do.
From personal experience, give the dodo the bird…
Not worthy of your dollars!
After reading all the -ve comments i feel like the odd coz i'm in my third year with DODO. When i was in Country WA the download speed was 1.3MB/s [yes MB] and currently in Perth i'm getting around 400 KB/s. I never checked with other providers but i thought this is a reasonable speed, any feedback on this.
I am with TPG ADSL2+ in Sydney and getting download speed 1.8 MB/s. 400KB/s that you get is way too slow.
everything is depend on your location, try live 7km from the exchange then you tell me if you still can get your 1.8MB/s.
Agreed, line quality & pair-gain issues also play a part too. Speed is highly variable! :)
I am a current Dodo customer, and have been for almost 9 months now. I have had NO issues with service/speed, and to be honest have found them to be better than Internode! In this 9 months there have been 2 faults with my connection that I was aware of, both being the same issue and had been rectified within a few hours.
How do we find out where the exchange location is?
lol we've actually been with Dodo for 8 or 9 years now. Not TOO many complaints about the actual service, but that's where it ends - it's all good while everything is working fine, but their customer service is absolutely abysmal.
Because everyone is going to need customer service at some point, we would never recommend them in a fit.
It's a bit late to be calling dupes mate…3 days after YOU pos'd the deal!
nothing is too late in this world :)
Maybe in price, but not in "quality"